Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!
Im really sorry to bump this post up but honestly guys has no one on this earth discovered vasaline with aloevera?!?!
You get a tin of it for 50p, and its for lips and sore skin... It heals your skin and adds shine, it doesnt feel all chemically, its weightless and clear.
If you havent tried it, try it!!! And if your in america and cant get it, ask me and il send you some!!
I swear by this stuff, it lasts for ages too! I cant actually belive no one has tried it..!!!
Like I said, if you want some and cant find any where you are , let me know and I will pick some up when I next go to town! There only 50p, its like buying a banana!!!!!
Well considering I was on accutane (a very drying medication for the treatment of acne) for almost 1 year and my lips were soo badly dried out and cracked.. to the point of bleeding. My dermatologist recommended me to use Aquaphor on my lips.. (its with the lotions and creams in the store) I have been addicted to it ever since.. It is tasteless so you arent tempted to lick it off and it is also shiney. It comes is small and large tubes. I recommend it Aquaphor to all my patients and they love it. Aquaphor is this pharmacist's recommendation!
I love Avon's MOISTURE THERAPY Intensive Moisturizing Lip Treatment, it gives a little bit of shine and makes my lips SO soft! Plus as an added benefit it has an SPF of 15! And it's on sale right now for $.99 (regular $1.49)... who could ask for anything more!
I swear by Aveeno Lip Balm, it's amazing. I keep two at a time; one in my purse, the other on my nightstand. It's about $6USD a stick, so a little expensive, but I think it's worth it. It goes on light, not greasy or heavy at all - I actually don't lick it off! For a little shine, I will put on Avon Mark Lip Gloss. If, for some reason my lips get really bad, I put a little vasoline on them at night before bed, but as mentioned, you have to mind the kitty fur! Oh, and for dry lips with peeling skin, brushing gently works, I do it a lot, but Mark Kay has a product called Satin Lips which is like a body scrub for your lips. It's quite nice, but you have to order it from a Mark Kay salesperson, so that's a bit of a pain.
Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!
I also like the Mary Kay lip exfoliator- and I was at Bath & Body Works a few days ago and noticed they have a similar product. They also have many different kinds of lip balms there. I was at a larger store and they also had alot of stuff from other countries (Greece, France, Japan (?)) so it was fun to shop around.
I'm sorry to be bumping this up, but the one that I haven't seen so far (forgive me if it has - 5 pages is rather long to browse through! ) is Smith's Rosebud Salve, as well as Victoria Secret's balmy nights.
amychelle wrote:I really love mine - Softlips. It's like $1.50 for a long skinny stick of it. It comes in a few different flavors like Cherry, Vanilla, and Mint. It's got a little bit of tingle to it (not much) and I love how it keeps my lips healthy. There isn't much shine to it, but it's quality stuff.
Hi Amychelle,
I had this stuff years ago, but while in the drugstore yesterday... I couldn't find it. Do they still make this? Maybe they have changed the tube and I didn't recognize it. I'm trying to gather all the goodies I need in preparation for my journey which is to begin mid October.
I bought both the Aveeno and Soft Lips at Wal Mart in the pharmacy section recently. Both were under $2.00 (soft lips had 2 tubes in the package).
I really like them both but soft lips tastes better. I use it during the day and Aveeno at night.
Natio Moisturising Lip Balm with SPF 30+ and Vitamin E is the only lip balm that I have used where I have not had an allergic reaction to the ingredients....sigh
When it comes to lippie, I find Christian Dior Dior Addict ULTRA-GLOSS is my gloss of choice. It is applied using a wand, which is convenient when I am on the go. Other favs are Lancome Juicy Crayon,Lancome Juicy Rouge, and Chanel Levres Scintillantes Glossimer or Levres Lumier Intense, in whatever colour.
I do like MAC lipglass, but my hair seems to be attracted to get stuck to it at some point during the day, or maybe it is due to the fact that we are experiencing spring winds here?
Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm with my faaavorite. I love the way it feels and it keeps your lips super soft. Also, I like to use some Neutrogena Lip Nutrition every now and then too. Its nice and shiny and doesn't leave a wax on your lips. They have great flavors too like berry and mango! The berry is by far my favorite. Its a little steep though, you can buy it for under 6 bucks at Target.
I use Burt's Bees quite a bit (mainly because the tingle is fabulous!). I use Carmex when I get really chapped/split lips...especially in the corners of my mouth for some reason, most likely caused by a particular rubberband...
For a great balm that has the shine of a gloss, try My Lip Stuff.