One month to go
Moderator: bbsadmin
One month to go
Howdy. The day braces will be removed is just around the corner. My dentist recommended wire retainers at the last appointment as they will allow greater ease of dental treatment (e.g., bonding, etc.). My ortho says that wire-style reatiners (i.e., Hawleys) are massively uncomfortable. I'd like to hear members' opinions. BTW, I know the issues of conspicuity, durability, etc. when comparing the two.
Re: One month to go
i have bonded plus hawley. I only wear the latter at night so no problem re it being conspicuous. I also have essix, but I find the hawley more comfortable. The hawley is also very durable. I have had my current one for over 4 years. I would not expect an essix to last that long if worn regularly.
Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)
Click here for my story ... =9&t=42194
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)
Click here for my story ... =9&t=42194
Re: One month to go
Congrats on the upcoming debonding. As for retainers, there are pro's and con's to each type. I had both Essix and Hawley after my last round and will be getting both again. Some people find the bulk/visibility of the Hawleys unmanageable, but they don't seem to bother me. The Essix are certainly more discreet, but they need to be replaced periodically and one can only drink water when wearing.
If possible, I would recommend a set of each...that way you get the best of both worlds. As I mentioned, I will be getting a set of both (although there is an additional out-of-pocket expense for the Hawleys).
All the Best,
If possible, I would recommend a set of each...that way you get the best of both worlds. As I mentioned, I will be getting a set of both (although there is an additional out-of-pocket expense for the Hawleys).
All the Best,
Re: One month to go
Thank you @Jethro. The ortho said to start off with Essix retainers in order to close the gaps between banded molars, then get Hawleys. Apparently some people start off with Hawleys and my guess is that they will close the gaps between molars. Dunno. I will have a conversation with the ortho. I am interested to hear from members who know about this. I’d much rather start off with Hawleys, have the dental work done, and then get Essix retainers.
Re: One month to go
Congratulations on approaching this huge milestone! I went with the vivera retainers. There was supposed to be a bit of an upcharge for them (vs. the Hawley, which was included in the price of the braces) but my ortho cancelled that due to some minor logistical issues on his side of things. I get some sort of negative reaction to Hawleys - to me they look weird, they have wire, and are somehow reminiscent of dentures. I know, I have issues. The essix would be my second choice, but they didn't seem to be as durable.
But the Viveras were great. I've been wearing them faithfully for something like 4 years now, and no problems. I got 4 sets of them, and am currently using two of them (one I keep at my gf's house) and they really are great -- only minor loosening. They are snug when you first get them -- I put them on in my ortho's office, and he played around to see where there was (literally) some wiggle room - and that's where I would start when I removed them. Using a tissue helped to get a better grip.
I have read that the best retainer is the one you will wear faithfully. Makes sense. Best of luck to you, and again, congratulations. (I have to say that one of my biggest disappointments when my braces were removed was that no one seemed to notice
). Just a heads-up.
But the Viveras were great. I've been wearing them faithfully for something like 4 years now, and no problems. I got 4 sets of them, and am currently using two of them (one I keep at my gf's house) and they really are great -- only minor loosening. They are snug when you first get them -- I put them on in my ortho's office, and he played around to see where there was (literally) some wiggle room - and that's where I would start when I removed them. Using a tissue helped to get a better grip.
I have read that the best retainer is the one you will wear faithfully. Makes sense. Best of luck to you, and again, congratulations. (I have to say that one of my biggest disappointments when my braces were removed was that no one seemed to notice

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying
Re: One month to go
Thanks, Dan! Only twelve days to go, but who's counting? I'm pleased with the results. The first set of retainers will be Essix; the ortho says the Hawley retainer will not close gaps between banded molars but has agreed to provide a set of them once gaps have resolved. My dentist will perform one restoration and do some bonding to cover a few areas where dentin is exposed due to overzealous brushing with a firm-bristle brush. At that point I will need new clear retainers and will opt for the Vivera, mainly for its durability. Thanks for your comments; I'd been on the fence with the Vivera retainer and you nudged me over to it!
Re: One month to go
I guess this is your last weekend in braces! Congrats again, Andy! 

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying
Re: One month to go
I had forgotten what it's like to have smooth teeth. The post de-bracing lunch, yesterday, was the best meal I'd had in two years, two weeks, and five days time.
Retainers will be ready by next Tuesday.

Re: One month to go
Congratulations! I thought my teeth looked huge once the braces were off.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying
Re: One month to go
Retainers arrived, yesterday, five days after braces were removed. Relapse over that five day interval made it nearly impossible for the retainers to remain engaged. Things have improved quite a bit by this morning. Sucky to have teeth covered by plastic. I'm looking forward to getting Hawleys.