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Lost My retainers :(

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:55 am
by Matt190191
Hey everybody I just lost both my retainers and can't find them anywhere I have to pay £120 to get them replaced(for the second time) i have had them for about 7 months and went for a check up last week and was told to wear my retainers at night only. But now I have lost them and the orthodontics is closed over Christmas and have to wait for 2 weeks to get some new ones and my question is will my teeth move over the next two weeks if I don't have my retainers in? taking into consideration that I've worn them for about 7 months before I lost them. And is there anything I can do in the meantime until i get my new retainers like a sports gum shield that you put into hot water so it can mold to my teeth would that keep them straight? I really don't want my teeth to move!!

Any ideas? Thanks!

Re: Lost My retainers :(

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:18 pm
by Orome
That's unfortunate. Being that you have only been out of braces for a short time it is possible your teeth may move a little during those two weeks. I can't think of anything you can do to prevent this, but if they do move it would only be a slight movement that should be easy to correct with another retainer. I would get in asap, though.

Re: Lost My retainers :(

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:00 pm
by RedQueen
I would call your ortho office and ask them what would be the best solution for you to do while waiting for your retainers.
If are lucky, they will probably squeeze you in for an appointment.

Good luck!

Re: Lost My retainers :(

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:13 pm
by Matt190191
Hi yes I get my retainers tomorrow but they did the molding for the new retainers a week ago...but what I'm thinking is if my teeth have moved in the length of time I haven't had my retainers in my teeth might have moved so if they've taken a molding of my slightly moved teeth will the new retainers still fix/straighten them even if they are the new retainers? And not my old retainers?...I really don't want to pay almost £2000 to get new braces for something so minor.
Thanks very much for any info :))

Re: Lost My retainers :(

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:14 pm
by Matt190191
Hi yes I get my retainers tomorrow but they did the molding for the new retainers a week ago...but what I'm thinking is if my teeth have moved in the length of time I haven't had my retainers in my teeth might have moved so if they've taken a molding of my slightly moved teeth will the new retainers still fix/straighten them even if they are the new retainers? And not my old retainers?...I really don't want to pay almost £2000 to get new braces for something so minor.
Thanks very much for any info :))

Re: Lost My retainers :(

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:27 pm
by hazybubbles
No they will hold them in whatever shape they were when the mold was taken. Does your ortho not have copies of your original mold from when you were debraced?