Rage has avoided jaw surgery…(Pix update 07/11/08)

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#31 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Hey Rage 31, Yes, I think Yellow will be pretty on your teeeth. I really dont think yellow would be a problem. I may go for pink on my next adjustment on August 2nd. I dont know if Pink will stain easily. Like from normal Pink into Lighter pink something like that. If I hear pink would stain easily then I will go for royal blue. I love royal blue.



2-6-2006 Top braces
6-6-2006 bottom braces
Sentenced 1-26-2006 for 24 months
All metals...
Debanded on June 18th 2008

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#32 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hi rage!
I have updating myself today on your braces story, and it sounds like we have a lot in common. I am getting braces for my TMJ even though my teeth are mostly straight and I just recently started getting jaw pain. Congrats on getting through everything you have been through thus far, and good luck with your race. Be sure to keep us all updated!!

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#33 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hey Rage

My TMJ is caused by a bad bite. When I relax my jaw, I have a bite where my front teeth thouch, but not my back--kind of like yours, and I have to strain my jaw to eat. Thankfully, the only surgery I need is the extraction of my wisdom teeth. Jaw surgery could help my situation, but I opted for the braces just because surgery scares me because I have had people in my life that have reacted negatively to them. I'll be sure to post my story once the braces actually go on!!
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#34 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

I agree, Rage!
If we're already going through all of the trouble to fix our teeth, we might as well fix everything. Although our cases are similar, my ortho never mentioned anything to me about headgear. Maybe that's going to be one of the wonderful "surprises" that everyone on this board comments about... :lol:

I just wanted to commend you for the race you are going to be in! Good luck with that.... The more I read, the more I realize what wonderful people we have on this board! Good luck with the adjustment. Fingers crossed for no headgear!
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#35 Post by Clo »


maybe today you'll start wearing a headgear, and maybe, just maybe, I will
be allowed to leave mine out. At least, that is what my ortho said last time.
I wonder what the outcome will be. Anyway, like you said, you should not
wear it during your race. In fact, you should never wear it when doing
any sports. That metal of the facebow is quite thick, at least mine is. I
certainly would not want to fall with that. I guess I would have to say
goodbye to those molars ...

Best of luck !

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#36 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Rage!

Your progress picture looks fantastic! I can see lots of changes and love your ligs!

Best of luck in your race, have fun and enjoy the challenge!

Banded 22 June 2006.
Debanded 24 July 2007.
Loving it!

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#37 Post by jennandtonic »

Those are some great pics Rage. Like KK, I see lots of change in your bottom arch, and is it just me or are your top two front teeth more even?

Looking lovely, and good luck on the race!

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#38 Post by Clo »


so you are still in the waiting room to get that headgear. I know why.
Because I am still "in there" having mine in. Indeed, I need to wear mine
longer. But that is not too bad, right now my teeth feel better when I wear
my headgear. And the surgery option is still open. I guess time will tell.

I hope your adjustment doesn't cause too much pain. You indeed had quite
some "upgrade".
All your Archwired cyberfriends will be there (virtually) to support you in
your race ! Good luck !

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#39 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hey Rage!
Your new ligs and teeth look great! I hope your new hardware is not bothering you too much... Good luck with your training, we'll be thinking of you!
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#40 Post by jzaboo »

rage31 -I'm from Boulder and used to do the 3-day ride for the Children's Hospital, that was always a lot of fun, did you ever do that one? I really miss all the rides there. I never have time for RAGBRAI here, but I've done little MS 1-day rides. I paid towards your ride, then I found out my best friend in Longmont's sister is riding, for their brother who died of melanoma 9 years ago, so did a pledge for her, too. My brother-in-law died of melanoma last month, so it's a good cause.

Anyway, nice to read about the fellow Front-Rangers on the board, it makes the world seem a little smaller and makes me not be as homesick.

Great progress on your teeth, as well! I know the idea of the headgear has got to be hard to deal with, but like most things. people are so self-absorbed that a lot of people won't even notice. Others may say dumb things, but most will just accept it and won't think anything about it, and you shouldn't either. Knowing it's a means to an end, and it's not going to last forever should help. Easy to say, because it's not me, but it could be so much worse-like leg braces or something that isn't temporary.

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#41 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hey Rage!
I have been meaning to tell you that Colorado is my home state! My dad was born and raised in Inglewood, and that is where he and my mother met. They moved to Colorado Springs, and that was where I was born and lived the first couple years of my life! My Aunt lives in Denver, and I visit at least once a year. I LOVE it there, my favorite state by far, and plan to live there once I get out of college and start my own life... I envy you! :) !!

Just thought I'd let you know!!
Take Care
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#42 Post by jzaboo »

Hey Blonde_Metal04, I spent my first, second, and third grade in Colorado (Greeley), then moved to Texas, and stayed there until I graduated High School. I always told everyone I was going back, and they didn't believe it, but I graduated, joined the Air Force, got out, then moved back to Boulder to go to college. So like salmon, we always head back, and I know I will, too, once I leave John Deere eventually.

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#43 Post by OBG »

Your last message regarding your nervousness over the impending heargear brought back vivid memories. I remember when I learned I was getting headgear and my nervous anticipation. As an adult getting braces is tough enough but as you probably have realized they are no big deal and unless it is a new social encounter they are very bearable. The next step for me was elastics which became just a minor nuisance, again no big deal. But the HG was a hurdle and I, like you, didn't even want to wear it around my spouse, (now ex-spouse----oh well).

When my ortho first instructed me on the use and care of the HG she asked if I wanted to wear it immediately when I left the office. I bravely stated I would wait until that evening thank you. I think she understood my reluctance.

Well to make a long story short I adjusted to the HG. At first I felt almost humiliated but soon it became just part of the ortho experience. I must admit I never liked wearing it and I never did have the courage to wear it in public but I accepted the fact that it was an important part of my treatment.

You will learn to tolerate it like the rest us and enjoy the lighter moments when you answer your phone and bang it against you face bow or you wake up in the middle of the night and try to take a drink of water, opps, try the straw thing it works much better.

Your teeth are looking good and the yellow ligs will make more aerodynamic so just relax and the HG will come and go faster than 3 mile time trial.

Be well

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#44 Post by belmikry »

your teeth are looking AWESOME rage! :) congrats on the movement, and the yellow ligs! they rock :)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#45 Post by swiss1 »

Hey rage! I've been reading your story and your teeth look so amazing! As others have said, great ligs! I'm sorry you've had a rough patch recently :( , but just think of how far you've come since the start of your journey......it's incredible. :jump:

Best of luck for the race, such a good deed you're doing, and keep us posted!

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