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Nothing is more frustrating than this

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:24 am
by ishasha
They cancelled my debanding appointment! :(

Well, I actually triggered this... One week before it, I found one of my front teeth is kind of sticking out so I went in to have my ortho take a look. I was hoping she could fix it with the hawley retainer. But she put me on a supoer strong steel wire instead and cancelled my debanding appointment. :( Now I need to go back to have it checked in three weeks and don't know when I can really have these things off. :(

Adding to my grief, my ortho said (kinid of in a criticizing way): when the teeth are 90% aligned, you should take the braces off. Otherwise, things would just go downhill. Is it really?! If so, how come I see so many perfect smile here. :(