Tips for keeping my teeth straight

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Tips for keeping my teeth straight

#1 Post by billysil »

So I got my braces off about 7 months ago, All was well and sunshine until a few days ago: I have a wisdom tooth coming out and it is clearly affecting my smile. One of my front teeth has already moved slightly out. It's not noticeable when you look at it, but I can definitely feel it when sliding my tongue across the teeth.
I will eventually go to a doctor because it's a wisdom tooth and needs to be checked, but I don't see it being a very necessary thing to do at the moment. My concern right now is actually my smile and how much it would affect it. It is such a recent change I love about myself and I don't want it ruined already. If they end up not pulling the tooth out and it affects my smile visibly, I am willing to get braces again for my own satisfaction despite the price.
My question is: has anyone gone through this path with a wisdom tooth and what would be your tips on keeping teeth straight?

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Re: Tips for keeping my teeth straight

#2 Post by Speck »

Good golly, given the cost associated with and discomfort of having braces, I would go for an ounce of prevention versus a pound of cure. Perhaps consult your ortho about it before things go south?




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Re: Tips for keeping my teeth straight

#3 Post by djspeece »

Agree with Andy -- don't wait to seek consultation and avoid having the wisdom tooth undo all the good work created by your braces. Best of luck to you.

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