Strange retainer instructions?

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Strange retainer instructions?

#1 Post by Meowmeowbeans2 »

Hello! I was debraced on Friday, May 15 and given 2 sets of essix retainers. The instructions are to wear them for 10 hours/day (after dinner through sleep) for 4 months and then just 6-8 hours/day (just sleep) after that. I was surprised there wasn't a 24/7 period, and they explained that they have seen better compliance and less retainer loss by using these instructions.

So I was doing 10-12 hours/day as recommended... After a few days, it looked like a lower canine and two lower incisors were shifting, i.e. they don't seem to be coming all the way to the top of the retainer so I can see a little gap between tooth top and inner retainer edge. The past few days I've been trying to wear them more hours a day, but they still don't come all the way to the edge like the other teeth.

It seems like most people get a 24/7 retainer recommendation for awhile, so I was wondering:
1) How long are folks told to wear 24/7 before switching to just nights?
2) Has anyone else been told to just do 10 hours/day right after debanding, and did you have any relapse issues?



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Re: Strange retainer instructions?

#2 Post by djspeece »

Those instructions might be best for teenagers (and I assume the thinking is a little is better than no compliance) but it is not the guidance I was given. I was told to wear mine 24/7 for three months (I think -- it's been awhile) and then only at night, but every night, for the rest of my life. And this was the same guidance given to my ortho's teen aged patients. Maybe I'm a skeptic, but having raised two teenagers I assume that corners will be cut -- so why not ask for the best possible plan and go from there?
I have had no sort of relapse in the 4 years since debanding, and I have been fairly compliant. I've found that if I skip a night or two, my molars can have an "ache" when I do start to wear them again -- and it worries me that it might be a prodrome to a root canal. I have the clear Vivera retainer (similar to the Invisalign). Best of luck to you.

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Re: Strange retainer instructions?

#3 Post by Meowmeowbeans2 »

Thank for your response! Since I’m just sitting at home, I’m wearing it as much as possible.

I also don’t like the fit of upper tray my 2nd set of retainers, so they’re letting me come back in 2 weeks to check it out or potentially make a new one for me. I’ll be able to have them check the “gap” in the bottom teeth I’m noticing.


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Re: Strange retainer instructions?

#4 Post by LemonTree »

I wore my retainer religiously and noticed a shift shortly after switching to them from my last invisalign aligners. After several years my teeth are not as straight as they used to be. Knowing what I know now, I would have gone back to my dentist and asked for vivera retainers instead.

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