so i didnt wear my retainers 24/7

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so i didnt wear my retainers 24/7

#1 Post by 59fifty »

i wore them everyday except on weekends when i hung out with my friends
prob 4-6 hours on friday or saturday

my top teeth moved crooked again and my retainer was fixed
after few adjustments my front teeth are about as straight as theyll get without braces

i wear them 24/7 now even when i go out, but there has been 1 or 2 times since then i took them out for like 4 hours for a presentation, so its been 2 months total (1 month befoer and after adjustment)

my bite has considerbly changed throughout my whole time without braces, even with wearing retainers 24/7. it feels horrible but im not going back in braces and my ortho hasnt said anything, it just feels so off, one of my back molars barely even touches the bottom tooth

my retainers sometimes feel tight after not wearing them and of course its cuz my teeth moved, but my bottom one wont fit in properly unless i bite down, is that normal? when i first got them the ortho just pushed it down with his fingers but it wont work any more, only if i bite down

also my teeth look angled, which i dont even recall if they always were or not because i never payed attention, wouldnt my retainers keep my teeth in their original positions NO MATTEr what? so why is my bite so different, can my teeth become angled even with retainers? i dont see how its possible but it definatley looks angled

also the top tooth and bottom tooth collide when i bite down so every time i bite down i can feel my bottom tooth touching my top tooth, which makes me think they will never become stable

im talking about my front left tooth and my bottom mid left tooth (hard to describe :/ )

the bigest question is, even if my teeth move, shouldnt my retainers move my teeth back to the state at which i first got my retainers? is it possible the retainer gets bend and shaped to my new teeth?

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#2 Post by ariel86 »

Maybe they made a mistake while making the retainer, because you said you didn't leave them out for more than 6 hours at a time, and I think 6 hours isnt enough to let the teeth shift that much... maybe you should go back to the ortho?

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#3 Post by kahootz »

I've had my braces off for about 3 months and if I have my retainers off for 1-2 hours - I can definitely feel that they are tight putting them back on. I try to not have them off for more than an hour while I'm eating. I know if I left them off for 4-6 hours they probably would be very hard to get back on.

How long ago were your braces removed?

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#4 Post by 59fifty »

around jan
1 month after my teeth moved back so my top retainer was adjusted
1 week later my retainer slightly adjusted and my teeth were as good as they wud get

so since then i wear them almost 24/7

i took them off for 4 hours for school presentation, and like 4 hours for a party

ill prob have them off next week for around 3-6 hours

but after that 24/7

after 4 hours my retainers r tight to go back in but not hard to put in, the top one sometimes doesnt fit all the way but in a few minutes it does, my front teeth always moves back ..slightly. but enough to notice with my eyes and tongue

thankfully every tiem i wear my retainers they go back to the same bite, but i try to wear them 24/7

ive taken them off only 2x since m y adjustment and then this coming week maybe 1 or 2 times (social thing : / )

my bite isnt the same as when igot braces off buit thats my fault and im not really mad but it sux, especially cuz i wish i had permanent bottom retainers but o well

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#5 Post by wearetheborg »

I wasnt rigid about wearing them 24/7, even though my ortho said i should; I only wore them when sleeping after the first month or so.
Fortunately, my retainers kept fitting (though they would be tight when I put them on in the night).

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#6 Post by lianas »

you should tell your orthodontist your teeth are hitting together wrong you could end up chipping or breaking those teeth

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#7 Post by lianas »

I dont tihink its your fault your teeth are shifting most people dont wear there retainer 24/7 and if the bite is right and the teeth come together, mesh together correctly they also help the teeth stay in the correct position , sound like your teeth arent comming together correctly and they are pushing each other out to try to get together.

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