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Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:43 pm
by SolarFeline
For those in Australia who want to try this product, (and myself), I have just got off the phone to Pfizer in Sydney (02 9850 3333), and I was directed to the Caringbah office, then directed AGAIN to the "Oral Care" section. I have left a voice message for the secretary of that section to possibly get back to me.

I said in the message I left that a friend of mine came back from America and said they used this product over there, and I have braces, and when would this product be sold her in Sydney, and the stockists.

I will keep all appraised as to the response!

I would really like to buy this product here. I hope we can.... :cry:

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:22 am
by SolarFeline
I have recieved a phone call from a rep at Pfizer, who said that the product would NOT be in Australia for ANOTHER YEAR. Rats.

I am hoping to go to Singapore and Hong Kong early next year, so I will report on my findings as to whether or not the product can be purchased there.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:55 am
by vgmessenger
Hello All

I bought the Agent Cool Blue by Listerine originally for my 5 year old (who has been brushing since before she actually has teeth). I also started using it myself, and I like it. Wish they would have had this stuff when I was a kid. She likes to do it all by herself and so far so good. No cavities !!! I also picked up these crazy flossers and she thinks that is great fun. I feel like my hobbies are clean the house, the kids and my teeth!



Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:52 pm
by diande
I bought the Agent Cool Blue by Listerine too and I enjoy the taste and all of that but I dont think it really works and won't buy it again for that purpose. I have used it after cleaning my teeth (just to test it out) and the dye pattern of the blue doesn't seem to very different than from when my teeth are obviously dirty. I don't think my brushing/flossing is that bad.

I did notice that it will dye food particles, but there is also that overall blue that covers the teeth and will indiscriminately come off with a bit of toothpaste. I hate the taste of disclosing tablets and have only ever used one of those that I have owned since getting braced, but I think they're better for the job of disclosing plaque by far.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:40 pm
by sOofemme
I bought the Agent Cool Blue and have used it a few times, but the only thing I'm concerned about is that it will stain my clear ligs eventually. =/