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Electric Toothbrushes- Yay or Na???

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:15 pm
by legallylexi
Hi I am a newbie to braces (I got them on on Tuesday) and am trying to adjust to them. One of the things my orthodontist told me was that he doesn't suggest that we use electric toothbrushes with braces- something about they knock the brackets loose. Well the weekend previous at the suggestion of my regular dentist I bought the new sonicare toothbrush (to replace my old one) and I am not sure if I should ignore my orthodontist- who already I am wondering if I picked the best one I could have- or if I should put the new $100+ toothbrush up. Any suggestions?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:50 pm
by Attagirl2
I have had no problems with my electric tooth brush popping brackets. Now food, is another story.... Just go gental around the brackets - you shouldn't be using a lot of force anyway - you don't want to cause receding gums from to much pressure. I found my electric allows me to use less force than a standard brush (I have receding gums from brushing to hard for a good portion of my life).

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:07 pm
by R-A-M-O-N-E-S
Wow! You got a Sonicare Elite in your goodie bag, I got a small Crest toothpaste a crest toothbrush some of those red pills and wax.......:(
Anyway I use sonicare and have had no problems and my ortho said I shouldnt have any with sonicare.

Electric brushes

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:48 pm
by Betty Bat
I got the Crest SpinBrush from my othodontist. So far, so good.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:28 am
by Dodger(UK)
Lucyloop wrote:....Wow Meryaten....did your ortho really give you a SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM Sonicare Elite?? They're really expensive! :)
Blimey! - I paid the best part of £90 for mine, and that was from the discount bargain shop, Ebay :lol:

That's one might fine goodie bag you get from your ortho, Meryaten. ;)


Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:07 am
by legallylexi
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your replies. I have been using sonicare for the entire week, I find my teeth are a lot cleaner and it disturbs the food that might be stuck on the brackets, so that even comes off easier than with me brushing myself. We will see when I go back in in a few weeks if he notices that any brackets are loose or anything...if not I will keep plugging away with my sonicare!:)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:56 am
by CelestialVoices
Definitely yay, I love my Sonicare Elite Pro. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:56 am
by missy
My orthodontist also gave me a Sonicare Elite in my goodie bag. I had used Sonicare in the past so I was thrilled! I have been in braces for 2 years and have received many compliments from my hygenist about the good condition of my teeth. :) I highly recommend it!

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:44 am
by Dadio
Just got a new OralB 8000 Pro Care and love it. My existing Oral B decided to lose its mind, one day it won't turn off, next day won't turn on. I knew I couldn't go without one. I think it's my 4th oral b electric and they've all been great. Has helped my dental hygiene immensely and reversed gum damage (2 or 3s now, no more of those 4 and 5s!) and I always get rave reviews on keeping clean. I'm also one of those that confused thorough brushing with vigorous brushing. No problems with brackets with it, but I'm only just past my first adjustment. I also have a cheaper Oral B I bought in a closeout store for $20 or so and it's the one I take when I travel.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:38 pm
by BraceUrself
I bought a Rota-Dent from my Ortho's office & I use it everytime I brush, after brushing with my regular toothbrush & that was under his reccomendation so I doubt they can hurt your brackets TOO much you know? Good luck & happy cleaning!

Electric Toothbrushes

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:00 am
by orthodoc
I am an orthodontist...we have given our patients a Sonicare for ?4 years now. Within the last year or so, we have also started dispensing the Sonic Complete (Oral B)...patients randomly receive either one of the brushes. So far we haven't noticed a big difference in effectiveness, but we plan to do a survey sometime in the New Year.

The cost of either brush to my practice is significant, but I believe it is worth the investment...healthier gums means that we have fewer problems trying to rebond brackets when they do come off...patients are more satisfied with their results (fewer puffy gums)...referring dentists appreciate the difference. We have not seen a problem with broken brackets and I believe that the few scientific studies on the subject have not identified broken brackets to be an issue.

My two cents worth...

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:31 pm
by TuZZi
After using an electric toothbrush... there's no way I'll ever go back to using a normal one unless the darn batteries are dead. I have receeding gums from pushing too hard with a manual brush, and with the electric, I don't have to push hard at all to get my mouth clean. My Oral-B says to use it at a slow speed to get in and around the brackets, and so far it's been the best toothbrush I've ever used.... except it's dead after I use it only 5 times.

electric toothbrush

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:14 am
by jaye
i bought an electric toothbrush for my boyfriend for christmas (luckily for me it was a special deal that included a second handle!!). i just used it for the first time this morning and my teeth feel so lovely! they feel like they do after they are cleaned and polished with the hygienist! it is an oralB professional care 8500 that comes with a range of attatchments like a tongue cleaner, interdental cleaner polisher etc... what a great xmas gift hey :lol: