Got my Waterpik!!
Moderator: bbsadmin
- Posts: 13
- Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:38 pm
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I just got my Waterpik Aquarius a couple days ago in preparation for getting my braces on at the end of the month, and I think I got more water on the vanity than I did in my mouth! I guess I have to practice, practice, practice! 

Re: Got my Waterpik!!
The Waterpick is not to replace regular flossing. It does get gunk around your teeth out, but not in between them. I don't have one and regular flossing (with threader of course) is doing just fine for me.gpac wrote:is the Waterpik really more effective than string floss? I don't really mind threading, but if it's just as effective it would save some time.
Offenses: Skeletal and Dental Class 2 malocclusion
Sentence: 12-15 months
Jailed: 3/24/15
Released: 5/24/16
Life behind brackets: http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=48554
Sentence: 12-15 months
Jailed: 3/24/15
Released: 5/24/16
Life behind brackets: http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=48554
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I picked up a waterpik the day after I got my braces put on, and am so glad I did! The first time using it was a lot of fun, I got water all over the place! I've got it down to a good practice now and my teeth and bathroom are clean!
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I finally ordered myself a Waterpik (from Amazon) which arrived today. I'm so excited about it! I tried it for the first time after lunch today. I used it before brushing (added a bit of mouthwash) and my mouth already felt really clean before I'd even started brushing. It's much more powerful than I was expecting (a good thing!)
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
Just used mine for the first time, wow it's powerful. Had it on 4 , and felt like it might be doing damage to my gums haha. What a strange feeling, I will stay at 2 and work my way up, very cool product!!!!!!
I got the waterpik ultra in black, incase you we're wondering.
I got the waterpik ultra in black, incase you we're wondering.
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
Wow all these reviews r amazing...i hv ordered my waterpik too n cant wait fr it to arrive
- Posts: 186
- Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:40 am
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I caved and got the Aquarius because even now flossing three times a day my mouth still felt gross from things getting stuck in spaces and on my attachments. It took a few tries to get the hang of it. I also sprayed the bathroom quite a bit lol.
It definitely works as a good adjunct to floss in tight spaces or crowded areas (which are notioriously hard to keep clean). I also find myself using the gum massage feature figuring it can't hurt to do gentle stimulation with all the movement going on.
It definitely works as a good adjunct to floss in tight spaces or crowded areas (which are notioriously hard to keep clean). I also find myself using the gum massage feature figuring it can't hurt to do gentle stimulation with all the movement going on.
The problems:
Lower crowding, a slightly rotated upper canine and a deep bite

Invisalign G5 started Oct 12, 2015
Attachments: 21
Total number of trays: 28 upper, 38 lower
Estimated treatment time: 18 months
Follow my progress http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=49130
Lower crowding, a slightly rotated upper canine and a deep bite

Invisalign G5 started Oct 12, 2015
Attachments: 21
Total number of trays: 28 upper, 38 lower
Estimated treatment time: 18 months
Follow my progress http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=49130
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I really like mine and it was quite a reasonable price on Amazon (less than £50). I tend to fill it from the first offerings of hot tap so the water is just warm. My mum and dad, who don't have braces but do suffer from gum disease, also have a waterpik and swear by it.
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I'm trying to decide if I need a Waterpik. I found a cordless rechargeable for $36. Waterpik brand. Flossing is proving to be extremely difficult as some teeth have gotten tighter than before, and they were pretty tight in the first place. And even if I do get it threaded in there I don't think I do a very good job with the limited range with the brackets and wire in the way.
Should I really get one?
Should I really get one?
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I just ordered mines and picking it up after work!
Can't wait to go home and try it.

Re: Got my Waterpik!!
Didn't even realise you could get them in the UK
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:01 pm
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
The water pik is incredible! I purchased mine a couple days before I had my braces put on and am so glad I did. I always use it after I eat when I am at home and can't believe some of the things that come out when I use it! It was a little hard to get used to ... there were a couple times I forgot to turn it off before taking it out of my mouth making quite a mess!
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
I've been considering buying one, you all are helping me decide to JUST DO IT!
Re: Got my Waterpik!!
Got my braces today, and my sister(who had braces 11 years ago) is sending me a water pick for a braces present. Can't wait to try it!