Newly Braced momofbrock

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Newly Braced momofbrock

#1 Post by momofbrock »

Well, I finally ended the horror that is "spacers" and began the new fun journey of braces.
the last week of July I got them put on. Boy did it feel good to get those spacers out!!!
Here are a couple pics I took with a REALLY bad camera right before I went in and got the braces put on.. the hole from the tooth they pulled is still pretty ugly but oh well.... ... 0232-1.jpg ... 0222-1.jpg

K here is the big long terrible experience of having braces so far.....
I went in and they popped out the spacers... I'd have to say that was the only good part of the appointment. The assistant immediately looked in my mouth and said "oh they should have put 2 spacers between each tooth. You don't have room"
After much shoving and cramming she MADE the back rings go around my bottom teeth... it literally felt like she was ripping a tooth out when she crammed them in against their will.
She gave me a short break after the bottom ones and said the top spaces were even smaller. It took her 1/2 hour to get the top right two rings on my two back teeth. She crammed and crammed and finally had to put them both on at the same time because if she put one in and then put the other in the first one would pop off. I had tears running down my face when she was done with that side and I'm no weanie when it comes to pain. Again, it felt like a tooth was being ripped out.

And then came the other side. This was the side the spacer fell out of the first day. She tried and tried and tried and could NOT get the back ring on. The orthodontist came in and HE tried to get it on. After putting a lot of muscle into it and my hearing what sounded like them scraping part of my tooth off he said they'd have to bond a hook to that tooth because there was no way it was gonna fit.
Not sure WHY but in order for them to bond that one dern tooth they had to remove the rings they had already got on my other teeth.
I'll save you the literally bloody details of him getting them back ON after he took them off.

From that point on the whole thing was easy as pie. They put the brackets on the rest of my teeth, put the wire on... it felt like it was tugging my teeth but didn't hurt.
The whole thing took just over 2 hours. :roll:
Right after that I went to work..... and soon left work because I could NOT get used to my lips sticking to the braces or the pain from my tongue catching on the hooks on my back teeth. I wanted to be miserable by myself.
It also felt weird trying to make my lips stretch over top the braces.

Here is a pic I took when I got home. Notice my lips are ripped from the devices they used to pry my lips open for 2 hours.... and you can see how my back teeth don't touch each other so eating was impossible at that point: ... face-1.jpg

Day #2.... I quickly figured out there was NO way I could chew or mash anything. My back teeth didn't touch each other and my front teeth hurt so dang bad there was just no way.
So I figured I'd just have to drink my food. Well when you drink your tongue moves around and gets sliced on the hooks. I put wax on the hooks an they still hurt my tongue so bad I flinched every time I swallowed spit or anything. Drinking wasn't worth it.

So Day #3 and 4 I was quite weak and dizzy and figured out that with Ambesol spread over my tongue I could drink.
By day 6 I was so hungry I was actually sucking on my son's french fry at Dairy Queen when I realized that my back teeth were actually close enough that I could mash soft food. Yippeeeeee!!!!!!

Well, now it has been 2 weeks. My tongue is almost completely used to the hooks. I barely ever notice them. unless my mouth is incredibly dry, my brackets don't bother my lips at all and it feels natural having my lips go over them.
I can eat soft foods like stir fry with semi-crunchy vegetables but definatley NOT raw vegetables. I can eat chicken but steak is out of the question. Too hard.
The odd thing is that I'll go a couple days w/out any pain at all and then my lips will get annoyed with the brackets and my tongue will get sore and all my teeth hurt and it's like I'm back to square 1.

Then the pain goes away. And then a couple days later it's back again. Not sure if that's normal or not but it's annoying. I'm sure I should stop whining because I won't know real pain until I go in for an adjustment.

And that's my story so far... I have been smiling a lot more because my teeth are already straightening and I no longer feel bad about them being crooked because I'm doing something about it.
I like not hiding my teeth. :D

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#2 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hello momofbrock!

I am sorry to hear that braces have been such a hard time for you, but its wonderful that you are seeing movement! Don't call yourself a whiner, because if that were to happen to me, not only would I be complaining, but I would be livid!
I am getting braced tomorrow morning and am excited, and nervous, but it should be fine!
Make sure to keep us posted!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#3 Post by MuleNag »

Wow! What an experience! I'm glad you are feeling better now. Good luck and I hope you see progress soon! It makes it all worth it when you can see something happening!
4 teeth extracted~4/27/06
Lowers off!~11/13/07
Bottoms off!!!!!!~07/15/08
My story~

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#4 Post by Trina26 »

I hope things get better for you. I get braced Friday. I'm ready to have these spacers taken out.Oww :?

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#5 Post by momofbrock »

Okay, AGAIN I got used to the braces and felt no pain. Then yesterday the inside of my top lip keeps getting caught on the hook on my fang. It's poking little holes in my gums. OWY! That never bothered me before.

That's tolerable, though.

Then I went to a BBQ with friends and couldn't eat. My teeth, that were fine yesterday morning hurt so bad I couldn't even mash a hotdog last night. Is that normal??????????????????????????????????

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#6 Post by swiss1 »

Hi momofbrock! Wow, you've been through a tough start there with those spacers, but hopefully things just get better from here on! :D

Hope the pain is under control, and look forward to reading about your progress!

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#7 Post by momofbrock »

Well, from day 1 of having braces I haven't been able to bite ANYTHING with my front teeth. Any pressure on them sends me to the moon. They've been moving very noticeably and are always ~tender~... to put it nicely. (my son headbutted me in the mouth by accident yesterday and I didn't see through tear free eyes for a good half hour)

So I'm used to avoiding touching them with anything.

Now it's my back teeth. They hurt as bad as the front ones if left alone. If I try using them to eat they hurt worse than the front teeth!!!

Tonight I had canned peaches for supper. Hopefully this is short lived.... I love to eat.
I'm glad to know that's normal, though. Some one at work told me after a few days I should be used to them and then I won't have any pain other than adjustments. I thought maybe something was wrong. :shock:

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#8 Post by sjsarre »

Hi momofbrock

I can feel your pain... My front teeth took a while to settle down and every now and again without realising i'd touch them together and it definately does feel like its sending you to the moon!!!

Then yes I can feel your pain with the other teeth. The pain moves from one tooth to the next from day to day and sometimes you don't know which area is going to hurt!!!!

But it does all settle down after a about 6 to 8 weeks and now i'm on my 4th month and I can literally bite into anything..

Well except I woke up this morning with a few painful and wobbly teeth so i'm being a bit careful!!!!

Take care and I hope it settles soon...



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#9 Post by momofbrock »

:shock: My tongue is chewed up AGAIN!

The hook on the lower right side kept sticking me when I first got braces. It healed.... when it'd get irritated for a week after I'd use wax. Then all was well.
2 weeks later my tongue was chewed up again from that hook.

Now AGAIN it's chewed to shreds. Seriously, how long does it take for your tongue to get used to the hooks? This is getting old!!!!
My only relief is salt rinses & that's very temporary. I have to use Anbesol before I eat or drink anything or I'll get teary eyed.
I've had my braces on for over a month ~sigh~

Well, it's the day before Labor Day and I'm all out of wax. Haven't used any in over a week so I thought I was done with it and didn't ask for more when I ran out.
So I just went to the dentakit site and ordered cherry scented wax but won't have it for a few days.

Do any of you know of a place I can go that sells it???? Or of a substitution I can use in the meantime? This raw tongue is killing me! :(

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#10 Post by Gennel »

I don't know where you live but if you live in the US you can get dental wax at Walmart,Walgreens or CVS . At first I didn't think it was as good as the wax my ortho gave me . In fact it is much ,much better!!! It's called G.U.M. dental wax and I pay around d$1.99-$2.59. It is very sticky and you don't need to dry the hooks or bracket to put it on. I just got molar bands and those freaking hooks are so sharp on your tongue! I've been putting the wax 2-3 times a day on the hooks since I have to change elastics on those hooks around 2-3 times a day. It could last almost 24hrs . The first moment I felt those hooks I felt the hooks scraping my tongue really bad. As soon as the wax went on I felt soooooo good! I use about 1pak of wax for the whole week. So I'm headed to the pharmacy tomorrow and buy at least 3 pks of wax! lol I feel your pain!


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#11 Post by newmetal »

Jees your fitting sounded pretty hectic! I hope your adjustments go a bit better. Hang in there just think about the end results.Although, the sores around your mouth look really painfull, what did you use to ease the pain? This is for future reference as i can guarentee it will happen to me when im bracedlol.

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Me tooo!!

#12 Post by Cor1 »

Hi momofbrock, I am exactly the same, some days are GREAT!!!! and than the next days your teeth hurt your mouth hurts!!!!

I guess it is just part of havin metal in your mouth!!


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#13 Post by momofbrock »

Well the spots where my lips were ripped kept re-opening when I'd open my mouth for pretty much anything. :shock: All I could do was lather on the chapstick 500 times a day until they healed!

For the tongue I've just been using salt rinses and Anbesol before I eat or drink so it's not so painful.

Amazing how one little movement of the molar bands can cause so much trouble in your mouth!!!!!!! I will have a tongue of steel before this is over with! 8)

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#14 Post by momofbrock »

P.S. *GENNEL* you are my new hero! I went to the pharmacy at Target and they didn't have anything so I assumed it wasn't widely used enough that it was sold anywhere!

I'm going to Walgreens tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#15 Post by momofbrock »

My first adjustment was today!
Yesterday my front right teeth were killing me and I was hoping they'd be better today. Unfortunately, they were much much worse. Just air touching my teeth was bad. I can feel that they moved noticeably last night. The backs of the teeth are starting to line up when they were WAY off before.

So needless to say putting tighter ligatures on today was rough. I was so scared of going in to my appointment and it was actually worse than I thought it would be but it was all over with in a matter of minutes and I lived to see another Ibuprofen!!!! :roll:

Oh... and the hook... it has been jabbing me since the first day I got braces. Today, after much much wax and suffering the dental assistant told me my hook was sticking out too far and if it does that again I should push it back in with a spoon!
Good to know 6 weeks later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But things will be better now that my tongue won't be sore all the time.
I got "Raging Pink" ligs this time. My computer just crashed so I'll have to post new pics from some one elses computer when I get the chance!

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