Meghan's Braces Part Deux

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Meghan's braces Part Deux
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Meghan's Braces Part Deux

#1 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

Hi - I've been reading this message board for quite some time, in fact since before I got braces, which was nearly 10 months ago. I kept meaning to post my own story, but I didn't get my own computer until recently, and didn't want to use my computer at work, and, I guess, was also just too lazy. But here goes!

This is my 2nd time around with braces. I had braces for about a year and a half when I was 12-13, to correct a gap between my top two front teeth. My braces treatment back then was not the first attempt to correct that problem - when I was quite young I had something kind of glued to my bottom teeth (not sure how that was supposed to help, but apparently my dentist convinced my parents it would work), I had the little flap of gum that hung down between my two front teeth removed (it hurt!), and after I chipped those teeth by falling on a baseball bat, the dentist made them a little larger. None of those treatments worked. Braces did work, kind of - they aligned my teeth & closed the gap, but once the braces came off, the gap returned. I wore my retainer every night. In the morning, the gap would be closed, but by nighttime, my teeth would shift a little bit and the gap would return. I figured I would just have to wear my retainer every night for the rest of my life.

To be fair, my orthodontist had recommended jaw surgery to shift my lower jaw back, which I didn't have. Maybe surgery would have caused things to turn out differently. But from what I've read, it sounds like the kind of jaw surgery he recommended often causes as many problems as it prevents, and I can't say I regret not having it.

Thirteen years later, I lost my retainer. I was backpacking in Italy, and accidentally left it behind when I left my hostel to catch an early-morning ferry. When I got back to the states to start a new job in a different part of the country, I asked for recommendations for a new ortho to make me a new retainer. Both of the orthos I saw told me the same thing - I had bigger problems that a retainer would not fix. Apparently my braces the first time around left my teeth in a position where the top front teeth were hitting directly onto the bottom front teeth, and were hitting so hard that they have caused the roots of my bottom teeth to erode. Now, my bottom front teeth are loose. The ortho I ended up choosing told me I would lose them if I didn't get braces again. He told me I could delay getting braced for a few years, and that a retainer or mouth guard would slow the erosion, but I decided that if it was inevitable, I'd just as soon get braces over with as soon as possible. So I got braced for the second time on Dec. 5, 2005.

Okay, this is turning out a little longer than I thought it would, so I'm going to continue in a second post.

Meghan's braces Part Deux
Posts: 60
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Location: Delaware, USA

. . . Continued

#2 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

My treatment plan: Damons (2, I think). My ortho decided to enlarge my upper arch and to tighten up my lower arch. He left the two teeth that flank my top two front teeth unbraced, and put in a large wire to push the rest of my upper arch out. The large wire created space between my front six teeth, but not enough, so he put two springs on the wire where it ran in front of the unbraced teeth. These springs, and crimps that he put on the wire, created a whole lot of space, so much that I couldn't say "ess" without lisping. It was hard to make myself understood, especially on the phone. The front teeth jutted out at an alarming angle, and I couldn't bite down with them.

Once my ortho was satisfied with the space, he temporarily bonded the two unbraced teeth to make them larger, then braced them. He took off the springs & crimps, and brought my teeth in a bit so most of the gaps closed. Once my braces come off, my dentist will bond them more permanently. I still have a gap between my two front teeth, but at least my speech has improved.

The plan for my bottom teeth involved pulling them in with a wire, then shaving them down to create more space to pull them in even more tightly. Luckily my ortho was able to pull them back far enough that they don't have to be shaved.

My total treatment time was forecast at 12-14 months, but I have a feeling, now that it's 10 months & I haven't gotten my elastics yet, that it will take longer.

On the whole, having braces as an adult has been better than I thought it would be. My teeth hurt for the first 2 weeks last December. I remember feeling weak because it was too painful to eat, and too painful to brush my teeth after liquid meals so I didn't have too many of those. It hasn't been nearly that bad since then, now I eat pretty much everything. I thought I would be self-conscious about my braces. For the first few days I kind of tried to hide them, thinking that would make them less conspicuous - then I decided I was only drawing more attention to them, and in any case, having braces is nothing to be ashamed of, so now I grin even more than I did with naked teeth.

I think the hardest thing for me is that the way my treatment is laid out, I won't really see progress until the braces come off and I have the bonding done. My teeth look worse now than they did when I got braces. For many of you it's just the opposite, and I think that's so wonderful & encouraging to be able to see your smile improving. Because I wore my retainers for so long, my teeth didn't start to shift from my last go-round with braces until last August, so by last December my teeth actually looked great, with only a small gap up top. I have a picture my ortho took, I'll try to post it if I can figure out how. People I worked with were surprised I got braces until I explained it wasn't a cosmetic issue at all, it was that I wanted to keep my teeth.

I'm not wild about the idea of bonding. When I went to my new dentist (recommended by my ortho), the first thing he said was, "I hear you're interested in veneers." The whole reason I got braces this time around was that I wanted to keep my natural teeth. My dentist is trying to convince me otherwise (and I trust he knows what he's talking about), but my impression of veneers - mostly from what I've read in this forum - is that they're more invasive and have greater complications than I want. I read the dentist shaves of a large portion of the tooth, then applies the veneer. If it falls off (and it often will, after 10 years or so), then it will hurt because the internal part of the tooth is exposed. Once you have veneers there's no going back - you can't opt for a less invasive procedure. My dentist says the technology has improved a lot, and they no longer have to take off so much enamel, so getting veneers is more like getting bonding. But I'm still nervous.

In any event, I have an appointment next Monday. I'll try to update with pictures this week, then again after my adjustment. Have a good night!


Meghan's braces Part Deux
Posts: 60
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Location: Delaware, USA

#3 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

Hey, sorry for the long saga!

Meghan's braces Part Deux
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#4 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »


Meghan's braces Part Deux
Posts: 60
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Location: Delaware, USA

#5 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

Thanks, KK & Linda 21 for the support, & thanks Linda21 for the directions on how to post a photo.

I think you can see my gap pretty well in the first photo, and in the second & third you can see the two teeth that were enlarged. When the ortho first did that they seemed huge! I guess they were tiny before - I have a picture of my teeth from the ortho consult, it might be a bit tricky getting it on here b/c I think I'll have to take a photo of the photo, & I'm not sure how it will look. . . also I moved about a month ago & haven't finished unpacking, so that photo is somewhere around here but I have no idea where.

I have my 5th appointment tomorrow! I think the assistant last time said something about a thicker wire, & maybe elastics!

SDFD TSchott
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#6 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Looking good, congrats and goodluck on your 5th adjustment was it?

SDFD TSchott


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
Braces off April 02, 2008

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#7 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Meghan!

I have to say I really enjoyed reading your story- obviously not because of what's going on, but you write very well! I think it's wonderful that you've taken the step of getting braces again because the health of our teeth is so important. I'm not crazy on veneers either- I've never even had a filling and I like the idea that my teeth are all mine! Get all the info you can to make the best decision for you.

Keep us updated!

Banded 22 June 2006.
Debanded 24 July 2007.
Loving it!

Meghan's braces Part Deux
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#8 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »


Meghan's braces Part Deux
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Location: Delaware, USA


#9 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

Thank you everybody for your kind words. It's hard to get good shots of your own mouth! I had to fiddle around with my camera & the bathroom mirror for a while.

I had my 5th adjustment this morning at 8:15. It's now 11:30pm & the gap between my top front teeth has completely closed! My ortho put a light blue powerchain on the front 6 teeth, & boy did it do the job. It's going to be oatmeal for a few days, I think.

I'm happy about the gap closing. . . but I'm still a little worried. I don't know why this is, but my left top front tooth is more forward than the right. I don't think this is obvious from the photos, but I can feel it with my tongue. Also, my two front teeth are uneven - I think this is obvious from the photos. It must be from how the brackets are positioned, because they were even before. I forgot to mention it to my ortho (you'd think it would be obvious, right? my dentist noticed immediately & said we'll FILE the longer tooth down - panic!) this morning, I hope I can remember next time. And I hope it can be adjusted by something as simple as re-positioning the bracket, because I really don't want my teeth filed/altered/shaved/veneered any more than absolutely necessary.
Finally, my midline is still off. As I think I wrote earlier, my midline was not a problem before this go-round with braces. My ortho says it's something elastics will fix.

And good news? My ortho said I'm nearly done. I have one more wire (I think) on my tops and bottoms, then I need elastics. He didn't give me a de-bracing date (and I'm not going to ask). I'm not excited, actually. I look at my teeth and I'm not happy with how they look. In fact, I try not to look at my teeth. Also, b/c my problem to begin with was that the roots of my bottom teeth were deteriorating and they were getting loose, I kind of feel comforted that my braces are keeping those pesky teeth where they should be! How can I be sure they won't fall out if there's nothing tying them down?

Anyways, I'll try to save my worries until my next appointment in a month from now. November 6! Maybe more things will become clear then. . .

Meghan's braces Part Deux
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Updated photos, appointment tomorrow

#10 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »



Meghan's braces Part Deux
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Appointment tomorrow

#11 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

I have my 6th adjustment tomorrow, only 1 month after my 5th (normally I go 2 months between adjustments). My ortho mentioned at my last appointment that I'm entering the home stretch. I have a hunch I'm getting elastics tomorrow.
The photos aren't that great, I had to act fast b/c I'm all out of batteries and had to rush before the two left in my camera died on me. With the fourth photo I tried to show how open my bite is on my left side. Earlier in my treatment the ortho temporarily bonded the two teeth to either side of the upper front two, making them look (to me, anyway) enormous. The one on the left is the only tooth that hits the bottom row on that side. I think it's too big and is throwing my bite off. In the first photo I tried to show how uneven my upper front two teeth are. I'm going to bring that up tomorrow, maybe he can reposition the brackets or something?
Also, I hope I don't forget - months back the ortho assistant was having trouble getting the archwire into the bracket on my upper right back molar, so the ortho just popped it off. A few times when I've gone to get adjustments, they've asked me if I lost the bracket. Each time I explain what happened, and each time I lose a little confidence in the ortho's office. I'm going to ask if he's planning to put it back on.
Okay, so things to bring up:
- unevenness of upper front teeth
- bracket
- gaps in random places (there's one on my bottom left side, I don't think it's visible in the photos)
- one of my bottom teeth that seems to have turned a little

Is there anything else you guys can think of? Thanks! I'll update again tomorrow, if there's any change.

Meghan's braces Part Deux
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#12 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

I just got back to work from my appointment. My ortho at first tried to rush me through, he spent about 20 seconds looking at my teeth and then gave instructions to the assistant. But I brought up all my concerns, and made him listen:

1. upper two teeth not even: fix with a bend in the wire, should be corrected by tomorrow morning
2. bracket: not necessary to put the bracket back on, that tooth is fine. The molar on the other upper side is no longer wired, either.
3. gaps in random places: the wires in now will fix them. On the bottom I have a weird set-up with a rubber band. The assistant strung a rubber band from the molars to these small bars coming down from my bottom arch wire, I guess to bring my back teeth forward. I'll try to post pictures tonight.
4. bottom tooth turned: oops! Forgot to bring this one up. It doesn't look like it has turned, it just feels that way to my tongue. It could be that it just feels funny because it's next to a gap, and I'm hoping that once the gap closes it will feel fine again.

Also, one of my upper front teeth is more forward than the other one. When I brought up this concern, my ortho said he hadn't noticed, but once he took a closer look he said that was true. He adjusted the bend in the wire to fix it.

I'm glad that my ortho addressed my concerns, but it makes me uncomfortable that I had to bring them up in the first place for them to be addressed, especially my concern that my upper tooth was pushing forward. It makes me wonder if there's other stuff that's wrong that I'm just not noticing, and he's not noticing either. I know it's best to take an active role in your treatment, but it still makes me uncomfortable that he's not picking up on these problems in the first place. He did spend more time looking at my teeth and my bite once I spoke up, but he would have spent about 20 seconds if I hadn't said anything. I guess you really have to be the squeaky wheel, but it's not like I have any orthodontic training, all I know is, I see/feel things that just don't look right! I go to my ortho because he has special training, so why do I have to point out the problems? Sorry for the vent. I just get frustrated and nervous when I think about all the time and money I've spent caring for my teeth.

Also, I got two new wires (ouch), and my ortho says I may have my braces off by Christmas.

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#13 Post by xtrememkovr »

I'm sorry that your DR has disappointed you and (more importantly) shaken your confidence that you placed in him. I only hope that your observance and assertiveness pushed him to be a bit more observant when dealing with your teeth from this moment on (and maybe the others as well).

I think it's important for me to know that I am in my mouth and looking at it more than any one else these days - and while it is my DR's "job" to fix my bite and teeth - it is my job as well to let him know of any symptoms or problems I am seeing or observing and then it's HIS job to address my concerns and hopefully FIX the problems. Hopefully between the two of you (and the dental hygienist) you ALL will see any potential problems ahead of time and they will be handled.

Congrats again for speaking out and having the DR address all your concerns. I hope you don't feel bad for having done it... I think that any good doctor appreciates a patient that is vocal about their treatment.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

Meghan's braces Part Deux
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#14 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »

You're right, xtreme - I live with my teeth 24-7, and also I tend to obsess over them, so I am going to notice more about how my teeth look and minor details that bother me than anybody else will. I'm just struck with what-if doubts - what-if I hadn't mentioned that my tooth was sticking out too far? What-if there's something else that even I'm missing?

Also, I'm wondering if my failure to ask questions 13 years ago is why I had to get braces again? I'm so much better-informed this time around, in no small part due to all the great info and stories from you guys on archwired. Back 13 years ago, I didn't know what questions to ask, but from the fact that my old ortho had pushed jaw surgery, then, miraculously, my bite problem was corrected, I'm thinking, now, that maybe I should have probed a little deeper. And I'm noticing that when I go in for my appointments - the office has maybe 5 chairs, and they're generally all full with patients - I'm the only one I hear asking questions. I'm also usually the only adult, and I think that explains why I'm the only one asking. Thanks to you guys and this board, I feel educated and confident enough to ask exactly what they're doing, and why, and what's more I feel like I have a right to know.

In general I have faith in my ortho, after all, he was recommended highly by people I work with. And I'm feeling better now than I did this morning - my teeth have straightened quite a lot in the few hours since my adjustment.

And xtreme - congrats on your decision to get braces. I read your story & it looks like you're investing a lot of time into yourself all around, I think that's wonderful and inspiring. Best of luck with your treatment!

Meghan's braces Part Deux
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#15 Post by Meghan's braces Part Deux »


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