Wax Dots

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Wax Dots

#1 Post by jma295psu »

Hello all,

Well, I have gone through half a dozen containers of wax in a month because of a pokey wire in the back, and I have no way of getting to my ortho to get more.

So, I went to Walmart as I had seen mint flavored wax there before. I found the mint flavored wax packages, but there was also something new. It's called Wax Dots for Braces. They are made by a company called Dentek. Basically, it's little blobs of wax in a sudafed type pop out package. I hope that makes sense. They come in clear, which is mint flavored, and also multicolored, which has three different fruit flavors.

They come 40 in a pack, and there's also a nifty little mirror on the back of each package to ensure wax palcement. The website is www.waxdots.com if anyone is interested in reading about them. I thought it was neat, and hopefully more stores will carry them.


P.S. Though the website shows them as being 2.99 each, I got them for 1.97 at Walmart. Might be worth keeping an eye out when you are shopping. :D

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#2 Post by jma295psu »

Haha, KK, I was wondering if you would comment about the grape ones. Now we just need to convince the company to make single flavored packets as well as the mixed one :lol:


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#3 Post by Rainy »

Well I was at Walmart yesterday and picked up some of the flavoured ones. They were only a $1.97 each package. Let me tell you they are not easy to get out. They are in a "push thru the foil type" of packaging. They seem to get stuck coming out. You then end up peeling foil off of each piece. It is very soft and sticky also, which is why I had so much trouble getting them out. I currently have the cherry flavour on in two places. Not that much taste to them at least that I notice. Would I buy them again, probably not. But since I dont have ligatures I thought it would be a fun way to add colour.


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#4 Post by SnowSara »

Haha, I just bought some of these at walmart, too! I haven't even used wax in months, but I couldn't resist! Oh the gimmicks they come up with...

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#5 Post by TsuKata »

I bought some of these at my local CVS, and I love them. They're just the right amount of wax for a pokey wire, and the little mirror comes in handy. Also, the little strips of dots can be separated, so you can carry just a few around or the whole pack.

I haven't really noticed the flavor that much. I can smell it when I pop the dot out, but that's it.

I had some trouble with the packaging as well. I found that if they'd been somewhere warm (like my pocket or car), they were much harder to get out than if they'd been kept cool. Overall, it's not so hard to get them out that it's not worth it to have them. You just really have to push on them to get them out sometimes.

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#6 Post by jordanna »

Has anyone found the wax dots in Canada? I went to Walmart and London Drugs and couldn't find them there :(

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#7 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

I tried these I needed them after my last adjustment and I like them they worked pretty well for me...I had trouble with the foil as well, but if you puncture it a little before then it comes out ok...as far as the flavor the one I tasted the most was the orange one...lol
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#8 Post by mstikl1 »

Let me tell you they are not easy to get out. They are in a "push thru the foil type" of packaging. They seem to get stuck coming out. You then end up peeling foil off of each piece. It is very soft and sticky also, which is why I had so much trouble getting them out. Would I buy them again, probably not.
HI to all and fair warning: this is the product I used and got a bad reaction from (swollen gums and entire lower lip, lasting approx 4 days) from the plain white variety (no color, no flavor).
Did like the handy little mirror, however!
The stuff is so soft, it melts away from the pointy places it should cover, and like says above, it's a pain to get out of the pkg.
It might be great for some, but discontinue first thing if you get any discomfort or unusual sensations.
Good Luck!

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#9 Post by SnowSara »

Good to know!! I finally got around to trying it out this week and wasn't impressed. It kinda smelled like the flavor it was supposed to be, but didn't really have any taste. Like mstikl1 said, it kind of melted and was too soft, it didn't do a very good job as a protectant. Plus, while I'm thrilled to have colored ligs, have a colored glob of something or other on your teeth isn't as nice. I had to explain what the orange glob was on my bottom teeth to my friend, lol.

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#10 Post by TsuKata »

I've switched over to using OrthoSil only. I started out using the wax dots, but they're not as good about sticking and so you go through them really fast. With the wax dots, I had to put new dots in after any meal and sometimes after a beverage. OrthoSil, OTOH, stays in pretty much until I decide to remove it.

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#11 Post by mstikl1 »

Hey - I just thought of something!
Maybe those of us who find the dot was is too soft, melting away from pokey pointy parts - WE GOT HOT LIPS!!! he he
but seriously, folks, what out for allergic reactions!
Is orthosil available @ dentakit? Sounds like a good thing for hard to reach places like back molars...

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#12 Post by mstikl1 »

What a load of cool toys!
I gotta grab my credit card...!
I feel better already, thanks!

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#13 Post by lilblackdress »

Btw, this discussion does raise one point: in my personal experience, not all dental waxes are created equal. I noticed when using them myself that some brands tended to be more "flaky" and others (as with some people's experiences with the Wax Dots) would tend to be too soft.
I so agree with this! When I first got my braces on, I had the wax my ortho gave me (Ortho-Sil) and then I went to a drug store and purchased various kinds of waxes - the dots included. I find that Ortho-Sil is the best. It's a lot smoother, it's less noticeable when you're using it, and it isn't a pain to get out of the package.

Wouldn't it be cool if each OrthoSil packet came with a tiny mirror... :idea:

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#14 Post by Miss Smiley »

Mer, like you, I found it easy to just grab a handful at the Ortho's office. I am fully stocked for any wax emergency for atleast half of my treatment. I think I have a pack of orthosil in each purse I have, yet I end up using wax to cover the wire ends all the time so yay for me! Or maybe not yay for me since I need to cover up the wire ends so often.
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#15 Post by mardziewall »

yes ortho sil is avialible at denta kit
