vegetara-overcrowding, overbite

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vegetara-overcrowding, overbite

#1 Post by vegetara »

I've been working with my dentist for a few months on getting ready for braces. I had some cavities that needed to be filled and she recommended i get my 2 remaining wisdom teeth (the bottoms) be removed. That was done last month, and, honestly, they've been nothing but trouble since they came in and probably should have been removed long ago.

She recommended an orthodontist to me (I wonder if he's simply the one my insurance would cover if I were a minor) and this same ortho also did the work on a friend of mine who was very pleased. I didn't consider 'shopping around' because I felt that with 2 recommendations, he must be good enough. I went to a consultation with him on June 22 and found his demeanor very cold. He said I must get some teeth removed ASAP and seemed to feel strongly that I should opt for the surgery to correct my overbite even though I told him I would rather avoid surgery and wanted to see first how far the braces would take me. The price was also very high and the $1000 up front he wanted was not reasonable for my budget.

My mother encouraged me to get a second opinion and talked to people she knew and gave me the name of another orthodontist. My consultation was Monday the 10th and the staff was much friendlier. This orthodontist told me that we might have to remove some teeth, but, said we will see a few months into treatment and it will depend on how things line up. He also said that my overbite won't fully be corrected without surgery, but, told me that surgery is not the best choice for a lot of adults as it involves breaking the jaw bone. The pricing plan was much more reasonable for me as well, and I accepted. They did my impressions and put in spacers. This ortho was nice enough to come in just to say hello as I was getting my impressions done. I will get my braces on Tuesday, the 18th.

the moral to my story: if your insurance isn't gonna cover it, shop around!!

anyway, here are some of my 'starter' pics....



So far, these spacers are annoying as heck. When I eat, they are painful. Only the softest foods are edible as I cannot chew anything, it seems. It hurts when I floss my other teeth. At this point in time, I want to rip them out.

I've been reading the other posts in this forum, and, KiwiKathy(?) is telling everyone to use salt water to prepare the gums and cheeks..duly noted, will start today on that!!

******Advice needed***************
I have to decide by Tuesday if I want metal or ceramic. I know that ceramic will take longer. They are already estimating 2 1/2 years in braces, and I'd hate to see that go to 3 years. I also hear that they are larger in the mouth and not as smooth, more likely to cut...

Despite the time, etc. I'm considering the ceramic because I already look really young for my age and am afraid that metal braces will further enhance my youth. Some people don't see the problem of looking like a teenager when you're 30, but, for me, it's a problem. Then again, I have that problem now and I'm in the habit of covering my teeth--maybe nobody will notice?
Last edited by vegetara on Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:32 am, edited 5 times in total.

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#2 Post by vegetara »'s KK..sorry

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#3 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Hey vegetara, Welcome to Archwired website... When I went see my orthodontist for the 1st time, At first I wanted clear brackets but my orthodontist said with my teeth condition I have to go with metal brackets than clear brackets because metal are more faster progress than clear. She said clear bracket kinda of slowing progress. It depends on how bad in person's teeth. I was told that I have 4 mm overjet and 70% deep/overbites. I am in braces now and I can see there is lot of movement with metal braces. I see all orthodontist got different opinions. Best thing to do is go by what your orthodontist will think is best for your teeth.



2-6-2006 Top braces
6-6-2006 bottom braces
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#4 Post by vegetara »

My orthodontist didn't seem to favor metal or ceramic. He said that both would work just fine for me but mentioned that treatment with ceramic could take a few months longer.

I'm trying to prepare for the braces now and it seems I should get some supplies together to take with me like a travel toothbrush and other supplies. What else should I pack in this kit?

Also, about the wax, does anyone happen to know if it contains animal products or if there are certain brands that don't? (I am a vegetarian).

Has anyone tried the Morgan Bumper (

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#5 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Hi, I don't think wax contains animal products. You will have to ask orthodontist about that one to be sure. I will be surprise if wax contains animals products but I doubt it. It is just like candle wax. About everythings you need for braces, go to



2-6-2006 Top braces
6-6-2006 bottom braces
Sentenced 1-26-2006 for 24 months
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#6 Post by vegetara »

Thanks again. I was actually looking at the Waterpik today and the 'Ultra' seems to be the best bet, as it has an attachment specifically for orthodontic needs. Does it replace flossing or is it done in addition to it?

I think I'm going to 'build my own' dentakit. Crest and Colgate both test on animals, and, besides, I think I can get the supplies i don't already have easily enough..that is, except for that great folding cup, but, I think I can order that alone or find something similar locally. I already have a couple of 'travel' toothbrushes, floss, paste, mirror...I priced the picks, etc. today and they are very inexpensive. I also noticed that I can purchase the orthodontic wax at the local drug store which is great to know, but, I assume the ortho. might give me some to start out with.

Any other product suggestions?

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#7 Post by vegetara »

Braces Today!!!

They put the top braces on, and, are holding off on the bottoms for right now due to my overbite.


Oh, and my ortho gave me a 'goodie bag' with instructions, some floss, wax, perio brushes (they say they'll give me more as needed) and a sample each of flouride rinse, antiseptic rinse, and mouth sore medicine. The only thing I need to still get is maybe a plastic toothpick. :D (Today, I learned why toothpicks are important after I ate some soup that had watercress in it. I got a tiny piece of watercress stuck where some crooked teeth kind of overlap, underneath the brace, of course. The perio-brush kind of pushed it in further, I needed something harder to go in the crevice and dislodge it!!)
30 years old
Spacers-July 10, 2006
Top Braces-July 18, 2006 (ceramic)
Bottoms--? (metal)
1st Adjustment-Sept. 6, 2006


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#8 Post by vegetara »

Thanks for the advice KK... you are a wonderful resource here and I really appreciate what you do for everyone.

One of the metal bands they put on my molars was already poking my cheek as of last night and the wax really helped but made me wonder again about what's in it. :?
I wrote to GUM/Butler last week about the ingredients and never got a response. I made a phone call and was told I would get a call back shortly and it never happened. I made a second phone call today and FINALLY got a list of the ingredients in the ortho. wax:

microcrystalline wax, ceresin wax, petrolatum

Nothing too disgusting!! Yippee!! :D
The down side is that the first phone rep. said that they test on animals 'only when they have to' :x I need to do more research on exactly what that means to them and if there's a more humane alternative out there. If there is, I haven't found it yet.
30 years old
Spacers-July 10, 2006
Top Braces-July 18, 2006 (ceramic)
Bottoms--? (metal)
1st Adjustment-Sept. 6, 2006


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#9 Post by vegetara »

So, I was trying take pics of my arches today (they didn't really turn out, hopefully the picture taking gets easier with practice) when I noticed that one of my brackets had come loose in the front tooth, near the incisor.

I called the ortho and they want me to come in on Tuesday to fix it. They say that it's not a problem to wait several days for the repair. How normal is it for a bracket to pop off within a couple of days like that? I wonder if it's something I did, but, I'm not sure what it could be.


30 years old
Spacers-July 10, 2006
Top Braces-July 18, 2006 (ceramic)
Bottoms--? (metal)
1st Adjustment-Sept. 6, 2006


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#10 Post by vegetara »

So, I was hanging out with friends last night and noticed that my "f" sound had become a whistle. I looked in the mirror and noticed a slight (oh, so slight) gap between my two front teeth where one has aparently started moving forward!! Even with a broken bracket, some change has taken place in less than a week!! When I was in my car alone, I had some fun playing with it, blowing air through it to make it whistle. (Maybe I'm slightly crazy).

I took a pic, but, it's hard to see the gap due to the shadow.


Also, my cheeks are starting to toughen up. I didn't use the dental wax much at all yesterday and today, so, they must be getting used to these molar bands poking them.

One thing i still haven't adjusted to is that the brackets make it even harder to keep my mouth closed and the top of my mouth seems to always feel dry. I've tried drinking more fluids, but, they don't normally go up there unless I swish. Even with swishing, the affect is temporary. I'm sure that as my molars straighten out and my bite is improved, this wil be better but, right now, it's annoying.
30 years old
Spacers-July 10, 2006
Top Braces-July 18, 2006 (ceramic)
Bottoms--? (metal)
1st Adjustment-Sept. 6, 2006


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#11 Post by juf_84 »

Hey Vegetara!!

I have the same thing going on with my Fs- and I too have a gap between my front teeth that is brand new. I actually didn't know why my Fs were sounding funny- I just put it down to my braces. It's the only sound I notice- I think I still talk pretty normally.

Sadly however, I have trouble whistling! I can remember being little and desperately wanting to whistle, and then finally being able to do it.... back to sqaure one I'm afraid.

Congrats on the gap- it's great to see movement, isn't it?
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#12 Post by vegetara »

Wow, it's great to hear that others had similar experiences with the whistling. Thanks for sharing.

I went to my ortho today about the bracket that came loose. they think that the tension may have been too much as the teeth started to move and that caused it to pop off. He recommended we just leave it off for right now and try again after the arch is widened a little.

I had come to the same conclusion myself prior to the appt. So far, everything this ortho says seems to make sense to me based on my own logic and what I have learned about teeth straightening from all you guys. I really appreciate all the information on this site and love reading everyone's stories. I read everyone's posts a lot more than I comment on them and I feel more informed about treatment and the procedures.
30 years old
Spacers-July 10, 2006
Top Braces-July 18, 2006 (ceramic)
Bottoms--? (metal)
1st Adjustment-Sept. 6, 2006


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#13 Post by vegetara »

Well, it's been too long since I've posted in here. I've been absolutely swamped at work lately.

I had my first braces dream Thursday night. I dreamt that, without springs, somehow my teeth moved to the right spot to allow space for the other teeth to line up. It was really cool..then I woke up.

In reality, it's too soon to know if I'm going to need springs or teeth shaven or even possibly some teeth removed. The ortho wants to expand my arch first and see where we stand at that point. He explained to me that by removing too many teeth and pulling the rest back, it can flatten the tooth profile too much. This can accentuate wrinkles in the upper lip and/or cause the patient to lose her sexy *pout*. He explained it better than I did, but, it makes sense and I'm glad to hear that he is considering appearance outside of just the teeth themselves. Besides, my lips (especially the upper) isn't exactly what Angelina Jolie has, so, I don't want to lose what I do have.

I had a second bracket fall off 2 weeks ago Friday. Well, that's when I noticed it at least while brushing my teeth in the morning. I called the ortho, got in last Thursday to fix it (a week before the dream). I thought they were just going to leave it off like they did the other one. It's the corresponding tooth (#10) on the other side, and seemed to kind of be the same situation. This time, they decided to change the wire from a twist wire to a 14 gauge wire and rebracket both of the teeth. I go in for my official adjustment in about 3 more weeks, and will take pics then to share.

The new wire has caused me to go back to the sore tooth syndrome, where it hurts to chew. Somehow, I still manage to have not lost weight from the dental work.
30 years old
Spacers-July 10, 2006
Top Braces-July 18, 2006 (ceramic)
Bottoms--? (metal)
1st Adjustment-Sept. 6, 2006


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#14 Post by swiss1 »

Hi vegetara! Congratulations on getting movement so quickly! :jump: It's a pain those couple of brackets have come off, but reading other stories here it sounds quite common place so I wouldn't worry!

Hope the adjustment goes well - looking forward to seeing your progress pics! :thumbsup:

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#15 Post by vegetara »

I again phoned the NSW distributor due to not getting a reply to my phone call. I was told it's imported from the USA, and after a few minutes of checking with his superior, he assured me that there were no animals used or hurt in the production of Wisdom Wax for Braces!

Again apologies for not replying sooner! :banana:

No apologies needed. Thanks so much for checking up on this for me!! You're the greatest.

And, thanks to the words of encouragement from everyone on here. You guys really make the process so much easier. :computer:
30 years old
Spacers-July 10, 2006
Top Braces-July 18, 2006 (ceramic)
Bottoms--? (metal)
1st Adjustment-Sept. 6, 2006


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