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Is gum recession normal now?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:36 am
by genxsis
I've been out of braces and have been using essix retainers now for exactly 5 months. Since the braces were taken off, I've experienced some receding of the gums below a tooth on my lower right. It became very sensitive. My dentist told me it might have been from brushing too hard. So I lightened up on my brushing, and now I have a similar recession of the gum below a tooth on the lower left side.

I thought I've heard that this is normal for some reason after being in braces, but I might be mistaken. But is there a chance the gums won't recede anymore, or is it out of my control?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:44 am
by katmc_tx
I just posted the following on another entry to Meryaten.

My regular dentist wants me in a nightguard for clenching. My ortho said my essix (which I only wear at night) should be sufficient protection for my clenching. I never knew I had a clenching problem but now it is very noticeable as my gums are starting to recede. I guess I’m asking for your opinion on whether I should stick with my essixs or get a nightguard for my clenching problem?

I know I had some recession on my lower left side before braces but now afte braces(no retainer on bottom) I have it even worse on my lower right. It is soooooooo sensitive and thus my questions as to whether a nightguard would help out my problem.