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Retainer brite vs. Sonicbrite

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:00 pm
by NishaGh1
I just went to and there seem to be two options for retainer cleaning: Retainerbrite vs. Sonicbrite. I've searched and there was only one thread on this and not many answers. It seems as if Sonicbrite is tougher on stains, but has anyone used either?

Right now, I'm just using Walgreen's brand denture cleaner and I've only had my retainers (clear ones) for 6 days and it's already giving me a bad taste in my mouth/bad breath. I soak them in the cleaner every day for a few minutes, then brush them with the solution (which is recommended on the box) and I take good care of my teeth (floss, brush twice daily, then use a tongue cleaner and mouthwash). What gives???

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:51 am
by bbsadmin
Denture cleaner is for dentures, which might be why it's not working as well on your retainer as you'd like. That's why companies have created retainer cleaning products!

I sell both the Retainer Brite and SonicBrite products and I've use both on a regular basis on my own retainers. Neither leaves a bad taste in your mouth. If you use more SonicBrite powder than instructed, your retainer may taste bitter, but if you follow the instructions and use their measuring spoon that doesn't happen.

Be sure to rinse your retainer in fresh water before putting it back into your mouth after soaking it in any product.

SonicBrite is stronger than Retainer Brite. If you clean your retainer every day and there is no white buildup or staining, then Retainer Brite will be fine. If your retainer is already yucky or has white buildup, then SonicBrite will clean it "like new" in about 2 cleanings. Some people get both products so that they can deep clean their retainer on a regular basis with SonicBrite.

Please remember, if your retainer has metal solder, these products are NOT recommended, as they will affect the solder. If you're not sure whether your retainer has metal solder, ask your orthodontist. Metal solder looks like a small silver metalic blob that holds part of your retainer together. (BTW, Sometimes the "extra" piece that is soldered on is not really necessary -- ask your orthodontist about it.)

Sonic bath dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:15 am
by macgirl4ever
Does anyone know the inner dimensions of the bath that comes with Retainerbrite?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:12 am
by bbsadmin
A little less than 3 inches X 2.5 inches X 1.25 inches deep

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:23 am
by TumbleDryLow
I bought the Sonic Bright and I love it. I use it everyday and haven't had any issues with bad breath/taste.