If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.
Well yesterday was the big day. I had the braces removed after a little over two years in them. My ortho has put me in the essix type retainers... so far I hate them, but we shall see how things go! Im ready to only wear them at night though that is for sure. Its been a long road and in all honesty Im a little freaked out by my new smile. Prob mostly cause I am just not used to seeing this when I look in the mirror... but on to the results!
here is where I started in July of 06:
and this is where I am now.... Aug 08:
my midline is off because of the number of teeth that I am missing, but I am happy with the results (I think!) Its still kinda sinking in... maybe if I hear what you guys have to say.... Ill feel more confident.....bring it on!
Spacers ~ June 21, 2006
All metal Braces ~ Jul 11, 2006
Est. Treatment time ~ 18 months
Hi, I posted a question regarding the Essix-type retainer separately but so far haven't received any answers. I'm glad I'm not the only one hating them (if I'm right that these are the clear-plastic type retainers that cover the teeth completely...my ortho didn't call them by any name but just told me they were temporary and I could use them later for teeth-whitening trays).
If these are the same as yours, could you tell my why you hate them and whether it has anything to do with making you feel that you are gagging, especially when trying to speak?
I just got my braces off yesterday and, other than sleeping in them, which is fine, I HATE them!
Hey acrowell
Yes the essix is the clear plastic like invisalign that cover all of your teeth..... I have only had these retainers a little over 24 hours so I may not be the best person to ask, but I just dont feel all that comfortable in them. I think they make my teeth look chunkier, and they hurt my gums. I cant stand the spit trail that you get when you take it out (not to mention the fact that it takes me FOREVER to even remove them!) Plus I am a little paranoid that its going to move my teeth. I have no clue where this comes from, I guess its just because they seem a lot less durable than the wire retainers. Anyway thats my two cents on the matter! I guess we shall see how they turn out. From what I have read here, people seem to either love them, or hate them.
Spacers ~ June 21, 2006
All metal Braces ~ Jul 11, 2006
Est. Treatment time ~ 18 months
Teeth look great. Noone will notice the midline except you. One of my orthodontists initial options was to remove one lower incisor to make room down there. He himself said that the only person that might ever notice would be my dentist.