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positioner = PAIN!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:51 pm
by eldawg
Hi everyone,
this is my first post on the forum. I just got my braces off today (woohoo!!) and I've been given a tooth positioner to wear. I'm supposed to wear it for at least 6 hours a day while I'm awake and for the whole time I sleep. I'm finding it impossible to wear. It hurts so much! It's made out of a white rubbery material and I'm supposed to bite and relax regularly while wearing it. The pain is horrible. Anyone else here had a positioner? Does it get better? I'm almost wishing for my braces again, it's so bad. I'd appreciate any tips, experiences, or encouragement. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:00 am
by oc
Hi Eldawg,

I have just gotten a positioner and I am experiencing the pain that you mentioned! How did you go with your positioner? Did you end up with the desired result? Any hiccups along the way? How long did you end up wearing it for? Questions, questions, questions! I am full of them! =)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:06 am
by oc
Hi Eldawg,

I have just gotten a positioner and I am experiencing the pain that you mentioned! How did you go with your positioner? Did you end up with the desired result? Any hiccups along the way? How long did you end up wearing it for? Questions, questions, questions! I am full of them! =)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:10 pm
by missingu
Hi el and oc-

I didn't realize orthos still used positioners. I am in my 40s and had one in my teens, but they sound the same.

First and foremost - it WILL get better. They are horrible appliances in my opinion, for many reasons, none the least of which is (assuming yours is like mine was) your entire mouth is full and I couldn''t breathe, move jaw, etc. Not conducive to long term wear.


It really does improve. Because that miserable appliance is made of rubber, it does begin to loosen up and stretch out, kind of like a new pair of shoes. You have to break it it, so to speak I don't remember the timeframe but I can tell you I did not last the full time during the day, it just hurt too much and was too inconvenient.

Would you be able to go back to the ortho and ask for conventional retainers. Granted you might have to pay, but as an adult, I would do that now because the positioner is so difficult to wear and the immediate timeframe post-braces is so important.

Also, be sure to brush it regularly, daily, and more. It gets "dirty" amazingly fast and then it becomes less conducive to putting it in.

So, the good news is the pain will (at least for me and my friends at least) go away as you wear it and stretch it - it is just tight now. However, consider your best long-term solution and if traditional retainers might be more portable, wearable, time-logical, then ask for them.

Good luck. Keep us posted. Keep your spirits up, you worked hard to get this far.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:15 am
by oc
Thanks for your reply and your encouragement! I definitely agree with your view on how awkward the tooth positioner is! Sometimes when I'm dozing (and my nose is blocked) I find that I suddenly wake up because I have just blocked the air holes in the positioner and I can't breathe! lol! Things have settled down and it isn't as painful anymore!

My ortho has put me into a positioner because she needs to bring my overbite in a little more, she said that it's something that the braces or a normal retainer can't do. She said that once it has done its stuff that she'll give me normal retainers! yay!

So, even though it is awkward, I am happy to be using it seeing as it gets the job done and I don't have to have my braces on!