My story starts here!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#16 Post by newmetal »

Well, what a week its been! I have now had all four teeth extracted and it wasn't near as bad as i thought it would be. I imagined a lot of pain and blood but was pleasantly suprised. Now im kind of nervous about the brace, how it will feel, make me look and more importantly make me talk. I have about 3/2 weeks untill im braced. Im getting spacers in on the 1st of september and having the brace on a week later on the 8th. As i said before, feeling nervous but at the same time excited to just get the long journey started!

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#17 Post by belmikry »

great story- glad to here everything is going well, keep us updated! :)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#18 Post by swiss1 »

Hi newmetal! Glad the extractions went well and that you've started your journey. I need 4 extractions too and was getting a little apprehensive, so it's reassuring to hear yours went through relatively pain and hassle free! :thumbsup:

You must be so excited counting down to B-day......let us know how the spacers day goes!

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#19 Post by newmetal »

Thanks for all your messages of support. This week i think as i was trying to avoid the extraction holes when eating i was using my two front upper teeth to chew, i have noticed a minor chip in one of the corners of one of those teeth.My mum says its not noticable but what if it gets bigger? Why have straight teeth if they are all going to be chipped?

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#20 Post by newmetal »

Okey dokey! Going to get my spacers tommorow, bit worried about what to expect. However, i am looking forward to getting braced next week!

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#21 Post by newmetal »

Had my spacers in yesterday and they are killing me!!!!!I cant bite anything nor can i swallow without having major toothaches! Please tell me this is not what it will feel like when i get braced next week?These little blue things hurt more than getting four teeth pulled!

Although, i am looking forward to being braced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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#22 Post by newmetal »

Ive done it, im braced! I have no pain as yet but im pretty sure it will be on its way. Im finding it strange having these things in my mouth but im pretty sure ill get use to them, hopefully! Ill update later!

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#23 Post by joney »

Congratulations newmetal, one step closer now. Hope it goes well for you in the coming days. My daughter got her bottom teeth braced on August 31st and hasn't had any pain. She's lucky I guess. Hope you get lucky too. :D I hope to be braced soon.


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#24 Post by Bell »

Ive done it, im braced! I have no pain as yet but im pretty sure it will be on its way. Im finding it strange having these things in my mouth but im pretty sure ill get use to them, hopefully! Ill update later!
Congrats newmetal, i too am due to get braces put on in a couple of days (11/9/06) :lol:

Good luck on your journey :D
~Damon 3 Braces top and bottom~
~Braced on 11th September 2006~

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#25 Post by newmetal »

Well today im feeling a bit weird being braced, i dont know if i hate it or like it. Im having trouble trying to adjust my mouth around the brace, will this get better? I find one my lips are over the applience, when i laugh etc, it feels like im lifting weights trying to close my lips. As for pain, there hasn't really been much, of course i can feel slight sensitivity but it hasnt been anything like i expected. Although, last night on attempting to brush my teeth it felt like id just knocked out one of my teeth so i hate to admit i left it and washed my mouth with cups of water/salt water/ and using mouthwash.This morning i managed to brush my teeth with very little sensitivity.Im getting a phillips sonicare next week because i know how lazy i am brushing my teeth when i have come in from a night out, and i know with the sonicare even though i may not be putting in alot of effort when drunk the sonicare will do some of the work, hopefully! Anyways, my talking is fine bar the lisping and my mother commented that you couldnt see the brace when sitting across from you as i have an invu brace, although it doesnt feel it.

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#26 Post by florencegal »

Hi there newmetal - CONGRATS on getting braced up!

I've just come across your board as I was searching for info on invu braces. I'd thought I was going to be getting 3M Clarity (clear brackets but with metal wire) but have just spoken to my ortho (to clear a few final things up before I put pen to paper to sign away 18 months and £3000) and she tells me I can get the invu braces. My initial thoughts are :dance: wahey! :dance: clear brackets and clear wire - great stuff! I was just wondering how you are getting on with them these past few days? Do you find them ok? I'd be interested to know anything you can share about them!

And I'll be following your story closely - we're both in the UK, with InVu and I should be getting braced in the next month or so. I look forward to seeing your photos and sharing progress stories! :D


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#27 Post by sjsarre »

I agree it sounds interesting.

I've got ceramics and that was mainly because I was embarassed about wearing a brace and also because of my work, but now to be honest I really do believe if I had my time again i'd go for full on metal...

I quite enjoy wearing a brace in a funny sort of way!! And I wouldn't have to worry about staining which is a bit of a nightmare!


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#28 Post by newmetal »

Wickid florencegal another forumer with invu! Yea they are farr better than i could have imagined, yes you can see them close up like with any brace but they are one hundred percent less noticable than any brace ive ever seen. When my mum is sitting on the sofa across from me she tells me how amazing it is that you cannot see them.They also make my teeth look whiter than they were before which i didnt expect to find. Im paying 2400 for the brace, how much are you paying? What do you know about invu already, are there any questions you have?

Another plus, if you do not feel like telling people that you have a brace and then have to go into the story about why you decided for a brace at this age blah blah blah, i have found with the invu brace i can tell them,like i have my aunt, that it is a sort of retainer wire just to keep my teeth in place for a bit. This is a plus as i find once you tell someone you are braced they want all the details, why , when , how much etc. With invu i just simply say its a sort of retainer i am going to wear for a while!

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#29 Post by newmetal »

Well, the last week has not been so great for my brace! Last thurs i had to go back to the ortho as the bottom wire had loosened and now tommorow i have to go back to him again as i have managed to bend the wires. I was out on friday night, a bit less aware of things as id had a few too many, well someone bought me a drink which was full of crushed ice and the expected happened and i bit into one of the cubes. As soon as i bit into it i felt the wire bend and could have kicked myself! I just hope 2 days in a bent brace will not effect my progress!

Over and out!

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#30 Post by newmetal »

Hey peeps,

Im just updating... its been one month now since ive been braced and i have to say im feeling pretty dull as my teeth seem to move, then move again in a different way...grrr. Mybottom teeth were pushed further back from the top arch in the first couple of weeks, but now one month in the top arch is behind the bottom arch again.This i see as a set back but its probably just my teeth covering the extraction gaps or something, but its just frustrating....

Sorry about the rant.

Many Thanks

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