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Small Gap Returning...Will Retainer Help?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:38 pm
by BraceFacePrincess

I had adult braces and had them removed in 2012. I was given a Hawley retainer which I wore consistently every night up until this year. This year I started to get lazy and stopped wearing my retainer every night like I should. Well I noticed the gap in my 2 front teeth has slowly started to return. It's a small gap and it's not really noticeable to my friends but I notice it.

I can't afford to get braces again and I have since moved so I can't go to my old orthodontist. I was wondering if I start to wear my Hawley retainer again will it close the gap? Also while doing some research I found something about THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR and was wondering would this be a likely alternative?


Re: Small Gap Returning...Will Retainer Help?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:17 am
by Snowglobe32
Try your retainer and if it still fits, then wear it, the gap should close.

Good luck!

Re: Small Gap Returning...Will Retainer Help?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:54 am
by Davidlusive
Really? Thats unlucky!!!