Essix retainers!!

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Essix retainers!!

#1 Post by ariel86 »

Hey! i got debraced on april 18, and on the 22nd i got 2 essix retainers... well, at the beginning i thought i was going to get used to them....

but no!! i have a reallly hard time to tolerate them! they are uncomfortable, very bulky, i feel like im biting into plastic and that i can't fully close my mouth. I can't really fall asleep like that, it's driving me crazy!

it's already been 4 days! I had to wear them FT for the first 48h then only at night... I don't know what to do... should I ask for changing to hawleys or maybe bonded retainers?

is invisible the only advantage to the essix? because if i only have to wear it at night, i don't see the need for invisibility..

anyone experienced this problem? are the hawleys as incomfortable? whats the best type, comfort-wise? has anyone here asked for a change of retainer type?


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#2 Post by lionfish »

I can only speak for essix type and I'm OK with them. I suggest you discuss alternative options with your ortho.

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#3 Post by AngelOfLife »

I have Essix retainers, and they are quite uncomfortable but I can tell I am slowly getting used to them. (Debanded 22nd, Retainers on the 25th so its only been a few days)

Perhaps give it a little longer, and tell your ortho how you are feeling about it.

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#4 Post by Chris »

I have both and the essix are by far the most comfortable for me.
Top Braces June 2004
Bottom Braces November 2004
Debanded January 2007

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#5 Post by wirednkc »

i was debanded on the 24th and I have the essix. I love it! I have a hard time talking normally with them, but that is the only negative. My instructions were quite different than yours. I received mine 5 hours after I was debanded and was told to wear them full time for one week, then at night. He was very strict about that, and told me to only take them out to eat and brush, and then put them back in immediately. Maybe since you aren't wearing them so much, your teeth move a little and then get sore when you wear them because they are being pushed back into place. I was quite sore for the first 3 days and took Advil.

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#6 Post by ariel86 »

No, they don't hurt me at all, I do some daytime too because my nights are quite short, and they only feel tight for the first 5 minutes... It's really a matter of me not liking the sensation of wearing the essix. People here seem to like it, but I have a hard time wearing both together, so I alternate them, like wearing the lower part during the day, then both parts a few hours in the evening and sleep with just the upper. Any others here do anything similar?

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#7 Post by SnowSara »

It took me longer than 4 days to get used to mine, but I find them to be quite comfortable and easy to wear now.

All Metal Uppers and Lowers - brackets placed with OrthoCAD

Braces on 2/1/2007, Removed 2/13/2008, now in Essix retainers.

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#8 Post by Sandista »

I have essix retainers (braces removed on 4/16 & received retainers on 4/22) and I find them to be quite comfortable.

I have a lower bonded, but I wear a lower essix only at night. I wear the upper essix full time for the 1st 6 months.

I have no problems talking and even with the lower in during the evening hours, my speech is not significantly affected.

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Re: Essix retainers!!

#9 Post by vampirefangs22 »

I found them to be uncomfortable at first, but I've slowly been adjusting to having them. I got my braces off on May 4th and got the retainers the same day.

Lower braces - Halloween 2019
Upper braces - January 9th, 2020
Debonded since May 4th, 2023

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