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Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:10 pm
by flipflopfreak422
I am new to this website, but i have a quick question.

Has anyone tried Phos-Flur? It's the stuff that protects ur teeth from those white marks. I have had my braces for a year and almost 3 months. I should be getting them off in about 3 months. WHOA! I totally just realized that and now i'm in a good mood. :D

If anyone has used it... do u know if i would start using it now, would it prevent or treat white marks?

I brush my teeth every day at least 2 times a day and floss at a dentist recommended every other day.

Lately I have been really really worried about having white marks on my teeth from my braces when i get them off.

HELP! does Phos-Flur work?


Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:52 pm
by turrrtlelove22
I think it works even tho I've been using it for as long as I had braces...about two weeks. And so far so good.

I got a sample of it from them in my goody bag, but I bought some before I even got braces. Has your Ortho said anything to you about not brushing well enough?

Sounds like you are pretty consistant with your brushing routine. I think that is key in keeping the white marks away since they come from plaque build-up anyways. I think it's never too late to late to start tho.

The sample I got was Cool Mint. The one I bought was the Gushing Grape. I don't particulary like the way it tastes, but I guess it has to be gross for it to work...LOL

But I would say to give it a go... :D :D :D

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:52 am
by flipflopfreak422
Thank You SOO much for your replies.

I have an ortho appointment today. :D / :?

We are going to ask them if it would even be worth it to use it at this point.

Thank you for all your opinions.
I'll keep you posted.


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:46 pm
by flipflopfreak422
Well, it looks as tho it will be closer to next summer that i get my braces off. o well. i guess it's not that bad. and they don't hurt much anymore.

i got the phos flur. it tastes kinda gross but that's alright.

uhm so yah. my ortho was only concerned about my brushing for 2 weeks and then he wasn't anymore. well he still wants me 2 brush obviously but u get my point.
