will be archwired this friday!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

Moderator: bbsadmin

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#16 Post by Lisa65 »

Congratulations Hazy!

We braced Brits are taking over the boards here lol

Pain wise, the first couple of days are the most uncomfortable as a rule. Maybe get yourself some Nurofen as that seems to be about the best pain reliever. I noticed movement within a week of having the wire put on - only subtle changes but definitely there.

Hope your weekend isn't too uncomfortable. Remember to use your wax if the brackets or wire rub you anywhere.

Lisa x

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#17 Post by HazyBraceFace »

thanks everyone! :D

i think i am imagining things?!?!? :crazy:

i woke up and looked in the mirror today and it looked like one of my front teeth had moved downwards, a tiny bit...but it has only been one day, is that possible? or am i just over excited and imagining things???

im going to take some pics now and compare them to ones i took yesterday hehehe YEYYYY :banana:

lalalalelaleeelalalaaa :-)o :rawk:

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#18 Post by MadeIn1984 »

Welcome to the boards, HazyBraceFace!

Yes! Definitely take photos throughout your treatment! It's such a wonderful way to look back and see all the progress you've made and will remove any doubt in your mind that the little metal contraptions aren't doing their job! :lol:

I wish you the best of luck on your journey! :D
Visit me on MySpace! :wink:


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#19 Post by HazyBraceFace »

i was going to post some pictures of my teeth on here today, but they just looked so hideous! i don't know why but my teeth look worse in the photos than when i look in the mirror :( i was so excited before but now i feel sad. i've been looking at pictures of how other peoples teeth were at the start of their treatment and they don't look so bad.

i know i should be happy and wait for the braces to do their work but i can't help it. WHY DID I HAVE TO HAVE SUCH UGLY TEETH! my teeth were fine when i was young but then they just had to get ****** **!
i wish i never had to get these braces, i wish i never had to spend thousands of pounds! it's the the final year of my degree and i had saved enough money for the whole year but i decided to use it to put some metal in my mouth! now i don't have a job and my mouth hurts! :-((

i think i am going mad as well, i havnt been able to stop looking at my teeth since i got the braces. i havn't done anything but look at my teeth. how do i stop!?!? i keep having mixed emotions, one minute im over the moon about getting my teeth fixed the next i feel depressed :?

sorry to have sounded so despondent but i just had to let it out!

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#20 Post by joney »

Hi HazyBraceFace

I felt the same about posting pics so don't do it if you don't want. I thought about it for a few weeks and then took the plunge. (My teeth are really bad!) I'm sure you don't have ugly teeth, close up pics just zoom in on them. Try to focus on the positive, you've taken a decision to improve things, and they will improve. It's only natural with something new to focus on it, I'm sure in time, when other priorities take over and you get used to your brace, you'll take them in your stride.

Best wishes

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#21 Post by MadeIn1984 »

If it helps...*gulp*...here's a pic of my mouth from the first week after I got my braces -- back in July 2005:


(sorry for the poor-ish resolution/small-ish size)

It's okay, though! Probably all of us here have been where you're at now. I simply abhored the appearance of my teeth! I really love smiling, too, so it was hard for me NOT to light up when someone snapped a photo. Sure, I'd smile freely behind the camera, but NOT in front of it. I cannot find of a photo of me where I don't have a close-mouthed smile. :oops:

Just keep taking photos throughout your treatment. You'll begin to notice all the wonderful changes taking place in your mouth and it'll absolutely thrill you! :D

Here are my teeth today! This photo was taken a couple days ago:


Quite a difference, if I do say so myself! :wink:

I wish you all the luck in the world with your treatment, HazyBraceFace. You're in for quite a surprise! :wink:
Visit me on MySpace! :wink:


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#22 Post by HazyBraceFace »

thanks joney, bracedagain and MadeIn1984 :)

I'm feeling a lot better now and yeah you're right joney I have started to get used to having braces in my mouth - I only looked in the mirror like 8 times today :P which is a huge improvement from the last few days :lol:

bracedagain - yep this is a great place to 'let it out', I'm glad I found this site...but i wont be ranting anymore, I'm gonna try and be positive from now on. So heres a big smile with my teethies showing :tingrin:

MadeIn1984 - thanks for showing me your teeth. They don't look so bad at the start of your treatment but I must say they look great in the new pic! you have beautiful teeth - i hope mine look like that soon and when they do i will be smiling all the time! :BigTeethGrin:

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#23 Post by wavetech »

hey Hazy,

I actually have some of the problems you have.

I had my braces (not the molar bands yet) on yesterday (or two days ago if you will). There wasn't any pain in the first couple of hours, but then the pain started to emerge afterward. As I'm typing now, I still feel the pain!! but it's bearable. It's not bad, but probably the worse was when I had to take like countless x-rays because the trainees didn't take it right.

I'm a guy and I'm in my second year of college. So about the guy thing, you shouldn't be worrying about that stuff. If he likes you then he likes you. Braces has nothing to do with it.

Since I got my braces two weeks after you did. Let's RACE!! :tingrin:

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#24 Post by tulip »

Yeah HBF ..... let's see those pearlies!!! You will only get support, and nothing but support on this website. It's also very motivating for everyone on the site to see each other's teeth, especially when the progress starts. Like Bracedagain said ... no-one here started out with pretty teeth!! That is so true. I found when I took photos of my teeth to put up on the boards here, they suddenly looked much worse than I had even thought they were. I think part of the reason is that we see our own faces in the mirror a certain way and get very used to the image, but when we see it flipped back to front, i.e in a photo, (or the same view others see when looking at us) things appear a whole lot different to our own eyes!!!

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#25 Post by antsika »

Hi Hazy, check out my pics and I am sure it will help you post yours :D
You have made us here very cuirous :D
At the beginning I was checking my teeth also all the time when I was close to a mirror even when driving to work and back in the car but after a few week it gets a little bit better :D

MadeIn1984, your teeth are amazing!!!

Upper and lower Evolution linguals
B-day: 30. 06. 2006
Treatment time app. 2 years

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