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Fleshey Stuff Between My Front Teeth

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:05 am
by bombay sapphire
My orthodontist told me once what it was called. That isn't, however, my question. Before I had braces, I had a large gap between my front teeth. Now there appears to be a lot of smooshed tissue between them. Will this shrink or recede?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:29 pm
by Shelby014
Yeah i know what you're talking about, i had a really big space too. When the gap closed all the skin that was inbetween the teeth got shmooshed together, so it got swollen. The big redness of it goes away, and as it settles into its new position it looks better and better, if i could post pics of mine i would, but can't get the digital to work sorryz!! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:45 pm
by mtbrncofn
It's your frenum. I have one too, a large one apparently. I'm having a frenectomy done tomorrow to remove most of it. My front gap was so big, and that was a major cause of it. My ortho told me if we didn't have that done, I had a major chance of my teeth splitting apart.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:58 pm
by Shelby014
I had a gap that was big enough that you could kick a field goal through it LoLz. I might have to have a frenectomy near the end of my treatment, but the ortho doesn't know yet. :D

One of my friends had a frenectomy before she got her braces off, but now she has to have braces again because they didn't take out enough of the muscle, so her space opened back up.
My little 7 year old cousin had a frenectomy too, because her gap was severly messing up her teeth(they were all in the wrong places because of the space), so they decided to take it out, and she said that it never even hurt. I figure if a 7 year old can take i can take it too :D.

Frenum, Thats it!!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:22 pm
by bombay sapphire
Thanks for the responses!

One of these days I will figure out how to post pictures.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:34 pm
by mtbrncofn
Shelby014 wrote:I had a gap that was big enough that you could kick a field goal through it LoLz. I might have to have a frenectomy near the end of my treatment, but the ortho doesn't know yet. :D

One of my friends had a frenectomy before she got her braces off, but now she has to have braces again because they didn't take out enough of the muscle, so her space opened back up.
My little 7 year old cousin had a frenectomy too, because her gap was severly messing up her teeth(they were all in the wrong places because of the space), so they decided to take it out, and she said that it never even hurt. I figure if a 7 year old can take i can take it too :D.
So I must be some kind of super wuss. The actual procedure was fine, easy. It's afterward that I'm not digging too much. It hurts and feels gross and I can't look in the mirror at my teeth without passing out and I'm not a passing out kind of person!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:27 pm
by Shelby014
no, you're not a wuss lol :D. It's probably different for everyone, i mean for a 7 year old it is much easier for them to bounce back then say(you're like...30 right?) a 30 year old. I forgot to say that the friend who has to get braces again said that it hurt like a mofo LoLz :P. She also has to have it done again.

I am the biggest wuss in the world, so if you're at the passing out stage, i'm gonna be like totally freaking out.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:20 pm
by mtbrncofn
Shelby014 wrote:no, you're not a wuss lol :D. It's probably different for everyone, i mean for a 7 year old it is much easier for them to bounce back then say(you're like...30 right?) a 30 year old. I forgot to say that the friend who has to get braces again said that it hurt like a mofo LoLz :P. She also has to have it done again.

I am the biggest wuss in the world, so if you're at the passing out stage, i'm gonna be like totally freaking out.
I will be 29 in a couple of days, thank you very much! :wink: I don't need any extra years just yet. :)

I have a 7 year old, and he would probably be a-ok with it. The older you get, the worse it gets it seems. :) I would just flat out refuse to have it done again. I don't think I could do it. Besides, then you probably have to pay for it again too?