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Rembrandt toothpaste ...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:38 am
by Clo
Hi all,

just some months after I discovered how wonderful Rembrandt toothpaste,
the one with baking soda in it, is, it seems to have been withdrawn from
the market. Maybe something to do with Rembrandt being moved from
the Gilette Group to Procter and Gamble, or was it the other way around.
Anyway, my favorite toothpaste can't be bought anymore. Someone of
you knows if this is true, final or only temporary ? Or maybe someone
knows a similar toothpaste with baking soda ? Thanks !

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:54 pm
by hannah164
Just curious but what exactly does baking soda do for your teeth?



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05


Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:41 am
by amychelle
Baking Soda is AWESOME!!!

It can:
  • deodorize trash cans and litter boxes (dump it in the litter for long term)
    soften water (dump it in your bathwater to soften skin- and makes more bubbles!!)
    use as/in toothpaste
    put it in shampoo (once a week) to get rid of product buildup.
    laundry booster
    help keep your pool water clear
    set in fridge to keep food smells out
    sprinkle on carpet/upholstry then vacuum to remove odors
    sprinkle in shoes to remove odor
    face scrub
    foot soak
    hand cleaner when mixed w/ liquid soap (think LAVA soap)
    neutralize battery acid
    fire extinguisher
    put in bottom of ashtrays to keep stale cigarette odors at bay
    dry bath for dogs
    freshen stuffed animals
    use to clean almost anything (like Comet) - great for cooking surfaces where you don't want to use harsh chemicals
I won't take a bubble bath without putting some soda in my water. It makes so many more bubbles and my skin is so much softer.

Check this out:

I guess I shoulda posted this in Off-Topic, huh?

I sound like a walking (typing) advertisement. BUT THE STUFF IS GREAT!


Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:22 pm
by Shagers
amychelle wrote:Baking Soda is AWESOME!!!
It can:
  • freshen stuffed animals
Your cats are looking decidedly uncomfortable in the corner right now... :)


Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:27 pm
by HollyDontSpend
amychelle wrote:Baking Soda is AWESOME!!!

I won't take a bubble bath without putting some soda in my water. It makes so many more bubbles and my skin is so much softer.
I am gonna have to try that!!!


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:14 pm
by amychelle
Shagers wrote:
amychelle wrote:Baking Soda is AWESOME!!!
It can:
  • freshen stuffed animals
Your cats are looking decidedly uncomfortable in the corner right now... :)

My dad really is an amature taxidermist.