Well, I have gone through half a dozen containers of wax in a month because of a pokey wire in the back, and I have no way of getting to my ortho to get more.
So, I went to Walmart as I had seen mint flavored wax there before. I found the mint flavored wax packages, but there was also something new. It's called Wax Dots for Braces. They are made by a company called Dentek. Basically, it's little blobs of wax in a sudafed type pop out package. I hope that makes sense. They come in clear, which is mint flavored, and also multicolored, which has three different fruit flavors.
They come 40 in a pack, and there's also a nifty little mirror on the back of each package to ensure wax palcement. The website is www.waxdots.com if anyone is interested in reading about them. I thought it was neat, and hopefully more stores will carry them.
P.S. Though the website shows them as being 2.99 each, I got them for 1.97 at Walmart. Might be worth keeping an eye out when you are shopping.