Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!
Hi Team,
I've never been a big mouthwash user because I hate the burn of the ones with alcohol. After getting braces, I decided that mouthwash might be a good idea for helping to clean out all the new nooks and crannies. I started using the purple alcohol-free Listerine and hated it-it killed my taste buds for the whole day and I spent my first week of braces not being able to taste anything. At first I thought it was some weird side effect of braces, but then I realized it was the nasty mouthwash. So, I spent some time in the dental aisle at the store and decided to give ACT Braces Care a try. I really like it! It tastes good (not too strong) and doesn't kill my sense of taste for hours like the other one. I never used other ACT products, so I can't say if this one really is better for people with braces, but it does have aloe which is supposed to be soothing. I'm not sure if I have a tough mouth or if it is the positioning of my teeth, but I have only had to use wax 3 times since I started wearing braces. All three times were when I was traveling and not using this mouthwash! Of course, this wasn't a controlled experiment, but I'm planning to keep on using it!
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom. I had braces for 25 months!
I saw they came out with that a while ago and I was wondering how it would be. I currently use Listerine (because I'm weird and I've always liked it haha), and then afterwards I use one of the regular ACT fluoride rinses. I really feel like the rinses help. it's good to know that the one for braces seems to work well also. Might have to try it out sometime.
I have used Act Total Care, the blue one, for years.
I like it the best of all mouthwashes.
As for the braces formula, compare the active ingredients to the other formulas.
Most times, you will find the active ingredients are the same.
For example, Excedrin extra strength and and Excedrin Migraine, are the same..Pantene shampoo and conditioner, the same active ingredients. ..just labeled differently to target different users.
My dentist recommended an expensive fluoride mouthwash called FluoriGuard. But if I check the fluoride content of it against normal mouthwashes, it's exactly the same as most own brands! So I just buy anything alcohol free with fluoride over 225ppm and my teeth seem to be doing just fine. (And my bank balance is MUCH happier!)
It's always worth reading the back of the bottles and understanding what it is you're actually buying, and how much of the price is for the smell, brand or packaging. It's horrifying really...
I love this mouthwash. I've tried Colgate and Listerine but both of those leave little blue particles in my braces. ACT for Braces is soothing especially after adjustment appointments and cleanings.
I really like the ACT Braces Care mouthwash! There's no burn and it has aloe in it to help soothe your mouth. No idea if that actually helps, but it's not irritating my mouth either, so
The ACT braces mouthwash has been great.. been using it since i got braces 8 months ago, its a very soothing taste and no burning aftertaste. Wish they would stock it in Australia as i bought it online and no equivalent that is readily available in Australian supermarkets
I have been trying to find this stuff on the ground all week with no luck. After reading this post I think I will go ahead and order some off Amazon. Thanks for the review!