Louise's braces update

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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Louise's braces update

#1 Post by Louise »

Hi everyone. 8) Well I went for another adjustment the other day which went okay. There is not really any change with my top teeth any more because the braces have been on for a year now and they are pretty much straighted out now. I am really pleased with them, they look so much better. :-)o I would love to show a picture of them before braces but I don't have any. I think I 've mentioned this a thousand times before but never mind. I' ve got a picture dating back in February that I can show to compare.

Feb 2006 Image July 2006 Image

I am really glad the overcrowding in the top teeth has now been resolved. The problem now is the overcrowding of the lower teeth and my deep overbite. The lower braces have been on since February and things are slowly moving. The canine tooth on the left side of the picture shown below is being very stubborn and is refusing to move so my orthodontist has attached a tie wire on it. :oops: Hopefully this will get it to finally move! I am feeling alot of pressure on that side of my mouth.

Feb 2006 Image July 2006 Image

I've never really noticed before but the midline in the lower teeth used to be way off. The two central incisors seemed to be situated towards the left.

I've never taken pictures of my bite before so I've decided to take some now as I want to see the progress throughout the treatment.

Image Image Image

I have still got a click in my jaw which means that I don't have a proper bite. It is getting better but my orthodontist thinks that I might need surgery in the future but lets hope it doesn't come to that! :banana:


Last edited by Louise on Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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#2 Post by Louise »

Thanks Linda21 and KK. :thumbsup: I can't believe it's a year since becoming braced.

I really do hope that my bite improves. If my treatment has went well so far then everything else should come into place perfectly. :D

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#3 Post by vegetara »

wow!! your teeth look great. I love those colors on the ligs.

How much longer do they expect you will be in braces?

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#4 Post by Louise »

Thanks Vegetara. :P I like to get a different colour of ligs on each adjustment. I have to keep the braces on for another year. I hope it passes quick! +\+

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#5 Post by Louise »

Thanks Lucyloop :thumbsup: I'am really pleased with the results so far. Only one more year until the braces come off! :jump:

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Louise's braces update

#6 Post by Louise »

Hello everyone, I went for my adjustment today and everything seems to still be going to plan :thumbsup: The upper teeth still look the same, as all the major movement has taken place. :dance:


On my last visit I got a tie wire fixed onto my canine on the left side of the picture shown below. It has really helped make it move a bit. My orthodontist says things are slowly moving in the lower teeth. I don't know if pictures show any difference but there is movement! :wink:

13th July 2006

31st August 2006

And here are some pictures of my bite which is slowly changing as well.




Last edited by Louise on Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#7 Post by Louise »

Thanks rage31 and linda21 for your comments. It feels like its been forever for my lowers to start moving. I think they are being very stubborn but I'am glad that the orthodontist said that it is going well :wink:

I am also really loving my blue ligs as they make my teeth look shiny and white :D

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#8 Post by Louise »

Thanks bracedagain I am so pleased at my progress so far. I'm just waiting for my bite to correct itself and that should probably take another year. So I hope it passes fairly quickly. +\+

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#9 Post by Louise »

Hi everyone :D Had another adjustment today and things are slowly coming together. There is nothing to report on my top braces as my teeth just look the same and have already straighted out, anyway here is picture from today.


As I mentioned in my last post the main problem is my lower teeth. My appointment today lasted alot longer as my orthodontist was trying to decide on what to do next in my treatment. This is because my lower teeth are not moving as fast as she would like. My teeth are being very stubborn :-+ My canine teeth are still very twisted and have not moved much at all which is slightly worrying considering my lower braces have been on since February!

13th July

26th Oct

I do notice a difference on the left side of the picture so it is hope :dance:

So my orthodontist fixed a different type of wire onto my brackets. I am not sure what this type of wire is called but it seems to have a looped wire hanging along the side of each of the canines :Questions: Here is a picture to let you see what I am telling you about.


My teeth are feeling so tender right now and my teeth have not felt like this in a long time. I think the new type of wire must be adding more pressure.

My orthodontist also mentioned that we will have to have a long chat in a few months to discuss the option of having jaw surgery or wear permanent retainers. I was aware of this before I started treatment so I knew this time would come. I will wait and see what happens :banana:



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#10 Post by Louise »

Thankyou KK and linda21 for your replies. I am feeling really frustrated with things right now as I am not making much progress. Everything went so well with my uppers considering how very crooked they were.

It's really my lower jaw which is causing problems with my lower teeth. The thought of having jaw surgery actually scares me which is strange as I work as a nurse so I know what surgery involves!

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Louise's braces update (with new pics)

#11 Post by Louise »

Hi everyone. Had another adjustment today and everything is looking alot better. My lower teeth having been struggling to move and my last appointment was so disappointing as my teeth had made no progress. As you know from my last post I got a looped wire fitted and it has really done the trick and made my canines finally move. :jump:

This picture is when I first got my lowers braced on Feb 9th 2006


And this picture is when I got the new looped wire fitted on Oct 26th 2006


And this is from today


Now for my lower arch

July 13th 2006


I have decided to get some lovely festive coloured ligs as it's nearly Christmas.

Here is another pic from today




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Louise's braces update (with new pics)

#12 Post by Louise »

Thanks for your comments Linda21 and bracedagain. I'am glad that other people are noticing changes in my lower teeth - I was so worried for a while. :cry:

I have actually just noticed today that I have actually got a slight gap developing between my canine and incisor on the right side. Finally I can fit dental floss in that area and prevent a build up of tartar. :D



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Louise's braces update

#13 Post by Louise »

Hello everybody. Well its been another month and that means another adjustment. My ortho said my upper teeth have stopped moving and they are all now perfectly straight so I could be getting the upper braces off soon. :-)o

My lower teeth have stopped being stubborn and continue to move well. My bite is still trying to sort itself out but my ortho says that my bite is better on one side than it is the other although I don't know what side this is. :huh: Also my upper front teeth are blocking my lower teeth when I close my mouth together because I still have an overjet. This is preventing my lower teeth from moving more.

To help this matter, my ortho has put a collection of cement on top of my lower molars at the back of my mouth. This will stop my upper front teeth from resting on top of my lowers.

Here are some pictures from after my adjustment.

25th Jan 2007

25th Jan



Tin Indian
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#14 Post by Tin Indian »

Your teeth are really looking nice Louise. Nice colored ligs, are they teal color?
Braces on 9/01/2006- Braces off 4/14/08

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#15 Post by sjsarre »

I seem to be having the same issues as you do.. My tops are coming on really well, but my lowers are very stubborn...

Here's hoping yours move more quickly.. Did the ortho make any suggestions on dates for removing the uppers??


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