Question about positioner wear

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Question about positioner wear

#1 Post by afpilot313 »

I just got debraced on the fourth and am now using a positioner. Its sort of like a retainer except that it's still doing work to move my teeth into an ideal position.

In a couple of weeks I have to participate in a military exercise in which I may not be able to wear my positioner for 3-5 days (including night time). Right now the prescribed use is at least 4 hrs a day and every night and I'm pretty much wearing it all day as much as I can. It seems to be working very nicely but I'm afraid of the negative movement that might occur in those 5 days without it.

I am REALLY stressing out about possibly having to take break from wearing it so soon after getting my braces off. Think it'll be alright? Reassurance or advice from any orthodontists or people who have experience with positioners would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Question about positioner wear

#2 Post by UGHBRACES »

I don't have an answer.

But just curious as to why you can't wear it at your military exercise. Do they have some stupid rule about no orthodontic appliances, or is it just that it would be inconvenient?

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Re: Question about positioner wear

#3 Post by afpilot313 »

Google "USAF SERE." During a certain phase of this training I'm not allowed to have anything in my possession.

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Re: Question about positioner wear

#4 Post by ashesgap »

My husband did this, you can't have anything.
I would think that those few days without shouldn't hurt too much. If it is still moving your teeth, then as soon as you put it back in you should be good. I'm guessing you didn't get a permanent retainer in. Maybe just call your ortho real quick and see what they say. Really you don't have a choice. I hope it works out ok for you....have fun during your training. :D
29 years old
2-18-10 baby canine pulled
3-15-10 got braces
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1-2-12 Meet new Ortho
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Re: Question about positioner wear

#5 Post by TumbleDryLow »

Just looked up "USAF SERE". Hard core! I want you around when the zombie apocalypse hits.

I had a positioner. I really don't think you will have much to worry about. 3-5 days won't be enough time for your teeth to move dramatically. Even if you do have some minor movement, once you can wear your positioner again, it will correct it.

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