Everything burns...**0_o**

Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!

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Everything burns...**0_o**

#1 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Does anyone else have this problem? Everything I use burns or stings my mouth and my tongue. It's such a pain to brush. I always just take a deep breath and just bear it...even the Crest Pro-Health mouthwash stings every now and then. And mouth wash is out of the question it's just out right painful. I dilute it when I do use it, tho. Cuz I feel like I should be using SOME kind of mouthwash.

I mostly just stick with the mint flavored stufff. Can't do the cinnamon. And that one Crest stuff with all those crazy flavors...bleh...I tried them ALL...except that Vanilla...hmmm vanilla flavored toothpaste...??? :roll:

I'm thinking I could try some of the children's toothpaste. I imagine it wouldn't burn as much...

I'm not a fan of bubble gum flavored stuff tho. Has anyone tried, or recommend any other flavor? Or toothpaste...adult or child???
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#2 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

It's everytime I brush. I wasn't so bad before I got braces and now it's just a tad bit worse. I thought it was just the little cuts in my mouth from the braces, but there aren't any.

I stopped the salt water rinses a while ago, when the ache went away. And used it once when that molar band was loose, to try and get rid of that taste.

I might give my dentist a call tommorrow and see what he says.

Sometimes I think the Crest Pro-Health has something to do with it tho. My mouth seems like it literally peels on the inside when I use it, But it's one of the only gel toothpastes I can use without gagging. I prefer the gels...me and the pastes just dont get along...bleh...

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#3 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Yea...I'll be giving them call in the morning first thing. I'm not sure how much more I can take. I have to admit to what is proly an ultimate no no...skipping a brushing every now and then. Like when I haven't had sweets mainly.

So if I start them up again, when should I do it or does it matter, as long as I get in at least one a day?

Does it matter if it's Lite Salt? It's still salt...I think... :roll:
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#4 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

I called this morning and the Hygeinist(sp?) said to try something fruit flavored and a mouthwash without alcohol. Which the alcohol thing I kinda figured out. The mouthwash I use now has alcohol as the number one ingredient, so it's pretty intense. So no more of that. Another suggested to use the Crest Pro-Health rinse, which I might do despite the blue slime that comes with it...bleh...

My mom uses the Lemon Burst Crest or something like that...I think I'll try that one along with the salt water...well see how it goes... :D
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#5 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

I tried that Lemon Ice...not burst...lol...but anywho it tastes wierd , but it doesn't burn and that's a good thing. I've seen the Biotene mouthwash but no the toothpaste... and yea it's pricey, even at wal-mart...bleh. I might it tho...just to see how it works... :D :D
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#6 Post by Brunoise »

I like biotene ---- taste is not firey like listerine. It is also recommended for those healing from mouth piercings to keep them clean.

I like the Vanilla Mint toothpaste though it is different from the standard minty fresh paste.

Do you remember Ultra Bright from the 70's? That would burn your lips off!!

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TL re: burning sensation

#7 Post by amd »

I also have very sensitive teeth and mouth. STOP using Crest PRO-HEALTH!!! I stoped and started using sensodyne and biotene, mucho better. I can stand to brush & rinse 2 -3 times a day. My dentist told me the crest pro-health is very rough on people with sensitive teeth and mouths.


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#8 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Brunoise I remember the name, but I don't think I ever used it...I'm from the 80's...lol...do they still make it?

yea...amd...that Crest Pro-Health is pretty abrasive...I've read on other forums where some dentists where posting stuff and time and time again none of the like the Crest Pro-Health or did not recommend it. They almost all agreed on Colgate Total and some other one, I cannot remember which.

I happen to have some so I think I'll try that again... :D :D :D
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#9 Post by Brunoise »

I think it is still there -----that, Close-up and Pearl Drops Tooth Polish. Probably down on the bottom row somewhere.

Ultra Brite had such a hot flavor that it was like tasting the sun. I remember having to use it at my grand parents house. AAAAHHHHH! :yikes:

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#10 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Wow...I remember the CLose-Up...lol...its firey too...but I liked the texture of the gel...hehe... I just wish some of the other toothpastes/gel would be like that...I sooooo hate pastes....bleh...I gag enough just brushing...pastes dont make it any better...I'm still on the hunt for a perfect gel. A new huge Rite-Aid just opened here...think I'll go check out their dental hygeine section...
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TL- Nice Paste avail

#11 Post by amd »

I'm not sure where you live, but if you're in Canada.... Sometimes if you look hard enough you can find good ole fashioned AIM. It's approved by the Dental Assoc. and it's a nice light gel.

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#12 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

My mom used to buy that AIM all the time...man can't believe I forgot about that. I wish I could just get sample sizes of a bunch of different toothpastes and try them...that way I wont have to buy a whole tube...lol
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#13 Post by aggiechick »

I've never been able to use Crest products. Even when I was little, Crest irritated my mouth, and it still does at 34. I'm a huge fan of Colgate and of Sensodyne. I also usually use alcohol-free mouthwash, but I've been using Listerine in my waterpick (1:1 solution of Listerine and water) for the last couple of weeks w/o any issues.

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