My braces will be removed this coming Wednesday (morning appointment). My Teeth look beautiful save for a hair width space between the top left canine and molar (I had extractions which in part why this process took so long) and I don't give a damn about that cause I am ready to have my teeth back

. Getting permanent retainers on upper and lower. Gingivectomy later this summer to eliminate the bit of gummy smile that was always there but not wasn't apparent until my overbite/overjet was corrected. Is it normal for the brace removal to be anti-climatic??!!! I am somewhere between relieved and 'over it' but I am not excited. Maybe I will be once these train tracks are removed!
Anyways I am thankful...while I haven't posted much since this journey started (late March 2015), this board has been a tremendous virtual support system for me. Thank you all for your posts, tips, techniques, rants and uplifting words!