Permanent upper retainers - flossing & being in the way

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Permanent upper retainers - flossing & being in the way

#1 Post by bluebird1 »

I have permanent upper and lower retainers and a removeable upper retainer that I'm wearing 24/7 (just got my braces off).

The lower retainer is fine because the gaps are big enough that I can comfortably slide some superfloss through and floss around the gumline. However, the gaps must be small because it is very uncomfortable, and I think it's irritating my gums, to slide the floss in and out. Has anyone dealt with this? I do wonder why I need the permanent retainer when I'm wearing the removeable one all the time except when eating and cleaning.

As part of my treatment I had my lower jaw moved forward surgically, and now I have a proper distance b/w my upper and lower distance...however, because the upper permanent retainer is in the way, my lower jaw is resting ever so slightly further back than it was before the retainer was put on. Should I be concerned about that? I can't see any way to avoid it because there is no way to place it that won't be in the way of my lower teeth.

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Re: Permanent upper retainers - flossing & being in the way

#2 Post by mapleleafman888 »

Hi I have upper and lower permanent retainers as well and removable ones for upper and lower as well for about 7 months now.

My permanents are pretty low profile so there's really not a lot of room for floss either. Flossing through the little gaps near the gum line usually draws blood because of the tight fit so I try to floss only when the retainers feel 'smooth' from build up. There's really no other way to floss these permanent retainers either so unless you get them removed you will just have to do your best I guess.

I do know what you mean about the tightness, after a couple months after getting braces off my jaws changed and now my front teeth bind tightly...partly because of the glue from the retainers. Not sure at this point what I'm going to do. My 8 month debrace check is in November so we will see what the ortho says.

Good luck,
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