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Retainer hurting roof of mouth & is my wire too low?
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:39 am
by veginess
I've been wearing my hawley retainer for a week now and the way the acrylic part presses against the roof my mouth digs in and creates impressions of the shape into the roof of my mouth and hurts. Is this normal? Also, I noticed that the wire going across my front teeth is very low and I'm not sure how normal that is either. Help?
Re: Retainer hurting roof of mouth & is my wire too low?
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:01 pm
by Bikerchick85
Veginess- you need to see your ortho ASAP! That retainer is not fitting properly. I had a Hawley many years ago and the metal wire should be higher than that on your front teeth and I never felt it on the roof of my mouth. It doesn't look like it's sitting on the canines correctly either. Good luck! And btw your teeth look great!! Congrats on getting them off!
Re: Retainer hurting roof of mouth & is my wire too low?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:24 pm
by Bikerchick85
Did you ever get your hawley figured out, veginess?
Re: Retainer hurting roof of mouth & is my wire too low?
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:01 pm
by ortholabowner
that wire should be between the tips of your inter proximal papillae and the middle of your teeth. that wire unacceptable. you should never have palatal pain. demand a new impression and remade appliance. you have a very strong case for this to be done at n/c. do not give the ortho your current appliance until you receive the new one on the new model.