Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#1 Post by Balfie »

I had my braces off the day before yesterday :D , and picked up my clear retainers (top and bottom) yesterday evening, so last night was my first night with them in.

My dentist has recommended Retainer Brite to clean them, or using soap - does anyone know what kind of soap is best? I wish I'd asked more questions while I was there!
I have ordered some Retainer Brite online, but that could work out an expensive way to clean them so was hoping to just use that once or twice per week and brush them in between?

Whats everyone's experiences? Any hints and tips please?

Whilst looking to buy the Retainer Brite I was reading some pretty revolting things about retainers becoming full of gunk, becoming discoloured, even starting to smell!!! :shock: the thought of my retainer getting like that makes me feel queasy, I wouldnt even want to put it in my mouth!

Help please!

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#2 Post by atrixa »

I've had a lower retainer all through my braces treatment to wear at night, and I find that using retainer brite twice a week then brushing them with water and a soft toothbrush works fine. I was told to never use mouthwash or toothpaste, as that could scratch them.
Upper arch braced (traditional metal) on 17/02/17
Debonded 17/01/18 with a fixed retainer
Estimated treatment time 18 months, actual time 11 months :-*

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#3 Post by Balfie »

[quote="atrixa"]I've had a lower retainer all through my braces treatment to wear at night, and I find that using retainer brite twice a week then brushing them with water and a soft toothbrush works fine. I was told to never use mouthwash or toothpaste, as that could scratch them.[/quote]

Thankyou, cant wait for my Retainer Brite to arrive!
I've been looking on Google and getting so confused! And really not sure about using soap but thats all I've got at the moment.
Yes I was also told not to use toothpaste or mouthwash. Shame as that would be so easy!

Thankyou, will go with water and brushing and use the Retainer Brite a couple of times a week. Hoping I can keep them nice and clean. :)

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#4 Post by djspeece »

I brush mine lightly with toothpaste and toothbrush daily (I have a Vivera retainer) as directed by the manufacturer and my orthodontist. I find the soaks really do not get them "squeaky clean". I have not seen an increase in scratches but it really wouldn't matter since I only have to wear them at night, and as soon as they get wet the minor abrasions disappear! I have heard that some orthos recommend the use of dishwashing detergent which would probably work great; just not sure if there would be an unpleasant after-taste.

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#5 Post by kppixie »

Hi, I use denture tablets, i only use half a tablet and soak them until I use them at night. It makes sure there are squeaky clean and no bacteria looming anywhere. Cheap too!

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#6 Post by EmilyTravels »

I just got a lower Essix retainer today (top braces come off next week) and realize that I didn't ask the tech. how often to brush/wash it. Do I need to do this every time I take it out to eat or brush my teeth, or only once a day. I am on full-time wear for 3-4 months and already can't wait to go to night-time wear only.

I also ordered a bunch of Retainer-Brite (a year's supply), but my husband did some research and determined that denture tablets work just as well at a MUCH cheaper cost. :-+ I'm not sure whether to use this daily or a couple of times a week?

I had my braces routine all down pat, but now I feel like a newbie all over again! Thanks for any advice....

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#7 Post by bbsadmin »

Brushing a retainer isn't really a good way to go. Besides the scratches being an aesthetic problem, the scratches will harbor more bacteria as time goes on. You have to think about how you are tackling plaque buildup and bacterial buildup.

There are many products out there for cleaning retainers. Denture tablets could yellow your retainer over time (especially clear plastic ones). carries 7 different retainer cleaners, including Retainer Brite, SonicBrite, DentaSoak, Dentibrite, OAP Foam, etc.

There's also a Retainer Cleaner Finder to help you decide which one is the best for your situation:
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#8 Post by metalliKa »

I’ve been using denture cleaner tablets (the cheap Equate brand from Walmart) for the past three years. It’s cost effective and keeps the germs at bay.
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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#9 Post by kplatt2010 »

Great thread as I've had an Essix retainer now for ~4 months. I've been cleaning it with toothpaste :o and denture cleaner tablets. It does look a little rough now but ortho just switched me to a Hawley to close up some gaps missed in treatment. Plan is to make a new Essix once I'm done and so maybe I can take better care of the new ones. I'll have to explore too the one that archwire admin promotes too.

I looked on Amazon for the tablets for Retainer brite and noticed the "frequently bought together" link of Retainer Brite foam. This is a foam that you put in your retainer and wear to whiten/brighten teeth. Anyone use it? Does it cause sensitivity?? ... A0VTBCNYAX

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#10 Post by sophimarie »

Just curious...were there options for your retainer? What do you recommend, if so?

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#11 Post by LemonTree »

Ok - good to see that others have used denture cleaners too. I'm rewearing some of my old invisalign trays. Are they safe to used on them on a regular basis too?

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#12 Post by reen71b »

Man, it's been forever since I've been on this forum. lol I had my braces off almost 4 years. I've been using RetainerBrite every day on my Essix retainers. I keep my retainers in the solution with water until it's time for me to put them on again before bed. I read that the retainers should last up to 3 years before needing replacement. However, since I always keep them stored in water (with RetainerBrite), I have not noticed any wear of the retainers. They are still slightly tight when I first put them back on before bed. They don't feel brittle or coated in plaque build up. I think as long as you keep them in a cleaning solution in the water, they should not break down as easily nor will bacteria build up in the water.

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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#13 Post by Speck »

Surgical scrub brush and liquid dishwashing detergent; quick, easy, effective.




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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#14 Post by Catpotat »

Keeping them soaked in water when not wearing keeps saliva and gunk from drying up and becoming hard to remove.

I'm quite frugal so I made a cleaning spray with diluted liquid detergent and a splash of mouthwash for freshness. It's super quick to use and does not leave any weird taste.

Denture tablets once a week or whenever I feel like they need to be refreshed, the soaking and brushing with detergent spray work so well I hardly need to do this.


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Re: Best way to clean a clear retainer - hints and tips please!

#15 Post by Danielle »

Retainer Brite never really did much for me. Same with denture tablets. I wash my retainers every night with Dawn. Making sure to rinse them well. To me if Dawn is safe enough to wash dishes and utensils with, then it’s safe enough to wash my clear retainers with. My Dentist/Orthodontist originally told me I could soak them in diluted bleach. I did it once and it scared me. So that’s when I started with the Dawn.
Metal Braces: August 18, 2006-January 14, 2009
Essix-type Retainers: January 14, 2009--present

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