Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!
Does anyone use the flosser picks, like Plackers Orthopicks?
Manual floss seems to be the most popular choice here, the type with stiff ends. After the Waterpik, of course! Why is the manual floss preferred over the floss picks?
I have a hard time getting the floss picks under my arch wires. Even though they have a flat end designed to get under arch wires, the flat end is still really thick and doesn't always fit in the space between the wire and the teeth. I've made it a year without breaking any brackets, I'm not going to ruin my record over a floss pick. But that's just me!
To be honest, I had to google floss picks to see what they are. Never saw one in my life
I use the manual one (oral b) and it's a just a regular floss without stiff ends (which I did buy initially, but it's WAY too thick for the space between my teeth).
Takes me 10-15 minutes for a full flossing session. Although, it does sometimes feel like in the picture below
if havent tried i highly recommend oral b superfloss, regular floss found was a nightmare but this is kinna also..ahh i miss floss picks, there also too thick for me, now i def feel like that girl ^
Takes me 10-15 minutes for a full flossing session. Although, it does sometimes feel like in the picture below
I use one called Oral-B Satinfloss, although I'm going to try the superfloss. The satinfloss has a nice, flat surface, which I like because it doesn't hurt my gums. I've gotten good at getting it under the braces, too. Although flossing the back teeth is still extremely frustrating.
I have been using good old Johnson's waxed mint floss with an Oral B threader. The floss I was using didn't work well with the braces. I am thinking about picking up the Plackers floss picks today because I am still having a hard time flossing my top molars. This is large in part due to the fact that it really hurts the inside of my mouth to have to open it wide enough (and for as long as I need) to get to those teeth. I hope that will change once my mouth toughens up.
I got the Plackers floss picks today and am not impressed I am not sure what aspect of the design is causing the problem but they are useless on my back teeth and close to useless everywhere else (I think it is the amount of slack in the floss). I guess I will just have to keep at tyring to perfect flossing my new teeth the old fashioned way.
I use Super Floss or threat regular floss underneath the wire (which takes forever!!)
I have a Water Pik but don't really like it. It's really loud and doesn't make me feel as clean as thread floss.
I find I don't need to floss as much now because my teeth have become so gappy that nothing can get stuck in there. I still do it a couple times a week though.
I just use my regular Oral-B essential floss. It was challenging learning how to floss with braces on the first time. I spent around 20 minutes and I only have the top arch braced at the moment. It's gotten easier over the past few days and I figured the best way is to floss the most difficult spots first then move to the more accessible parts. Maybe you have more willpower at first lol?
This is almost a year later so hopefully that's ok?
I am new to the board and braces and not sure if I'm flossing right. It feels like a dumb question actually but here goes.
I start with with the stiff end which I thread through then use the floss just as I would normally, right? What I'm concerned with is then getting the floss out. Those who use it, do you thread the rest through or pull the thread out? I then wonder about the accumulation of food etc for the next tooth? Does that make sense?
To me I feel like I'm not really doing a good job flossing now. Obviously before braces, I would just pull the floss down between the teeth and move the floss to the clean part for the next tooth.
I just feel like I am cleaning my teeth with dirty floss.. apart from the space where I start!