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The Pros and COns of a bonded retainer?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:42 am
by lala007
My braces are coming off next month and the ortho assist said after getting them off that I will probably get a bonded retainer since I had a gap. I've been hearing horror stories about difficulty with flossing and food getting stuck = bad breath. This is freaking me out!

Please tell me the pros and cons of you having the bonded retainers? TIA

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:25 pm
by finnball
Hey! I haven't been debonded yet, and am still deciding on retainers as well so I'm interested to hear what people say about that.

However, I do think that any effects (bad breath, food getting stuck, etc) of a bonded retainer will not be nearly as bad as the food that gets stuck in braces! You do have to use the floss threader on those teeth, but other than that I don't think you'll have any problems in that area.

Retainer options

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:07 pm
by Mike88
I had a Hawley (removable) retainer on top and a (permanent) bonded retainer wire on the bottom.

Unlike the Hawley retainer, which took about a week to get used to, the permanent retainer was just a wire bonded to my bottom 6 front teeth. I had no trouble with speech or food getting caught between my teeth or permanent retainer.

Flossing was a little tricky because I had to thread the dental floss between the wire and my gums, but not a huge effort. The use of a "DenTek" toothbrush was also a great way to remove any food debris that might have got lodged between my teeth.

Good luck!


Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:35 am
by lala007
So I got the bonded retainer (top teeth), the bonding glue/cement was put all over verses a dot at each end. I thought okay cool this way no food will get stuck in between but I notced yesterday that some of the bonding glue is rubbing off exposing some of the wire in the middle.

The ends are secure but this is concerning me is this normal or is it to be expected that some of the "extra" bonding glue will rub off?

Bonded Retainer

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:19 pm
by nessal
I have a bonded retainer on my bottom teeth, you have to be vigiliant about flossing between the teeth, but I've had no problems with food, or bad breath, I'm extremely careful with brushing and flossing and see my dentist every 6 months. I have however, had my bottom retainer break 3 times in two years. So far my ortho has fixed it, but I wonder what will happen if he moves away or it keeps happening....


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:45 am
by LongInTheT
My braces are coming off this week, and as I am getting a bonded retainer I was very interested in all the comments here. I didn't know anything about retainers cept my ortho says that it will be easier cleaning the retainer than braces.
I was so excited when the ortho said the braces are coming off I didn't ask her about the other retainers. She called these the 'plastic' ones, and I'm getting them next week. Do you think I'll be wearing these with the fixed retainer at first, or are they just in case of breakages? Any ideas would be great.
Oh, and the excitement has now turned to real nervousness eg how will they look? Will I be pleased? Spose this is natural after this time.. Braces have beome the 'natural' thing...