I bought the Waterpik Complete Care 7.0 aka WP 950-EU and I just tried it. Is it normal that it is really noisy? It is the only thing that makes me a bit dissappointed. I meant how come these things sound like tractor motor in 2018? I expected a more subtle sound but it's pretty hardcore. Im not sure if it will be annoying to neighbours at night... my mom complained about the noise.
Anyway, my first try was decent. It is a bit tricky trying to guess where your gumline and interdental spots are blindly, but I guess I will keep getting better with practice. I haven't tried the toothbrush yet.
I tried with higher force and my gum bleed a little in one spot... it's pretty strong. My gums are not used to this, so I went with lowest force, seems to be enough to remove food. I heard th gums get used to it like a workout and become stronger with time.
I have never used an irrigator before and I have not used an electric toothbrush before, only manual toothbrush, and flossing. I have never had braces but im studying about it to see how I can make my teeth aligned and I also need to remove plaque buildup on a lower teeth which I was never able to remove.
I want to know if the Waterpik is supposed to be this loud and stuff.
I just bought the Waterpik 7.0
Moderator: bbsadmin
Re: I just bought the Waterpik 7.0
My waterpik is not terribly noisy but I guess like anything, noise is subjective. I never used a waterpik prior to the braces but have used a sonicare brush for many many years. I have quickly become addicted to the waterpik as my teeth feel incredibly clean! I am also neurotics with flossing..
My waterpik is not terribly noisy but I guess like anything, noise is subjective. I never used a waterpik prior to the braces but have used a sonicare brush for many many years. I have quickly become addicted to the waterpik as my teeth feel incredibly clean! I am also neurotics with flossing..
- Posts: 260
- Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2018 6:26 am
Re: I just bought the Waterpik 7.0
Hi There-
I LOVE, LOVE my Waterpik! This is like your most important and amazing piece of equipment for anyone with braces.
It's wonderful because you think you're getting your teeth clean after brushing and then you power-wash those bad boys and the crap that comes out is amazing! I'm actually on my second one because I broke the first one and I'm sold on it. Over time, gradually increase the pressure and you'll have the best teeth and gums ever. My ortho is always complementing me on my clean teeth but perhaps that's because he's working with kids/teens all day.
I do have to agree that it's super noisy and I cringe when hubbie is sleeping and I'm power washing the braces. I guess it's about timing and trying to do it when it's least disturbing to others.
I have to say I'm a lifer now because I hate flossing and you don't need to if you have a Waterpik.
I LOVE, LOVE my Waterpik! This is like your most important and amazing piece of equipment for anyone with braces.
It's wonderful because you think you're getting your teeth clean after brushing and then you power-wash those bad boys and the crap that comes out is amazing! I'm actually on my second one because I broke the first one and I'm sold on it. Over time, gradually increase the pressure and you'll have the best teeth and gums ever. My ortho is always complementing me on my clean teeth but perhaps that's because he's working with kids/teens all day.
I do have to agree that it's super noisy and I cringe when hubbie is sleeping and I'm power washing the braces. I guess it's about timing and trying to do it when it's least disturbing to others.
I have to say I'm a lifer now because I hate flossing and you don't need to if you have a Waterpik.

- Posts: 260
- Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2018 6:26 am
Re: I just bought the Waterpik 7.0
Almost forgot!! One of the piks that comes with it has a few bristles on it. I just put it right up against the tooth and gum line.