Best type of dental care

Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!

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Best type of dental care

#1 Post by taylorhl25 »

I am having my braces fitted in 4 weeks (Damon's on upper and lower), I currently use a manual toothbrush but want to start getting teeth all nice and ready for 27th February. Am I best to keep on with my manual or would an electric be better, i so any recommendations (I am from the UK).

Also is mouthwash best to use and what type of toothpaste. . . sorry for all the questions but I am new to all this ! :P :P

Betty Bat
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#2 Post by Betty Bat »

This is akin to asking, "what's a better pet - a dog or a cat?" There's no right answer for this, but there are a lot of opinions.

For the record, I have a Sonicare 7300 which I love! I also use a manual, ortho-cut Oral-B toothbrush. Sonicare in the morning and after dinner, manual at lunch and bedtime. Strangely enough, I have been getting the ortho-cut brushes from my regular dentist, not from my ortho. I use Oral-B proxy brushes (which I also get from my regular dentist) and Oral-B Satin floss. I don't use any mouthwashes or rinses on a regular basis.

Here are some tips:
- If you decide to get an electric toothbrush, particularly something like the Sonicare, check out Ebay. The prices are much better.
- No matter what you decide with respect to toothbrushes, remember to use a proxy brush and floss. There's no substitute for these. A toothbrush just can't get into all of the small spaces around your brackets like a proxy brush can. And, flossing is a good habit. It might be difficult to floss for a while (just the mechanics of the process with wires), but stick with it.

ETA: I use Colgate Total toothpaste. It has triclosan, with is supposed to help prevent cavities. I don't use a whitening paste, but many people on the board do.

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#3 Post by Amy19 »

hi :D

well i love the colgate florigard (sp) its available everywhere and tastes really nice and apparently fights really well against cavities (always a plus)

i also love my sonicare toothbrush. vibrates all your teeth which can be feel weird but nice after a adjustment. Deff worth the money. I also swear it makes my metal shine (but i think thats all in my head haha)

Good luck with braces :D

Amy x


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#4 Post by Lisa65 »

I was disappointed with the Sonicare, I found my teeth were getting very stained.
In the end I sold it and went to back to my trusty old Oral B spinbrush. I find it does a good job and new heads are much cheaper. Proxy (interdental) brushes are invaluable too, for getting round the brackets and into little spaces.

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#5 Post by taylorhl25 »

Thank you all so much. . . I have always just been a twice a day brusher, no floss, no interdentals (teepee's), so this is all very new to me BUT I am spending a small fortune on getting a great smile, so I just want to make sure I do it all properly.

From general opinions I think I am going to treat myself to a Sonicare, I use interdentals at the moment, so will change toothpaste and get some mouthwash. . . I am really not good with the Floss, is this really required?

Thanks againm your opinions have been invaluable !

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