Crow baby -New pictures December 7

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Crow baby -New pictures December 7

#1 Post by crowbaby »

Hi there - just got braces on my upper teeth yesterday...lowers are to come in a few months...and just trying to ride out the emotions. Wanting to rip them out of my mouth, and pretty sad at the way they look. I have clear brackets on the six front teeth and metal on the rear molars. Teeth are definitely sore, and I'm eating soft food in small portions. I'm pretty frustrated and not feeling very attractive, but after reading many postings, I realize that I have a realtively short time in them. 10-12 months tops. I'm hoping that the pain is indicating that they will move SUPER FAST and be off even quicker. UG.
Last edited by crowbaby on Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:09 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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#2 Post by xtrememkovr »

I can definitely relate to the pain factor. I JUST got mine today and they are pretty sore already. And I heard that tomorrow they will be even more so. I'm just excited for the finished product - and that is what I focus on. I don't want to rip them out quite yet, but I can definitely appreciate why you may want to. Keep your mind (and heart and emotions) focused on the outcome - know that you are not a victim in this journey but an active participant - and I think the feeling of helplessness will subside. Also (as I pop a few myself) over the counter pain meds are your friends. Don't feel like a baby if you have to indulge in a few every now and again. I've heard that the pain will subside and only flair up now and again after an adjustment - so your relief should be fast coming. Oh and just a year in these things? Man am I jealous! I have about 2 years in them!!! How lucky for you!

Take care - rinse with some salt water and be good to yourself. (rent a movie - take a nice long bath/shower - baby yourself). It will definitely be worth it in the end.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

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thank you

#3 Post by crowbaby »

Thanks for the support - I just got out of the bath, and am off to rent some movies. And I just did the salt water rinse. Unfortunately I react badly to painkillers so I'll just have to ride it out. Thankfully I've had much worse pain before to deal with - so in comparison this is tolerable. My dentist recommended warm to hot water rinses followed with cold water so I'll give that a try.

Good luck with yours!

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#4 Post by belmikry »

welcome to the forum :)

I know when I got my braces first on, I couldn't even look into the mirror without wanting to cry- I felt like I made a horrible mistake and that everyone would think I looked horrendous!

I promise you this is temporary- the first while takes some getting used to, but then it happens- one day you get up to brush your teeth and notice something- your teeth aren't as sore, and that wire is straightening out! there is nothing more exciting then catching the progress to your new smile! all you'll wnat to do is rush over to your computer, take some pics and show us so we can all congratulate your achievements and support you as much as possible- if it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have gotten my braces- I would have chickened out- but the strength and support here really make a difference- you'll see! :)

can't wait to hear how things are going! my favourite treat on sore days:
go to the bakery and get a chocolate or whichever cupcake with icig, and rip chunks off and let it dissolve on the roof of your mouth- its heaven! :)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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you guys are great

#5 Post by crowbaby »

Hi all - thanks so much for the support. :-1

I'm three days in now, and in some ways it is getting easier. My teeth were super sore and my jaw kind of achy yesterday, but a bit better today. Salt water rinses are my friend - as is the wax that I've been applying quite liberally to those brackets. I must look ridiculous with all this wax in my mouth, but I don't know who ever figured that brackets needed to be square and pointy. Hasn't anyone every thought of rounding the edges?

I'd love to get some pictures up for you all, but I have yet to figure out how to do it. Apparently your pictures have to be posted somewhere else first? I'm having a hard enough time with the avatar.... :FeelSick:

I think my teeth have moved already. At least the two front ones, as I can no longer hit them with my lower teeth. I have a bit of an overbite so they are moving the top ones first as they can't get brackets on the lower ones yet. Also in about three weeks I'm supposed to get a "removable dental appliance" that is supposed to push my jaw bone out. Sounds pleasant. :ThumbsDown: And after the shock of braces, I'm scared as to what that will look and feel like. The only solace comes from the word "removeable" so hopefully it won't have to be in there 24/7. That stays in for three months and then the brackets go on the lowers.

Thanks again to everyone.

p.s. I chose the I.D. of crow baby because I found one this past summer that I had to take to a wildlife rescue place, and I fell in love with him. He died within a month because he'd been so bruised from his fall from the nest, but he was a dear little soul. :-9

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#6 Post by crowbaby »

Thanks kk - I'll try and get pics up soon. I think things are moving so it will be good to see and share the progress. I phoned my dentist today and asked a bunch of questions as I was worried that I might be getting a speech bothering permanent expander. Turns out I'm getting a CROZAT removeable. I also found out I may be done in nine months, and that the horrid spring that I hate on my front teeth may be out in three weeks. So things are looking up.


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my attempt at pics.

#7 Post by crowbaby »



Okay so here are my uppers and lowers...obviously more movement needed on the bottom one. My dentist is a cosmetic dentist and moves teeth more quickly by adjusting more we'll see. I've got a bit of an overbite so they are moving the top teeth first to make room for brackets on the bottoms. My too top teeth are tilted back - hard to see - and need to be moved forward. I'm also a bit off center.

The spring doesn't look too bad 'cause I'm smothering it in dental wax.

Well that's me. At least I think my gums look healthy! :banana:
Last edited by crowbaby on Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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good pic advise

#8 Post by crowbaby »

Thanks Karen, I made the top picture wee so it's an icon now I believe.

Oh, and in answer to your question he is a dentist with orthodontic training. So far I'm pretty impressed. I found a couple of other posts about the Crozat appliance and it seems it does the same thing as an expander in a nicer and somehow gentler way. Plus I'll be able to take it out to speak or eat. And he didn't let me convince him to go with Invisalign so I do somehow think he has my best interest at heart.

I have lots of allergies and other health stuff and he caters to clients like me so I feel pretty safe that the stuff he's putting into my mouth isn't something that I'll react to, and htat's invaluable. I'll keep everyone posted.

My first adjustment is mid november, and I should get my spring removed.

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ahhh the obsession...

#9 Post by crowbaby »

Hi all,

Two and a half weeks into being braced and the obsession hasn't abated. I'm brushing :-} and flossing a good five times a day...looking at my teeth, comparing pictures every few days...

I'm actually a little concerned my teeth are moving too fast. Measurable, of course by how easily I can move, or not move floss between each one.

I found out last week that I have a protein deficiency which is probably why my teeth were moving in the first place at 32 years old. So I'm having to up the intake to ensure that they won't move again once the braces come off. Not to mention that I should up the intake anyways for health reasons. Each day a different tooth is sore and every other day I see a little more space. Right now my four front teeth look worse than they did at the start. Hopefully that will be rectified soon enough. The two front teeth need to move forward and so the ones that bookend them need to move aside. So I have a small gap right now on the left.(The right side of the picture) I feel it highlights my two front teeth and I look a bit like bugs bunny. I'm sure I'm the only one who notices - Especially as no one has actually really noticed the braces even.


With the exception of my landlady who, on the second day asked me with concern whether I'd been punched because my upper lip looked swollen. :jokerlaugh:

I find solace with groups of twelve year olds right now - I teach occaisionally, and am shocked that what appears to be 50% of them have braces. I feel so welcome in their midst. And on this site. Thanks everyone.


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#10 Post by joney »

Hi crowbaby

Good that you're getting used to the brace. The 12 year olds you teach will be a good help. I found myself getting excited last week when my youngest daughter's best friend got her braces removed. She was happy to share her experiences with me and they approach the whole thing in such a positive way with stories of twanging their springs etc. My youngest daughter, who has a brace, has told me that she loves her brace! Kids can teach us a lot about positive thinking and getting on with things.

Good luck with taking care of the protein problem. Good that you discovered that.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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Crozat Appliance

#11 Post by crowbaby »

Hi everyone,

As requested here is a picture of the Crozat. Sorry it isn't super clear.


My dentist says it will expand my arch and move teeth at the same time. They are popular in Europe apparently, although he is one of the few people here in Canada who use it in combination with regular braces. It is removeable for eating and teeth cleaning etc, but should b worn the rest of the time.

It is an achy kind of pain, but not too bad so far. I do have a slight lisp on the essess, and it does take some getting used to.

My dentist says that it will do the bulldozing work and then the final month of braces will do the digging.

I tried to get a good picture of it in my mouth and have so far failed, but will try again later.

Here's a link to a German website with another picture that shows how it can fit in a mouth. ... n%26sa%3DN

Mine is built a little differently to push my lower front teeth out.

My first adjustment was painful because my front teeth were really tender. I still have the spring for another three weeks, and I did get a stronger wire already. So here's to my first week with my whole mouth involved. So far so good.


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Holy Hannah!

#12 Post by crowbaby »

I'm on the fast track of braces and oh my goodness things are moving along fast...I developed what I think of as a HUGE gap about three days after my first adjustment. They had put in another spring to make the space wider so they could twist my right canine...I think that's the tooth at any rate. THe gap doesn't look so big in the pictures, but trust me it's HUGE! :shock:

So today was my second adjustment, and they took off the spring, YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!! :dance: which had been doing some damage to the inside of my upper lip, AND I found it slightly unattractive, so a banner day overall.


They didn't put in a new wire because that would be too traumatic and they put a powerchain on instead to close the gap. Holy Hannah that hurt - I had my knees up around my chest and the assistant was holding my hand...but definitely worth it. I don't think you can see it in the picture (sorry they aren't very clear, plus the chain in clear so it doesn't make for a good combo). I go back in in two weeks to take off the powerchain as the gap should be closed by then.

Oh, and I tried to take a picture of the Corzat in my mouth - again without much success, but here it is anyways:


So far it has moved my front teeth forward and I am developing more flossing space and a minor gap in a little under three weeks.

Well - the powerchain has sure heated things up in my mouth so I'm off to make pudding for dinner.

Hope all are well!


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