(Dami's) Story! Update! 6th Adj. PICS!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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(Dami's) Story! Update! 6th Adj. PICS!

#1 Post by njdana »

Hi my name is Dami and I am 13 years old. I know I am a little too young to be on archwired but I've researched on the internet and this is the only active board for braces where people comment with inspiration and it happens to be for adults. :( It's ok though. I still want to share my story.

I have surfed around as a guest on this website for about a year or so.I have been inspired by everybodys stories that have been put up here so I decided to put yup my own. I was just waiting to be closer to my days of braces to put up my story.

Well lets see.. I am finally getting my braces after two years of soo much confusion changing orthodontics, and not having the paper work for things. I've finally found a orthodontic that fit my needs and is very friendly. Said I need braces for 2-2 1/2 years. I have a canine, gaping, a small overbite and small openbite. I think thats it but it looks worse in the picture. It said it will cost $3200 and the insurance pays $1200 which is ok. Already made the $500 down payment when getting my spacers. Ok since I was little I was alwys self confident on picture day because of my teeth. I hate my teeth point blank. I didnt understand because my mom's teeth are so perfect and my fathers is nice too except for the gap ( Thats where I got my gap from). My mother offered braces on the table but I was a obnoxious little kid and said no. But she made me anyways. :wink: I started seeing the orthodontics when I was 11 but couldt go there. I have no idea. Over the next 2 years I have been switching orthodontics because either the insurance wont pay or just plainy because I'm uncomfortable there. I finally found a place last August. I had also gained confidence in wearing braces and think it's cool. I had to wait till next year because my mom switch insurance companies so we had to wait a 3 months to get the card. They finally started working on my teeth in April. I had to go to the periodontics first because I had a big gap between my two front teeth and it was because of my frenum (Extra gum tissue) so I got a frenectomy (surgery to cut off my frenum) in mid April which was ok. I handle it well as a new teen (April 3rd my birthday). On May I went back to the orthodontics to continue. I had my x-rays, models etc. and consultation later explaining everything. My first real appointment was July 11th for spacers because I went on vacation to Chicago. I think you guys where exaggerating a bit because it didn't hurt a bit to me and i had them on for a week and a half!! But I guess we all have our feelings and plus I am a little younger. My next appointment was July 27th to be put on for molar bands. Thats wasnt soo bad. I have pain on my tounge from my left bottom molar band though. My next appointment is on August 3rd. (This Thursday!) I am soooo excited for my b-day and can't wait for them. I even bought a outfit and got my hair done! Enough history. Heres some pictures.

And heres my teeth. I swear my open bite is not big like that. The molar bands in and are big so when I bite I cant bite down all the way.

Last edited by njdana on Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:56 am, edited 13 times in total.

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#2 Post by ShinySmile »

Welcome to the board!

Different people have different experiences with spacers...for some, it does not hurt at all-- for others, it's been said that the pain is the worst part of their orthodontics experience! So far, I've had spacers, an expander, and headgear...spacers were definitely the most uncomfortable part for me so far.

We are getting braces on the same day!

Good luck, keep us updated! 8)


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#3 Post by jenfire »

" I think you guys where cowards because it didn't hurt a bit to me and i had them on for a week and a half!!"

Ceramic Braces and RPE, estimated treatment 18 months


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#4 Post by sjsarre »

Congrats on joining the board!

I haven't had spacers so can't comment on the pain! But you have to remember that the older you are the more your teeth have set and the more painful its likely to be.

At the age of 13 your teeth and jaw is still developing so things should move quickly for you..



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#5 Post by x3trinity »

Yep, I agree with sjsarre. You are young and your jaw is still developing so spacers and the braces probably won't hurt you as much as it hurts adults.

Maybe you didn't know that when you said we were cowards.........

But anyway, just be glad you don't have to deal with all the pain and frustration we dealt with when we first got spacers.

Good Luck on your progress!! :P

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#6 Post by njdana »

To -ShinySmile
Thanks for the warm welcome. Wow with all that..I couldnt imagine spacers were the worst part. Especially with an expander.

Yay we're brace twins! :D

To -KK
Thank you also. I've seen you around here and I have to say you inspired me the most to join because of your warm welcomings to everybody! You inspired everybody on this board and you post comment in everybodys board which is very nice. I'm looking forward to talking with you about my braces and just ask questions on things. :lol:

To -jenfire
I guess that's a welcoming?..But ok thanks I guess. I'm sorry if I offended you about what I said. It was just an inside joke nothing that I'm being serious about because I know you guys are older and already developed in your mouth so everything hurts more. Ok? :oops:

To -sjsarre
Thanks on the welcoming. Wow your lucky that you didnt have spacers. I understand about the older thing and didnt mean to offend anybody. :)

To -x3trinity
I did know but it was a inside joke and didnt mean to offend anyone about it. I'm so happy that I didnt have to deal with the pain you guys said how painful it was.
Thanks on the inspiration! :)

And to anyone else who may be offended about what I said... I'm sorry that I may offended you but it was a joke. As you may see I changed it a lil bit so it wont be a controversy. Sorry... :oops:


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I'm sooooo excited and nervous!!!

#7 Post by njdana »

Its 10:34 a.m. and I've been on here since 7. I am sooo excited and nervous. I have 2 days left but it feels like I am going to have it in like an hour or so. Any suggestions about what to do on my b-day?

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#8 Post by x3trinity »


KK really broke it down for you! Everything she said is true. I personally had to use A LOT of wax the first week, but then everyone told me to lay off so much of it b/c I need to let my mouth get use to all the new appliances. So I started to rinse my mouth out with warm salt water about twice a day to toughen my cheeks and lips and it really, really helps. So just remember to RINSE WITH SALT WATER!

Let us know how you are doing :thumbsup:

"God's love is always with you, God's promises are true."

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#9 Post by njdana »

I have another question. Should I take pills like an hour before I get it done so it won't be so bad or is it unhealthy to do that?

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#10 Post by njdana »

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! My b-day is tomorrow at 9 a.m. I am so excited to get started on a new journey!!! I've always wanted to know how it felt like since most of my cousins had braces and now theirs off. (19 and 15 year old) I cant wait to see my progress pics and become naked in 2 years. I'm about it go nuts and its sooo hot I'm sweating even with the AC. I know I'm not going to sleep tonight just like last night when I went to bed at 4 something in the morning!!!! Wish me luck.

-Dami (Your future brace child)

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#11 Post by ShinySmile »


good luck! I'm getting braced at 10:45 :) What colors are you thinking of getting?


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#12 Post by njdana »

I have no clue at all..maybe baby blue or purple since it looks good on everybody that tried that color on them on this board. Or probably green or maybe not because it might make my teeth look nasty :FeelSick: I love that color though. Or maybe just stick to silver for now. What about you?

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I am officially braced!!

#13 Post by njdana »

I am braced! :-#) Yay I am so happy. Ok here's what happened.

We arrived 30 min early expecting to get it done but couldnt because I had to wait for a boy to get adjusted. Then finally it was my turn. They put the lip strecthing thingy on. P.s. KK- I put on a lot of chap stick and it worked well! Plus I did took some pills before the procedure. Then they cleaned my teeth which went well. Then they put that glue thing on. Then they finally started to put on the brackets!!! :D (It kind of burned on my gums) After the Dr. put the glue on each tooth, she use the radioactive light gun to make it stay on. I have some big lips so they had to put extra tissue in there so it wont burn when they use the light gun. (It still did though because she was soo busy looking at Regis and Kelly.) After she did that to every tooth, she took a break to change into a short sleeve working thingy (I know I use thingy a lot lol.) Then she came back and put the wire on. Then she asked.."Do you want a color for the ligatures?" I said no because my mom doesnt want no color for the first time I get them. So she start putting the slver ligatures on. When I had the wire and the brackets on I thought (these braces are very light) but as soon as she put on the ligatures...OMG when I say pressure and tight..I meant it. :!: Now it was a heavy feeling. She took off the lip spreader and the braces felt sooo icky and big and nasty. I guess thats normal. Now this part I loved because I know most of you guys talked about the wire irritating your gums. First she twisted it to get it tight...then she chop the hanging wire and bent the part where she couldnt cut off. I was in heaven :-9 I was done. She broguht my mom to me and gave me the big mirror. I think I look hot in braces. lol. She gave my mom and me a paper about instructions of what to do and stuff. Then she gave me the goody bag (it was a bottle) With all of the good stuff.
When we left..I couldnt help to stop looking at them. I turned my cell phone off to see my braces as a mirror. I was soo pleased with myself.
The proccess only took an hour! And right now it doesnt hurt at all since I took some tylenol!

Thanks everybody for your support and suggestions. I will defenataily post some pics later on but for now...SLEEP!

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#14 Post by ShinySmile »

Congrats, Dami!

I also got braced this morning, uppers only until August 18th when the bottoms go on...it only took 1/2 hour-45 min! I chose royal blue and aqua ligs alternating, with a royal blue powerchain between the front two teeth to close the expansion gap. Pics later, hope your first day goes well!


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#15 Post by njdana »

Ok these are pics I took the day after my braces. The past two days has been nice. My teeth are very sensitive but its ok I can handle it. I had some fish and it dont hurt when I eat it. I have been taking Tylenol when I'm supposed to so I can feel comfortable. After that I went outside for my friends to see and they said I look nice. Even a boy I didnt know approach me said I look cute with them on ! :P It took like 30 min to brush my teeth before I went to bed because it hurted soo much but its ok. When I woke up this morning I was in extusiating pain ( I know I didnt spell that right. To tired for spell check) I took some pills and now I'm fine. All of a sudden, my older brother called asking if I wanted to go to the beach.. It was unexpected but I said yea like a wierdo lol. I'm already packed and haved my poratble toothbrush, paste, floss, wax, tylenol (lol), and mirror. Ok let me stop talking. Here are the pics! :banana:

My teeth front. I dont know what them color things are but I brushed them off.
Pic after I washed them color things off. A different type of lighting.
Left view. I like this view alot.
Right view.
Bottom teeth.
Top view.

Last edited by njdana on Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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