Loving My Sexy New Smile

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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A New Smile, A New Life

#31 Post by bracesgrrl »

Who cares that my old job fired me, because I am starting college on March 28th, and I will be so much happier with my new career. Forget that old office, I hated it and will never work in a stuffy office again! My teeth are coming along just great, and I will never regret having these braces, they really do change your life!

See ya later,


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#32 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hey Linda, thanks for the nice post. I was really sad and angry when I posted all of those negative feelings about being fired. I feel much better now, good luck with your teeth too. Rock on, :rawk:


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#33 Post by krwhite777 »

i know the feeling about getting fired so close to the holidays i got canned on the 15 th of dec for being sick as well

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#34 Post by Kimberley »

Hi Bracesgrrl,

I was reading your posts & thought I'd drop a note and say hello. I was curious how your engagement/ wedding plans are coming along. I was married, fully braced, just this past August. My husband and I had known each other for over 15 years & lived together for 12. One day we just woke up & he said, "Let's get married." I said, "Yeah, right. I'll just go pick up the the marriage license on Monday then." To my surprise he was totally serious, and so we waited until my parents were visiting from Nova Scotia & we pulled a surprise wedding on our friends and family. It was amazing, everyone thought they were just coming to a BBQ. There were only about 30 people there & we did everything exactly the way we wanted to. It was very inexpensive, but very heart felt and personal. We always said if we did get married one day, it would be on the beach & jeans; that's exactly what we did. Anyway, don't get too caught up in the details of planning & don't let anyone hijack what you both want. Friends and family mean very well but what you want can easily get lost in all of that.

I know what you mean about feeling good in your braces though. I waited my whole life to get them, well most of it anyway... I'm so much more confident now. It's amazing how when you start to take an interest in yourself that other good habits just follow along. I think getting my braces was the best thing I ever did for myself.

Speaking of doing good things for yourself, congrats on deciding to go to college! What do you think your area of focus will be? I got my degree in Sociology in 2000 & eventhough it didn't turn out to be a great financial investment for me in terms of employment, I'm so glad I did it. I'm the first person in my whole family to ever get a degree & that in itself was a step in the right direction. I know I'll be better able to help educate my own kids, when & if I have them. And eventhough I don't work right now, I use the things I learned in University everyday. It changes the way you think & how you feel. You'll be really proud of yourself for doing this.

You know, it sucks that your boss fired you but your friend was right - doors will open. I believe everything happens for a reason - totally cliche - but true. There are better things in store for you.

Sounds really fun, all these cool colours that everyone is getting. I;m still mostly steel tied. I can't wait to experiment with some colour. Are you planning to go green for St. Patrick's Day or would that be too weird?

Have fun & talk to you soon,

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#35 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hi krwhite777, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you too, bosses can be so heartless. And gosh Kimberley, thank-you for the lovely post, I loved reading it. I'm studying to get my A.S. in Respiratory Therapy. It is a very compasionate field to embark upon and that is one of the reasons I chose that course of study. Also, my engagement plans are really coming along great! Thank-you for asking! We have finally put money down on a specific ring... and my boyfriend is paying off the balance. Then I will finally have my ring, after 8 1/2 years! Good things really do come to those wait. But, my wedding plans are still far from being made just yet... I really just want to get engaged first, and then we will marry in around two years, but no later than 2 yrs of course. I don't think I'll be getting green bands for St. Patty's day, but I did have dark green colors once in the winter. I love my light pink bands I have in now, they are romantic and pretty. I still long for the day my metal mouth is removed and I can get my teeth whitened. That will be one sweet day. Talk to you all soon...


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#36 Post by bracesgrrl »

So, I haven't posted in a while, I thought I'd say hi. I finally got power chains, and my two front teeth moved apart overnight. My teeth really do move fast, that's good I guess, but painful. :soremouth: It's been one year, and my ortho said they'll remove my expander soon. Yey! I'm generally very happy with the way my treatment is progressing. I got turquoise ligs, very cute! I'm sure the next year will go by as fast as the first, and I'll be metal mouth free. Until then, I have the metal mouth message board to vent to. Thanks Guys!!

Bracesgrrl :jokerlaugh:

P.S. Happy 4:20 Everyone!!

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#37 Post by pam17 »

It's great to read that everything is going so well with your treatment and all your colour changes in the past year have made me really anxious to change my own ligs (just the bottom teeth, top are ceramic). Right now I have a greenish colour (I had to do it, green's my favourite colour) but I can't wait to go hot pink or lime green or a nice blue! I didn't do it at first because I didn't want to draw attention to my braces, but now I am SO comfortable in them I want to show them off!

Well, I hope your engagement/wedding plans are going smoothly. Take care!

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#38 Post by bracesgrrl »

Well pam17 I'm glad to hear I inspired you to go bold with your colors... it's fun. And hi KK, it's been a while, good to hear from you! I am so happy to be enrolled in college full time studying Respiratory Therapy, I really look forard to a new career in 2 years. I hope everyone's treatment is going well, I am reall used to both my braces and the pain they cause most of the time. Oh well, it will all be worth it in the end. I can't wait to have straight white teeth in those wedding photos :D
Till next time, stay safe and loved.

Bracesgrrl :banana:

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#39 Post by bracesgrrl »

Yesturday my expander was removed, and i am feeling so relieved. It hurt so bad when the lady took it off, the roof of my mouth had been under this thing for over 9 months! It was so tingly when she took it off, I cried so hard, the whole office was looking at me. So what, it's my torture, let me cry if I want to. The tingle-y feeling lasted for like, an hour. I am feeling like normal today though. I have about one year to go, but my ortho said the worst part was over, and all I could think of was, thank God! :rawk:

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#40 Post by elena_k »

awesome news girl!!! you must be relieved :D :P :thumbsup:

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#41 Post by bracesgrrl »

Thanks, elena_k, I am relieved, and my mouth is so used to the braces, I forget they are there sometimes, but most of the time I am fully aware of them. I am still in school, it's been about 8 months or so since I started school, and it is a challenge, that's for sure! But having braces has also made me learn to stick it out, no matter how bad it gets, if you wanna reach a goal, be it school or straight perfect teeth, just go for it and don't look back. Looks like the wedding is still on, my fiance and I were engaged in September. Hope you guys are all coming along well with your treatments. :pinkbraces: :-} :-} I am looking forward to the holidays, go santa, go santa...... Take care,


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#42 Post by bracesgrrl »

Linda21 and bracedagain, thanks for posting me back, I will try to check in more. How are the holidays going for everyone? I'm taking the holidays easy this year, no fuss for me, I've got too many tests to study for. :crazy: My braces have almose completed their job, my teeth are looking straight, I just need to close the bottom two front teeth and wear my rubber bands for a bit longer. I must make a confession; I have not been wearing my rubber bands like I'm supposed to, and I've only hurt my own self in doing so. Now I've prolonged my treatment a few months or so. I'm not sure. People of the board, do not be like me, wear your rubber bands like the ortho tells you to. I just couldn't stand any more pain. It's been a long road, folks. I can only imagine the day I get them off. No, I will not miss my braces. Actually, to be honest with you getting these braces off tops my list as most wanted things to do right now. But even though I talk tons of smack about these braces, they have opened up a world of newfound confidence to me, and for that my braces, I say thank-you.


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#43 Post by dougwell »

I've had my braces for a month and a half now and haven't used my wax at all. Eighteen more months to go. I hope it continues that way ...LOL.

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#44 Post by BlahBlah »

hey bracesgrrl, love ur posts, they r a good read.
Not long to go now aye, good luck with ur exams and ur braces and have a great holiday!!! 8)

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#45 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hey there all my braces buddies! bracedagain, dougwell, BlahBlah, and of course, KIWI!! I always love getting posts back, thanks. My school finally put in a computer lab I have access to, sweet. I am still living in the stone age in the sense that I don't have my own computer, yet. I don't like waiting for one at the public library near my home, takes too much time. Anyone have any special Valentines Day plans? :rose: Here's a rose for all my braces buddies. I'm gonna take off now, I hope to check in sooner next time.



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