Which Waterpik tip do you use?

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Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#1 Post by paulwall »

I have traditional metal braces and I use the "pik pocket" tip on my stationary Waterpik Aquarius. It seems more effective for flossing and I use a low-setting.

Any particular reason I should be using the orthodontic tip? I know it's supposed to clean brackets, but my Sonicare works well. The orthodontic tip seems less effective for interdental flossing.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#2 Post by jk40 »

My waterpik arrived yesterday, and for the first few times I used the ortho tip.

What I like about the ortho tip is that its soft, so any 'hamfisted' cleaning should not risk dislodging any of my brackets.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#3 Post by Rocketgirl »

I use the ortho one. I have been using it for about three months and so far it has been a total lifesaver!

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#4 Post by svar2201 »

I use the classic jet tip in between meals. I also use the ortho tip occasionally.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#5 Post by EmilyTravels »

I just got a Waterpik and am going to try it tonight for the first time. I am waiting for my order of spam spam spam flossers from Ebay, and in the meantime, the Waterpik will be the best I can do re. flossing.

Do you Waterpik users use it with plain water or do you add some mouthwash? I have a non-alcohol Colgate Total anti-plaque rinse I could add if needed.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#6 Post by EmilyTravels »

Well, I have to say that this Waterpik thing is kinda messy! Glad I decided to try with plain water, as it gets all over the sink area, mirror, etc, and I wouldn't want mouthwash all over those surfaces. Any tips for neat Waterpiking? :huh:

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#7 Post by kuclas »

I just got braces again this past Tuesday. My third time but first time since I was 19.

Got waterpik aqauis 660? From Amazon for about $60. Just used it for 2 nights still getting used to it. I use the ortho tip and the water pik tip. It does get extra food out. Pretty satisfied with purchase. Not sure how I got away without using this water pik when I had braces the first time.

Still trying to floss 2x a day.

Will try to get the portable one I can keep at work.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#8 Post by Sbarnett »

I just bought my cordless one at Walmart.my ortho said the better ones have a dial for different pressure but this one works ok

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#9 Post by Sideways »

I just use the standard Waterpik tip with my Ultra Flosser. Seems to work fine, and it's been going strong for the past year after daily use.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#10 Post by djspeece »

EmilyTravels wrote:Well, I have to say that this Waterpik thing is kinda messy! Glad I decided to try with plain water, as it gets all over the sink area, mirror, etc, and I wouldn't want mouthwash all over those surfaces. Any tips for neat Waterpiking? :huh:
After filling the reservoir with warm tap water, I bend over the sink such that my torso forms about a 90 degree angle to my legs. I open my mouth and allow my lips to loosely form a small "O" shape, put the tip in my mouth, and start blasting away. You'll need to rely on the sensations as you move the tip slowly around your mouth. I tended to blast them up and down through the brackets as well as between my teeth. The water simply drains from your mouth along with a variety of debris. Some foods are much more entertaining to remove, such as hot dogs. Pieces get hung up everywhere, and Mr. Waterpik is the aquatic enforcer. Obviously I am easily entertained.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#11 Post by EmilyTravels »

djspeece wrote:
EmilyTravels wrote:Well, I have to say that this Waterpik thing is kinda messy! Glad I decided to try with plain water, as it gets all over the sink area, mirror, etc, and I wouldn't want mouthwash all over those surfaces. Any tips for neat Waterpiking? :huh:
After filling the reservoir with warm tap water, I bend over the sink such that my torso forms about a 90 degree angle to my legs. I open my mouth and allow my lips to loosely form a small "O" shape, put the tip in my mouth, and start blasting away. You'll need to rely on the sensations as you move the tip slowly around your mouth. I tended to blast them up and down through the brackets as well as between my teeth. The water simply drains from your mouth along with a variety of debris. Some foods are much more entertaining to remove, such as hot dogs. Pieces get hung up everywhere, and Mr. Waterpik is the aquatic enforcer. Obviously I am easily entertained.
LOL...loved your reply! :lol:

I actually haven't been using the Waterpic much lately. I've found I do just as well rinsing my mouth well a couple of times after eating, brushing carefully (first w/toothpaste, then another minute or so with water only), then rinsing again. I do this 3x a day. Morning and evening I also use mouth rinse. Oh, before the evening brushing, I floss. Waterpics are good, but the ortho's tech said that I was doing a great job with hygiene even without one, so I may not bother, given the amount of extra work it is. I do appreciate your tips, though!

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#12 Post by djspeece »

Since debracing I only use mine occasionally, and put it under the sink and off the counter. In the thread "Confess your orthodontic sins" someone posted that they use their flosser to blast away gunk around the sink drain and overflow hole, which I think is genius. I haven't tried it yet, though.

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#13 Post by EmilyTravels »

djspeece wrote:Since debracing I only use mine occasionally, and put it under the sink and off the counter. In the thread "Confess your orthodontic sins" someone posted that they use their flosser to blast away gunk around the sink drain and overflow hole, which I think is genius. I haven't tried it yet, though.
That is genius! A mini power washer! :lol:

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#14 Post by corbanderson01 »

I frequently use my ortho tip for my Waterpik. I think it's great!

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Re: Which Waterpik tip do you use?

#15 Post by imtryinghereguys »

I usually use the regular tip to get rid of larger food pieces stuck in my braces. Sometimes, I use the orthodontic tip to help me brush and get really close to my brackets and under the wires.

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