Blonde Metals Road to Recovery W/ Pics. Some Advice Needed..

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Blonde Metals Road to Recovery W/ Pics. Some Advice Needed..

#1 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Well, I don't get my braces for about another week and a half, but I decided I would start my braces story now. I am currently 19 years old, and when I was 17, I started to get SEVERE migraine headaches, ear aches, and popping of my jaw. I visited my Dr. right away to try and figure out the source of the ear/migraine problems. I didn't tell him about the popping because I didn't think that it could be related at all. Boy was I wrong. After two years of missing lots of class, and going from doctor to doctor to try and figure out was wrong I became frustrated and felt that I would have to live with this pain for ever. I would have good months, and bad months. Last month, while at a family reunion, my great uncle, who happens to be a pediatrician, was sitting next to me while we were eating, and he could hear loud popping coming from my jaw. He asked me if I had told my Dr. about the popping, as this could be the source of all of my pain, and when I told him that I hadn't, he told me that I should make an appointment as soon as I returned home to get it checked. I made the appointment, and sure enough, was diagnosed with TMJ! My Dr. ordered X-Rays, and saw that my jaw was not crooked, but that my bite was off, so he suggested I see an orthodontist. I then called up my dentist who referred me to an Ortho. A week later, (which was last week), I had my consultation with my Ortho, and he told me my jaw was popping because I was straining to bite properly, and that he was 98% sure that once we fixed my bite (as well as some crowding and crookedness while we were at it), my pain would be gone, because I was apparently straining a nerve to move my jaw in such a way. He was so confident and enthusiastic, and his office was fully equiped, that we took xrays and moulds right there, and I have my appointment for spacers next week, and full metal braces top and bottom with an expander the week after that.
I am nervous/excited. This is all so sudden. Just three weeks ago I wasn't even thinking about orthidontia, let alone that being the root cause of my suffering. As a child, my dentist would suggest braces for my moderate crowding, but since it never made me self-conscious, I figured I would save my parents the money, and myself the pain. Now that I feel it is necessary for my well being, I am more than willing to have it done, but am a little scared. My boyfriend had braces as a child, and told me that if I can handle chronic migraines, I can handle braces. I am so glad I found this site, as I know it will help me through the rough times. I will be sure to post pre and post braces pictures once I am braces, and will track my progress for all to see..
Thanks for listening! :D

Ps. Any suggestions before I get my spacers? I hear they are awful!
Last edited by Blonde_Metal04 on Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#2 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Thanks KIWI!
You're always so supportive. Starting tonight I will do warm salt water rinses every night until the braces go on! That's excellent advice. I'll be sure to let you all know how the spacers go!!
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#3 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hey Bracedagain!

Thanks for the encouragement. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated, and will post pics on my B-Day!!
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#4 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hey Rage!

Thanks for the reply! I am glad to have found someone on this board with a similar case to mine.
I didn't really know I had a bad bite or that I was straining my jaw either.. weird how our bodies just adapt to things like that.

My Ortho said nothing about headgear but--- you never know... You are brave for being willing to wear it, as if he had told me I would need headgear at my consult. I may have chickened out. :oops:

Well, have a good day, and I've decided I'll start posting pics (what everyone wants!) after the spacers go in!! :)

Take Care!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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Blonde Metals Road to Recovery-Update w/ Pics!

#5 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

So, I finally got my spacers in today, and I must say that I am excited to be finally starting the process.

So.. I went to the Ortho's, was called back, hopped into the chair, and was told that they needed to make backup moulds of my teeth because the earlier impressions didn't have my wisdom teeth in them, so I had to do the moulds again. The first time, I chose mint, this time, I chose cheesecake! I really hate the way the moulds feel on my teeth, but at least they had a nice scent.

Then it was time for the spacers... OUCH!! They hurt REALLY badly while trying to be wedged in there. My teeth are REALLY crowded, so there was no room for the poor things... I felt a little bad because when the assistant was putting them on, I couldn't help but scream OUCH!... She seemed ok with it though. She told me that many patients think spacers are the worst part of the treatment, and that if I needed tylenol to feel free to take some.
Something weird about the spacers is that she only put two in, one in between my 1st and 2nd molar on the right, and one in between my wisdom tooth and 2nd molar on the left..... I would understand this if a band was going around the wisdom tooth, but I am getting my wisdom tooth extracted, so I am unsure of why there was only one spacer there. When I asked her about it, she said that, that is what it said to do in my chart, and she was following the plan.
After that, she asked if I had any questions, and I asked her to see the ligature colors so that I could think about my descision for my first set of colors. It was then that my second concern came up. She told me "ok, but you are getting self-ligating braces and we don't use the ligs on those".... I was shocked to hear this, because at my consult I was told I would be getting traditional braces, and damnit, thats what I wanted! I told her of this, and she talked to the ortho, and he okayed the traditional braces.... At least they listened to my complaint, although it REALLY bothers me that if I hadn't asked, I probably would have ended up with something different to what I was told..
I asked them what type of traditional braces they would be using on me, and they told me Mini Twins by Unitech.. Has anyone ever heard of these type of braces?! I tried doing some research and found nothing.....

So, here I am, freshly "spaced".... waiting for next week to come for my brace-day.... I must say that I was REALLY impressed by my ortho at the consult and really liked his staff... but today, I felt... uninformed.. I felt like they had made a change to what they initially told me, and were going to change it without even telling me... sure, now I am getting what I was initially told, but something about the fact that they didn't inform me of this in the first place is really bothering me...I guess I am just going to keep my fingers crossed and hope that it was just a misunderstanding that hardly ever happens... :?

Anyway, here is a before pic of my smile and arches, and you can see the spacers as well...

Upper arch, no spacers:


Lower arch, painful spacers:


Goodbye icky bite and headaches, hello good times!!

:-1 :-1
Last edited by Blonde_Metal04 on Wed Aug 09, 2006 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#6 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Thanks for the support, Rage!
And way to keep things positive.. I'll try to look at it that way, too!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#7 Post by Lisa65 »

hi BM

Spacers do suck, but bear in mind it's only for a few days. I found ibuprofen (Advil) about the best painkiller, and stuck to eating soft foods for the time they were in.

I never heard of different flavoured impressions stuff! My ortho only seems to offer mint/chalk flavour which is pretty vile.

Your pre-brace arches really don't look too bad, so I'm sure they will get into line without too much trouble and leave you with a lovely smile. :D

Good luck with those spacers


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#8 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hey Lisa65!

Thanks for the encouragement... I know, my teeth aren't really that crooked.... they are REALLY crowded though and some of them are rotated, but my main reason for getting treatment is because I have a crossbite that is making me strain my jaw to eat, thus giving me headaches.... so we are fixing the bite to fix the problem... :)

Hooray for beautiful smiles!!!!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#9 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Well today is my third day in spacers, and I must say that the pain is literally gone! In fact, it was gone after the first day...

Now there are only 4 more days until braces and I am nervous and excited with anticipation! I have a jumble of emotions.. One minute I am panicing about what I have gotten myself into, and the next I am excited to just get it all started...

Any advice for the big day?? How many hours after being braced do you feel soreness?? :shock:
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#10 Post by Joanna20 »

Hi! I never had TJM problems, so I don't know what u are dealing with but I can see it must hurt :twisted:
Good thing to have a doctor in the family.
I wish u good luck with everything, I guess some days we are sick of our braces and feel like giving up, some others we feel gr8 about them and just want time to do it's magic. :)
I was also nervous/excited in the begg. of my journey (2 and a half months for my lowers/1.5 uppers), I guess it's only normal!

Good luck with the whole thing and keep us updated! I like ur avatar, is that u? Nice polo shirt.



Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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#11 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Thanks Bracedagain, Kiwi, and Joanna!

I will be sure to do all of the suggestions that you guys have made.... Archwired and it's lovely people have turned out to really help me and my knowledge of what to do at the beginning of this process...

Joanna, I'm glad you like my avatar!! Yes, it is me, and that is one of my favorite shirts!! :)

I get braced on Wed, so be expecting a nice update!
Thanks everyone!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#12 Post by momofbrock »

I had the same thing happen to me.... changes w/out my prior knowledge.
I was told I was going in for my top spacers and that they'd wait a month or two to do anything with my bottom teeth because my top teeth would smack into the bottom brackets.

I went in for my spacers and surprise! I got 8... top and bottom. Same thing: that's what my chart had said. So I thought since my bottom teeth were so crowded they were gonna leave the spacers in longer or something.
Nope, got upper and lower braces the last Wed. of July. And I still can't eat normal because my top front teeth smack into my bottom brackets.... or would if they hadn't put bumpers on.... which just makes my teeth touch even LESS.
If they would have just done the original plan and done top braces only I would have been able to eat normally until my teeth moved.

Oh well. I'll live. I hope there are no more surprises for you!!!!!!

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#13 Post by Lisa65 »

Good luck for today BM. Let us know how it went.

Lisa x

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#14 Post by Daveyboy »

Hi BM!

Just wanted to say that you're not alone in the whole headache thing.
I've had headaches since I was about 16 (i'm 25 now!) and have taken at least one lot of painkillers almost every day.

Do your ears feel stuffy and blocked? Mine do, and I can also feel the tension in my jaw muscle. The only time my headaches were better was for a few months after I had a genioplasty when I was 21. I was told at the time to get braces and lower advancement surgery to fix my bite, but I couldn't afford it, and was too scared.

So..... i'm soon to be braced!!! Upper linguals and lower ceramics (TP "Invu" - Apparently they're pretty good!)

Do you know how long your treatment plan is? I'm hoping for a year in braces, then surgery, then a max of 6 months afterwards.

Good luck with your treatment, it'll be interesting to see if we get any help with the headaches soon!

Take care!

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#15 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hello everyone!

Guess what??.. I'm officially BRACED! And, I am in pain... :cry:

So, I went in to the Ortho, bright and early in the morning. I was called back, sat in the chair, lip spreader and spit sucker applied, and my teeth started being prepped. Once my teeth had been prepped and cleaned, the hygenist (who was SUPER sweet and funny), showed me these plastic molds with my brackets for top and bottom teeth encased. She said that it was the latest technology for applying braces.... what she did was, she put the molds over my teeth, heated them up, applied the blue light to them, and peeled them off, so that the only thing remaining were the brackets. This portion of the process took 30 mins tops, and I didn't have to taste glue or keep my mouth open for long at all! I guess those 3 sets of moulds they made me take were worth it! After that, they had me rinse, and the feel of the brackets without the wire really poked and prodded.. Luckily this was temporary....
Then, the Ortho came over to fit my molar bands... This was the ONLY part of the process that hurt. The spacers had done their job, but there still was not enough room, so he really had to force them on.... and they are a tight fit so they are bothering me as of now, but this too shall pass...
Then, my archwire was applied, and I got purple and black ligs! (My favorite color combo!)... After that, I got a goodie bag, and guess what was in it??!!! A DENTAKIT!! It's a good thing I didn't buy one!... :)... The hygenist showed me how to clean and apply wax, and also told me that I would be needing to start wearing elastics immediatley for 12hrs a day!! I thought that only happened later in treatment?! I am planning to wear them after dinner/overnight, so no worries yet...

I am home, and I must say that it is pretty painful, but not as bad as I expected... The only annoyance so far is that I cannot bite down on my molars because the wing on my molar band is in the way... but the Ortho said that as my teeth move, it will get better... It is so annoying so I hope they move soon. My teeth already feel loose so lets hope it moves SOON!!!

Here are some pre/post brace pics...

Before Braces:
Day one in Braces:

Oh and before I forget DAVEYBOY, my treatment plan is 18-24 months and hopefully fixing the popping will fix the migraines!
Take Care!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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