Slawdawg's Journal

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Location: Locust Grove, GA

#46 Post by Slawdawg »

Sunday, April 9.
I went to church this morning and stayed afterwards for our church family picnic. Hated not being able to partake of the assortment of grilled delicacies and homemade goodies, but the kids had a great time playing and hunting for eggs. I took a small nap and returned for our evening AWANA program which I am in charge of. I made it through rather well, but sat quietly a lot more than usual.
Monday, April 10.
I went back to school thinking I could sit quietly at my desk, give my students their instruction and they would quietly attend to their tasks. Yeah, right! It worked well for the first few classes, but the longer I was there, the more animated I got. I can't teach sitting down and being quiet. That's just not me. By the time we were discussin the soap opera of English monarchy during the 1600's, I was up and telling the story with all the gusto I usually do. Bad idea. I also had a very late meeting Monday night and stayed up too late watching two hours of The Apprentice, so I was in bad shape when I went to school Tuesday morning. I had to call it quits at lunch time, come home and take some Advil and a good nap. I felt better that evening, so I took my daughter to cheerleading practice and again felt awful when I got home.
Guess what, stupid?! You just had fairly major surgery on your face! Sit down and rest awhile. The world will still be there when you get back.
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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#47 Post by Slawdawg »

Wednesday, April 12.
I just returned form a visit to the OS to check on things. Other than the fact that I need to rinse my mouth a lot better up in the gum line. things went very well. He told me to use a mixture of Listerine and salt water to rinse a clean things up. Interesting. We'll try that tonight.
The OS gave my expander a turn and taught me how to do it. Difficult, but not impossible and not at all painful, just wierd. I need to crank this thing 3 times each day for the next five days. I'll see the good doctor again on Monday to see how we're progressing. I don't think I'll be cranking for more than a week or so, though.
Let's talk about sleeping for a minute. I have been sleeping pretty much upright for the last week. I accidentally fell asleep on the couch lying down the other day and when I woke up, it felt like my upper lip had grown around my braces. Not a cool feeling! I think the swelling comes on stronger when lying down, so I have a big stack of pillows on the bed to support me at night, but it's still not very comfortabe. A couple of nights, I even came downstairs to sleep in a chair. I'm doing OK, but still need more sleep than I'm used to getting. I was glad to be able to sleep in this morning since I had a visit to the OS scheduled.
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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#48 Post by Slawdawg »

Enough Journaling...


When I looked on my paper work, it said that the SARPE would be done via a "Partial LeFort Osteotomy" so I guess that's what happened.

When I went in today, the OS snipped my archwire in the center so things can expand. I already have a small gap, maybe 1 mm. He also said that if I feel no pain and see no gap, I'm not doing it right. I expected sharp pains in the jaw, but what really happens is more like a dull ache from the pressure which gradually moves up into my head. Advil has been plenty enough to handle it, though.

Luckily, no nose bleeds, but I do get really congested. A little nasal spray in the morning and evening does the trick.
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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#49 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Slawdawg,
Well sounds like you are quite the busy guy! Like you said....slow down, take it easy, let your body heal! LOL...

As for expanding...I did not find expansion to be painful. Uncomfortable yes....weird, unnerving, even sorta strange, but not painful. Mostly I just felt the pressure that came from the added force on my teeth. Occasionally I would get a bit achey in my palate area but would just take some Advil and things would be fine. I will say that I pretty much lived on Ibuprofen for the whole 17 days I was expanding though, and honestly, I had three weeks off from work but still felt pretty puny coming back even then. I'm at 40 days post op now...and 3 weeks out from expansion completion, and I still get a lot of discomfort in my teeth and upper gum area as things are healing. They get sorta burny and achey and I still have to take Advil once in
awhile just to manage the discomfort. Like you said, you had semi major surgery, so just listen to your body and don't overdo it!

I totally agree that laying down increases the swelling. I would be really puffy in the morning upon waking and my upper lip would get really swollen and numb feeling. This didn't happen near as much if I slept in a more upright position. I did find that a hot shower helped a lot with reducing the swelling in the morning, or a warm compress. It wasn't comfortable for me to sleep sitting up for more than a couple of days so I mostly just tried to deal with the swelling. Mine was pretty much gone by day 5 though.

Keep us posted on your progress, and happy healing!


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#50 Post by Slawdawg »

OK, I got almost NO sleep last night. I went to bed around 10:30 and by 1:00 AM I had slept maybe 30 minutes, but not in a row. I moved downstairs to my chair and continued to toss and turn until 3:00 AM or so. At around 3:00, I slept for about an hour, got up and called in to work. There's no way I can chase 6th grades around on 2 hours sleep! I hate missing work, but even more I hate missing sleep. I slept again from about 5:00 until 6:00 when it was time for the morning rituals to begin. I got the family off to school and crashed into the bed at around 7:00. I slept sitting up for about 4 hours! Why couldn't I do that last night? Four straight hours and a few naps in between would have been great!

I cranked the "device" three times this morning. At least I think I did. I stuck the key in, pushed until I felt like I was going to bend the key, and I felt a little pressure. I di that two moretimes and finally felt like things were spreading. I'm afraid to go too much, but I'm really not feeling much when I use the key. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to feel it more. I had planned on doing one turn three different times during the day, but I think I'll do all three together so I can feel something and know things are moving.

Tomorrow, it's back to work for sure. I have to get ready for the lovely state testing ritual. Since I teach students with disabilities, I usually have to read the test aloud. That ain't happenin'! Luckily the powers that be have arranged things so I have students that need extra time and frequent breaks rather than have it read aloud. I stil have to read through the directions and such, but not the test itself. What fun it's going to be!
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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#51 Post by Flora2006 »

Sounds like you had a bad night. Hopefully tonight you will get more sleep and will feel better.

I hate that feeling when you just haven't had enough sleep or no sleep at all...I have it often due to many all-nighters for university papers and just feels like the end of the world and everything is just wrong.

So I really hope you get tons of sleep tonight so you can go to work tomorrow feeling energized and just better overall :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#52 Post by Slawdawg »

Much better today! Thanks for the well-wishes, guys. I slid down a little in the bed last night and slept much better. I had two huge bumps on my cheeks in the morning, but they went down after a shower and walking around a while. I think I shall put up with the lumps and sleep tonight as well.
I'm still having a little trouble knowing if I've turned the key or not. After what I think is one turn, I don't feel anything. After a second go, though, things do get tighter. When I spoke to the folks at the OS, they told me better to not go enough than to go too much since the space won't be filled in quickly enough. Since I am still in doubt, I'll continue to make the required three turns, but hope at least two of them are good and I don't accidentally do a fourth!
Otherwise, all went well back at school today. It ws pretty normal other than the constant aching in and around my head and the lovely mush that I ate for lunch. I'm still bot much on chewing, so if I can b;end it and turn it into mush, I'm happy. The trouble is that the easiest thing and most satisfying thing for me to eat is soft ice cream. I went through two quarts of sherbet in a week and I'm working my way through a half gallon of Dulche le Leche (ggod caramel stuff) now. Still, I've lost about 15 pounds, but I hope it will stay gone when I'm done.
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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Location: Locust Grove, GA

#53 Post by Slawdawg »

Returned to the OS this afternoon for a little check-up. He said, "Smile." I did. He said, "You haven't been doing it." I frowned. Apparently I completely misunderstood how to crank this thing and I've been doing it wrong! For the last 5 days, I've been accomplishing absolutely nothing! Oh, well. I know the correct procedure now and we can get on the raod to expansion. I do have a little space in the front, but that's probably due to the turning he did when I had the surgery. I will return Thursday to what I hope will be much better news, then see the Ortho to check if the expansion is enough. I don't have far to go, so I should only expand for a week or so. Which, of course, would be done by Thursday if I had done it right. Darn it! I hate when I screw up.
Had a great litle Easter dinner with the in-laws Saturday. Mom-in-law made lots of soft stuff and I bought a "Magic Bullet" to handle the rest. I love this contraption! If you haven't seen it on TV, check out It's small, easy to use, and makes just about anything into mush in 10 seconds. It also makes great smoothies, shakes, dips, and other lovely treats.
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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#54 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Slawdawg,
The exact same thing happend to one of my little kiddos at school. Her mom was actually turning it the wrong way and pulling her palate in for 2 weeks. Now they are on track and she is starting to get that characteristic little gap!

You are lucky you don't have too much to do, but I agree it is pretty tricky getting the hang of cranking these torture devices. Good luck!


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#55 Post by Slawdawg »

Expansion Complete!! I finally got to cranking the key correctly and turned three times every morning for the last week. I have achieved 6mm of expansion as of Tuesday, April 25 and I'm feeling great!
I've lost 20 lbs. and started chewing soft stuff this week (no more Magic Bullet!). As long as I can cut small bites, I can chew most foods if I'm careful.
On the last visit to the OS, he said I was healing like a fifteen-year-old, oral hygiene was excellent, and he was pleased with the weight loss. I won't see him again until things are healed up...somewhere around mid-July, I think. With any luck, I'll have the expander out before school starts back!
And now...the photo evidence. Here's a smile before and after expansion...I have a lovely gap, but the open bite seems to have grown, too.
Image Image
Here's the inside story...RPE before and after expansion.
Image Image
All in all, things are progressing nicely. I go back for an adjustment and the dreaded power chain on Monday. Now I get to start worrying about the impending full LeFort 1 Osteotomy. What fun that's going to be!
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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#56 Post by pam17 »

Wow SlawDawg! The movement is incredible! Here's hoping everything else goes as quickly for you and that your expander will be out before school starts.


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#57 Post by fran1971 »

I'm glad everything is going well for you. Hopefully I will be just as lucky with mine. Finally got my surgery date. May 10 is the magic day. I've decided to take off work for a week following surgery just to make sure I dont go back to soon. Thanx for all your helpfull advice about the expander. Mine is alot easier to live with now. Thanx again! :D

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#58 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Slawdawg,
I was wondering what happened to you! HOly Mackeral! You lost 20lbs? That is a lot! My metabolism must just be at a stand still as I have only lost 7 since getting braced and believe me, I still eat like a bird as it is just too much work to really eat.

Great expansion.....what did you think of the whole expansion process? Pretty weird feeling isn't it? Do you have any pain or tenderness between your gap? Mine is still pretty tender and it was only in the last week (55 days post expansion) that it actually stopped aching. I couldn't wear the power chain at all, and even experimenting with it last week when my gap was only 2mm was very uncomfortable. Mine has managed to slowly come together on its own though as I guess yours would too. I will be interested to hear how you do with the powerchain as personally I think they are the "devil" LOL...

Keep up the healing like a 20 year old! and keep us posted on your progress!


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#59 Post by Slawdawg »

Thanks for the positive feedback, guys. I'm really doing very well and your comments make me feel that much better.
I haven't posted in a while because nothing much has been happening other than brushing and cranking...cranking and brushing... I have been following your blog closely, Brandy, and I hope all continues to go well with you.
The expansion was really a wierd feeling, but not painful at all. The only pain was when the pressure from the expansion worked its way up into my head. I had some pretty good headaches for a few days and one or two days with some jaw pain. I just took a couple of Advil and everything seemed fine.
The gums in the gap are a bit tender from the stretching, but not really painful. I suppose it's because I had the partial LeFort done and the nerves up there were severed. All of my upper teeth and gums are still really numb. I guess that's why I'm not too worried about the power chain. I can't feel anything, so why not put on a good one and close up the gap while I'm still numb. I visited the ortho after my OS appointment Monday and she pushed on my two front teeth to simulate the power chain and I felt nothing. Let's hope it stays that way!
I have been very happy to have some ability to chew return, but I think I pushed it a little the last two days. Last night, I gently chewed one of my favorites...popcorn. Not a good idea, but as long as I watched closely for the kernels, all went well. The real mistake was supper today. I tried to chew on a grilled chicken sandwich (cut into little pieces, of course), but it was still too tough and I was really not feeling too good when I finished. :shock:
I came home, had a big bowl of ice cream, and just relaxed until things were feeling better. :lol:
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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#60 Post by Slawdawg »

Glad to hear you got a date, fran! I'm also happy you found some of the things I have shared helpful. Brandy's blog is so incredible and detailed, she has shared every little bit of her journey. I just do what I can to share the bits that I have learned.
Do you know what kind of surgery you'll be having? I have found that some of the folks have not had the same kinds of surgeries. I was thinking I would only have a couple of small incisions to knock the pallet loose. What I got was a partial LeFort Osteotomy where the upper pallet was cut from one end to the other and completely loosened. The first week or so after surgery I felt like I was wearing loose dentures. Every bump in the road or hard step I took jostled things around. Very uncomfortable! Quite a different procedure and different feelings from what others have had done I think. The bad news is, I wasn't expecting that much to be done. The good news is that I am a little more prepared for the second surgery coming in the future when the do a full LeFort procedure to move the upper jaw forward and down a bit to close the open bite.
Be sure to keep us posted on your journey. I'm sure others will benefit from what you share the same way I have benefitted from DM, Joplin, Brandy, and others.
Braces: Feb 1, 2006
SARPE: April 5, 2006

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