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gum recession

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:00 am
by smeepee
Hi all.

I finished invisalign over a year ago and have been wearing my retainer at night ever since. Over the last few months I noticed my gums had receeded, but this was particularly bad for one tooth (my front lower). I went to my dentist, who literally shoved his hands in my mouth and really wobbled this tooth so hard I thought he was pulling it out. He told me (very unsympathetically!) it was very wobbly and may come out. I was in a total state of shock. I'd not noticed it being wobbly. The only pain was an occassional sharpness from the gum (I thought maybe I had an ulcer there which was why that gum reccession looked so much worse). I came out absolutely devastated. All my life Id hated my teeth and now they're finally nice they're going to come out?!?!

Hes made me an appointment with a periodontist which is Wednesday, but Im so upset and nervous I'm freaking out.

In the meantime I called my ortho up and explained the situation. He took an xray and said that I'd had a lot of bone loss but the wobbling wasn't that bad, and it was probably just something I'd need to keep my eye on; although the perio may be able to help.

So anyway, I'm waiting for Wednesday. From what I can see, I'm thinking a gum graft may be helpful - but my question is, will I be able to keep wearing my retainer if I have a gum graft? I don't want to lose all my hard work, but the thoguht of loosing my tooth is killing me. I know its so vain, but I've never even had a filling so this is a total shock! :(

Thanks for any words of comfort. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:13 am
by drrick
You should be able to wear your ret after the gum graft.
I would bring the ret with you at your visit to the periodontist and ask for sure but I dont see that as a problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:39 am
by smeepee
Thanks for the reply. Well I went today and he said I do need a gum graft (but thinks my teeth are ok :D). However, he sid I won't be able to wear my retainer for seven days. I'm scared they'll relapse. Will have to talk to my ortho. :(

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:45 pm
by alimommy1
Is the gum graft on the lower front? Maybe you can have your ortho give you a bonded retainer on the lower. I had a gum graft on one lower tooth after recession caused by a car accident. I don't think I had the surgery until after my braces were off, but I did have the bonded retainer and it didn't interfere with healing.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:48 am
by smeepee
Thanks for your reply alimommy. Yes, its on the bottom front four so maybe a bonded retainer would work. Although I was under the impression I wouldn't be able to wear the top one because of the protection shield thing they stick on your roof to protect the wound from the cut-out (you can see I'm very good with the technical jargon! :lol: )
I get so confused! Will try and speak to my ortho later today.