Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

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Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#1 Post by iamtamnur »

OMG! I bought some of this toothpaste today thinking it should be good since it's from Crest. WRONG! My mouth is so sensitive to start with having just gotten braces earlier this week. I started brushing and it felt like a chemical burn inside my mouth. There was almost immediate, excruciating burning. It wouldn't even stop after rinsing with water. Additionally my tongue has gone numb and my mouth feels super dried out. That was this afternoon when I used it and I still have said numb tongue, raw mouth and weird taste. A Google search revealed that this is a coomon occurrence with Pro-Health. Just what I needed with my already poor, sore mouth. *sigh* Anyone with a similar experience?
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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#2 Post by ashesgap »

I didn't have numbness, but got the horrible staining....just look up pro-health and staining. Don't use the mouthwash either!
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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#3 Post by Katvo »

You are definitely NOT alone. I work in a dental office and the doctor ran into this issue as well. He couldn't figure out why he was having sloughing of his cheeks and gums. He thought he had thrush or some form of dental disease. After chatting with our hygenist, they realized that he had been using a new tooth paste... yep, you guessed it... He'd been using the Crest Pro-Health. Pro-Health is a stannous flouride paste. Stannous flouride is "stronger" than sodium flouride- which is great for preventing dental disease, but it seems that about 1/6 people are very sensitive to stannous flouride- which leads to the awful sloughing and rawness in your mouth. Crest is (oddly enough) well aware of the issue, and they have re-designed their product.... but no one in our office that has had a reaction to the original paste is willing to try the new release... (I can't blame them!) Stannous flouride can also cause staining, so.. here's what my office has found that we like.

Number one- go with a sodium flouride based paste. Number two- make sure it is ADA approved/recommended. Those are going to be the two biggest factors in what you choose to try.

If you have a preference for Crest products, a dislike of the strong mint flavor, and would like a relatively mild toothpaste, I would recommend crest's new "Pro-Health For Me" line of toothpaste. It's marketed for pre-teens-teenagers, but is really a nice paste. It is sodium floride based. The dental office I work at recently switched to Crest/Oral B products. I've ALWAYS been a Colgate girl... (ALWAYS) but I've really enjoyed the Crest "3-D White" paste. It is another sodium flouride based paste, it has a bit more grit to it than the "For Me" paste does, and it does help with surface staining... (I'm a tea/wine drinker... that didn't go well with braces.)

Hope this helps! (And don't worry- 24-48 hours and your poor mouth will start feeling like itself again!)


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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#4 Post by iamtamnur »

Thanks for the advice, Kat.
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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#5 Post by BBQ Grill »

Been using crest pro health for gums.... Works good for me.

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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#6 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

Y'all should use what the Boston dentists give their patients and tell them to use Colgate. It works wonders on any type of teeth braced newly braced or no braces at all. Even sensative teeth.
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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#7 Post by tmroy79 »

I too get sloughing of my checks and gums and until reading this post I never knew why. It was only occasionally over the years but it has been happening a lot lately. And its because I got a tube of Crest Pro Health past in my christmas stocking. Thanks for the info on what to look for. I will be stopping to get a new different kind tonight. Thanks! :D :

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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#8 Post by Bracedbeauty22 »

I had the burning issue as well. I wasted 4 bucks because i won't use it again after that

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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#9 Post by an9el3md »

Oh wow...thanks for the info on sloughing. I used pro-health a few times and do not like the after taste at all. I also had sloughing but didnt associate it with the toothpaste. Back to colgate total

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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#10 Post by altesse7 »

That's strange... I love this stuff!
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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#11 Post by SoIWasLike72 »

It also burned my mouth. After brushing, it felt like I had eaten a lot of salt.

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Re: Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the worst!

#12 Post by lorsa »

OMG! I went away for the weekend and used the new travel-sized tube of toothpaste that was in my go-bag. Couldn't figure out why the inside of my mouth felt like I had been eating a ton of salt by the 3rd day. Thought there must be something in the water that burned me.

Then I came home today and read this, and just checked my go-bag...yep, Crest Pro-Health! That little sucker is sitting in the trash bag now. Thank-you thank-you thank-you! :)

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