Anyone get MORE plaque now that they braces are on?

Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!

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Anyone get MORE plaque now that they braces are on?

#1 Post by lildreamer »

Hi all, im worried as i get more plaque now when i have braces than before even though i clean and clean my teeth 2-3times a day very well. I dont know what to do really as now a lot of tartar has built up and stuff and since im in the UK hygiensist arent that enthuistatic to have a go at cleaning when someone is in braces. does anyone else find this as well? and what could be done? tartar control toothpaste?
Im thinking of getting a waterpik too.
thanks :D

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#2 Post by Lisa65 »

Some people tend to build up more tartar than others. I get it on and between my lower front teeth, but despite regular and enthusiastic use of proxy brushes, Waterpik and floss, I was unable to stop it getting a hold. When I looked at the underside of my lower brackets with a little mirror about 6 months after getting my braces, I was horrified at how crudded up they were. I've been to the hygeinist twice since getting my braces and she has got most of the tartar off my actual teeth. There wasn't all that much anyway, but I think she's a bit reluctant to start scraping my brackets too hard, and there was still a bit of tartar on them.

I've switched to Colgate Tartar Control toothpaste and I also use Listerine Total Care or Listerine Tartar Control mouthwash once a day (although I cut them 50/50 with water as they are too strong for me), and it does seem to be helping. Some people do not have a good reaction to the anti-tartar ingredients though. If you find you are getting sores in your mouth then you should stop using it.

You can also buy a dental scaler and GENTLY scrape visible tartar from between your teeth. I wouldn't recommend scraping round your brackets though. I popped one off a month or two back and I think it was because I mistook a bit of cement for a bit of tartar and tried to prise it off. :oops: I didn't tell my ortho that though. Please be very careful if you decide to do this yourself.

Miss Smiley
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#3 Post by Miss Smiley »

I have been having excess tartar build up on my lowers even with my proxabrush, sonicare, waterpik, and flossing. I do use a tartar control toothpaste and fluoride rinse. I had an easier time cleaning tartar from my lowers before being braced and was having okay cleanings and check ups only due to spaces being so crowded and my bridge which has been tons easier to clean after being severed. My ortho has been nice enough to pick off the tartar on my lowers every 3 months since he sees it's not my brushing. As the rest of my teeth are clean except the lower 4.
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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