Florencegal's story

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Florencegal's story

#1 Post by florencegal »

I can barely believe what I'm about to do here - post photos of my teeth on the web for all to see! But I've found this site such an immense help and it's been so great to follow other people's success so I wanted to join in.

I'm 25 years old and have been unhappy with my teeth for about 6years now. I had pretty good teeth until I went to university but then.... (cue big nasty drum roll) the wisdom teeth made an appearance! :evil: My ortho has told me I'm probably one of the very few unfortunate people whose wisdom teeth really do mess up everything else, I just don't have enough room in my mouth and they've become very unwelcome guests in there. I took the plunge this summer and decided to finally put £3000 leftover from a generous MA scholarship to good use. From straight As to straight teeth, there's a pleasing symmetry in there :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had my first consultation on August 1st and then returned on Aug 31st to discuss the proposed treatment. This all came to £120 and I know I should have shopped around a bit but, aside from the extra cost this would have involved, I didn't really feel the need. The two orthos at this practice were both so patient and calm and honest about what they can achieve for me that I'm very happy to go ahead with them. I've also mentioned the treatment to my regular dentist who immediately said "They're fantastic there, they'll do a really excellent job for you". So I'm happy! :D

Here we go - the moment of truth - this is what they're going to be dealing with (I'm blushing already over here! Argh, this is too scary! :oops: ):

Front view (they're B&W because I always find photos look nicer that way - it's softening the blow of my huge embarassment right now!)
Check out the upper left lateral incisor that's hidden round the back, the midline that's off to the left on the bottom and you can't really see properly but the two upper central incisors are kind of "splaying out" and twisting outwards.

And view from the left:
You can see that pesky upper lateral incisor in his hiding place again :x That's also the one that my ortho says is actually a fair size smaller than all my others and I might want to consider getting it bonded once things are all straight, to beef it up to regular size. Check out his friend down below too that's so twisted round it's pretty much sideways on and toppling forwards. Eeek! :( You can just about make out my overjet here too - I think it was 6mm when the ortho measured it.

And this is my bottom arch (sorry it's a bit fuzzy):
Pretty messy huh? :shock:

That's all my nerves can cope with for now! I'm going to be getting 4 premolars extracted, hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks and then InVu ceramics on top and traditional metal on bottom. Predicted sentence: 18 months.

Those are the essentials I guess, I always write far too much - sorry if I've bored anyone! I sometimes get easily discouraged in things so I know keeping this journal will help keep me focused in tracking my progress. The real moment of pure joy will come for me when that upper lateral incisor finally comes into line, it's all I see in photos and when I look in the mirror and I hate hate hate it! :( :( I'm really encouraged by belmikry's progress with hers though, it came into line pretty quick so I hope mine will do the same. Maybe if I give it a name like she did, it might be more willing to come forward to say hello.....!

Last edited by florencegal on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by Lisa65 »

Hi Florence

Well done on taking the plunge and finding an ortho you felt happy with. I'm in a similar position to you having a lateral that is hidden behind the others plus a large overjet and worrying that everybody notices it. So I can understand why you felt you needed to get this work done. Apart from that your teeth look nice, and I'm sure they will move into position quickly once those bicuspids are removed to make space.

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress pics!

Lisa x

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#3 Post by florencegal »

Thank you so much KK, Lisa65 and braced again for the kind words. I'm always astounded when people say my teeth don't look so bad as all I see are the many defects... For me, that lateral incisor is the devil incarnate! :evil: I just got some photos developed yesterday and in every photo, there it is laughing out at me :lol: But this is all part of whole process in dealing with how I see myself and I see the next 18 months and £3000 as a completely selfish gesture for me - and I love it! :D

And I'm so glad to be going ahead now and not a moment later - it might just be me being paranoid but it feels like my teeth are shifting on an almost daily basis! Over the past couple of weeks my upper right canine has been constantly bashing into the inside of my bottom lip when I talk or smile and I'm left with an mouth ulcer there which won't seem to go away :( And that's before I get all my brackets and wires in there - I guess I'd better be starting those saltwater rinses asap! (btw: how strong should I make them? How much salt to water? I'm sure the recipe is posted somewhere already)

But I do realise my teeth could be whole lot worse and apart from all the mess and crowding up front they're pretty much in line further back. Hopefully I should see some quick-ish progress, fingers crossed! Once they start to line up straight on the left too, we'll be able to see what needs to be done with my bite round there. I hadn't even realised until my ortho pointed it out that I have contact in only two places on the left and for years now I must have been chewing pretty much exclusively on the right! I never even noticed! :shock:

I'm looking forward to getting a good clean with the hygienist on Monday. Because I'd become so embarassed about my teeth, I have to admit I hadn't been to the dentist in about 4 years! :oops: :oops:


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#4 Post by joney »

Hi florencegal

Your teeth look great to me. I know how you felt about posting pics, I felt the same but what the heck, this is a great way for us to keep a diary and check progress. Also it's good that you're getting the work done at 25, I'm 41 so I've lived a lot longer with the problem, I keep asking myself why I didn't get it done years ago.

It looks like we'll being going through the same things at approximately the same time. My extractions are going to be on 5th Oct and my brace date is Oct 27th.

Joney :D

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#5 Post by florencegal »

I have CLEEEEEEEEEEAN teeth! Embarassing to admit but I hadn't had them cleaned by a hygienist for at least 6 or 7 years after getting thrown off my NHS dentist's register while I was studying abroad ( ggrrrrrr :x I hate how they do that!) and then being too ashamed for years to go show my teeth to anyone :oops: But I got a groovy scale and polish today and feel like I have a new mouth!

It's also been another confirmation that I'm doing the right thing in getting braced, for both appearance and for my health, as the hygienest said the front teeth on both arches are just too badly aligned for even the most diligent brusher to be able to clean them 100%. So by getting them straightened they'll be healthier and easier to look after and my gums will be in better shape too. I'm definitely going to make sure I give my teeth plenty of TLC from now on, throughout my treatment and forever more! :-} :-} :-}


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#6 Post by florencegal »

Woohoo - I have a brace date! I'm unbelievably excited :dance: :dance:
My ortho's office finally got in touch today to say that I'll be hearing from my regular dentist tomorrow or monday to organise the extractions (the only potential spanner in the works - I sure hope they can fit me in sometime in the next couple of weeks) and that they could squeeze me in for fitting my braces on November 10th. That's four weeks tomorrow! Yay! And it's a Friday afternoon too so I can take the weekend to adjust and stay indoors eating icecream before facing everyone at work. Perfection!

Just wanted to share my excitement - I just have all fingers crossed my dentist can fit me in for the extractions asap. Here's hoping!


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#7 Post by joney »

Same day as me florencegal. I get my extractions on Nov 2nd and my brace on Nov 10th! I had the same thoughts about it being a Friday.


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#8 Post by GemGal »

Hi florencegal,

I just jumped in and read your story. Congratulations on your brace day. :-)o I just noticed that my right side profile is very similar to your left side profile. I know what you mean about being hesitant about taking pics. Everyone who has taken a picture of me has known I tilt my head towards my "good side". EXCEPT NOW! lol. Good luck in your journey and I'll be wishing fast movement on to you!

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#9 Post by florencegal »

I have an extraction date! It's been quite stressful after my ortho's office sitting on my paperwork for almost a month and then offering me a cancellation appointment (which I am very grateful for as the timing's perfect really) and then my regular dentist being on holiday so I couldn't organise my extractions and worried they wouldn't be able to fit me in in time.... phew! Anyhow, in the end it was fine and I'm booked in for 9am on the 31st - guess who's going to look the spookiest on Halloween, at least I won't need any fake blood! :lol: :lol: So I'll have 10 days to recuperate and look after myself before my B-day - I think I'm going to be unpopular at work though as I'll be missing a 1-day training course on the 31st that we're only alllowed to miss on pain of death - ah well, what can you do?! I wasn't going to settle for having to postpone £3000's worth of treatment just for that! I guess I'll face the music about that tomorrow.... :roll:

And the gals on the desk in my ortho's office are sooo sweet! :D I just popped in to check the extraction date was ok and had a really nice long chat about the whole experience, what to expect, my payment plan etc - they really soothed my frazzled nerves! And they also let me know I'll be getting a nice goodie bag on B-day too, so I don't need to worry about stocking up beforehand. Gotta love presents!

All in all, a very positive day! I'm heading out for my friend's birthday dinner tonight (jazz night in an amazing old converted art deco theatre - fabulous!) and will make mighty sure I eat a great big juicy steak - who knows when I'll feel up to tackling one of those again?! :wink:

Best wishes to all


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(dupe of post on MMF)

#10 Post by florencegal »

To saying goodbye to my four premolars :( Surprisingly, I slept ok and am feeling alright. Well, in my head anyway - my stomach is all over the place! :FeelSick: I can't believe this day has come and the past week especially has been really tough. I've thought about cancelling everything and learning to put up with my teeth the way they are but deep down in my heart I know I can't and even though I have no scientific proof of this, I know my teeth are getting worse. So what's the point of putting off the inevitable? Once the braces are on I trust that I will be fine and it will even be quite fun - it's a new adventure in life right? And at the end of it all, I'm already thinking of the invitations I'll be sending out for my Going Naked Party! :dance:

I'm not sure I'll feel ok with posting pictures before I at least get the braces on, I hope you guys will understand :wink: But I'm stocked up on painkillers, lots of yummy soups and smoothies and some trashy rom-com dvds to keep my mind occupied for the rest of the day. I've even draped scarves and sheets over all the mirrors in the house so that I don't look until I feel good and ready!

Ok, wish me luck - here goes nothing.....


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(another duplicate - just to be thorough)

#11 Post by florencegal »

I'm back! Thank you so much Meryaten - it was too late to see your post but I felt your kind wishes anyway and it helped me through :) I'm thinking perhaps the whole thing was an anticlimax - he twisted the first one a bit, took his hands away and said "Ok, that's the first one done". And my honest reaction was "Are you kidding?!" It just popped right out! The upper right and lower left took a bit more work but the dentist was great - he counted to 10 each time and then stopped for a break which was great as that gives you something to aim at - just 7 more seconds, just 4 more seconds..... I have my four teeth in a little bag and my friend is going to stop by after work and be the Tooth Fairy - I hope the rate has gone up from the 20p I remember last time I put a tooth under my pillow! :wink: Heck, I'll settle for a good bowlful of Ben & Jerry's I reckon!

I've taken some Nurofen (and then immediately panicked and read the packet to make sure it doesn't contain aspirin, that wouldn't help the clotting... But just Ibruprofen and codeine, I presume that's ok right?) I have the dentist's home phone number in case of any panicking during the night and I'm now going to settle down on the sofa, watch the Da Vinci Code and dribble onto my pillow! :lol: :lol:

I know it's early days yet and the pain and discomfort may be just around the corner, but to all those waiting for extractions - the waiting IS the worst bit, honestly!

Big hugs to all

Last edited by florencegal on Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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happy healing

#12 Post by crowbaby »

It sounds like you have an great attitude and made it through your extractions with a lot of optimism. THis site has been encouraging but it also gives me perspective about how excited some people are to get their braces. Makes me more thankful for mine, which is something I wasn't sure I'd ever be.

I just watched the Davinci Code last week, and liked it - at least I think it will be a good distraction and take your mind off your mouth.

Good luck with getting braced.


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#13 Post by florencegal »

Yep, it's me back again! (not used to lazing around all day off work :lol: ) Thanks so much crowbaby - I'm glad to hear this site has helped you too in dealing with the braces adventure. I hope your treatment is going well and you're seeing good progress!

I just thought I'd give the rather gruesome update (well, it is Halloween after all :wink: ) that 6 hours, 2 films and almost an entire roll of kitchen paper later I've stopped bleeding!!!! I was starting to get worried and I don't know if it was just a case of sticking it out but it seemed to peeter out once it occurred to me to try sipping iced water. Cold=constricted blood vessels - that's one great thing to remember from high school biology lessons! :lol: :lol: And still no real pain - touch wood - just that yucky raw flesh metallic kinda taste :FeelSick: I am absolutely starving though especially as I couldn't face any breakfast this morning, but I want to wait a couple of hours more before I tackle anything just to give everything a chance to settle down. Man, that soup is gonna taste gooooood! (Covent Garden Soup Co.'s Thai Chicken - fellow Brits will know what a treat that is :D)

Embarrassing admission: I've just spent the last half hour or so talking to myself in the mirror to see whether the gaps show! The good news is that I think they shouldn't be noticeable normally, unless I smile. And I'm still discovering great things about myself on this journey: I'm actually a very smiley person! I've realised through these exercises and all my deliberations that my instinct is to always smile when talking, greeting people....always! That's never occurred to me about myself before and it's quite a lovely realisation! Rather problematic now with the gaps though..... Ah well! It might teach me a good lesson in being less vain?

One thing I forgot to ask my dentist: how about brushing my teeth??? I presume I'll be ok to brush them tonight?? (being very careful obviously) Or should I leave it til the morning? I want to leave everything to heal as much as possible in these first few hours but the thought of not brushing grosses me out a lot! And is a very gentle swoosh with mouthwash ok?? (I've been told to do saltwater rinses after meals for the next week or so) Any advice gratefully received.

Oh, and I enjoyed the Da Vinci Code but found the Lake House quite silly - even though a couple of hours with Keanu goes a long way to making a girl feel better! :wink:

Best wishes to all


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#14 Post by GemGal »

Just stopping by to see how you are doing with the extractions. Hope you're feeling better!

Oh and HEY HEY HEY! - I liked the Lake House :D

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#15 Post by florencegal »

Hey everybody and thanks - as always - for checking in and leaving such great supportive messages :D

So what can I say 2 days after extractions? It's pretty much been a breeze! I still have had no pain whatsoever and already today it occurred to me that I seem to have got used to the new feel of my mouth and have to remind myself I've got a few things missing in there! Talking is a bit of a bind but only mentally as I try to suppress the instinct to smile really wide - it's tiring to have to think about this all the time as I'm a very smiley person. But in the last two days no-one has noticed at all!!!! Not one single personl!! I have some pretty honest friends who wouldn't hesitate to say "What have you done to your mouth?!" but they've been totally oblivious! :dance: I also survived a 14 hour day trip to London for work the day after my extractions - getting up at 4:45am no less - and the only annoying thing was not being able to enjoy the lovely buffet put out for us and the logistics of disappearing discretely to the ladies' with a small bag of white powder... (salt for my rinses! :lol: :lol: )

re:eating - I am well and truly bored of soup after 5 straight meals in a row but tonight I've branched out and successfully (although v slooooowly and carefully) tackled salmon with potato and carrot mash. I've stocked the fridge with non-chewable foods and am seeing this all as a fun challenge. And a very sweet and lovely friend of mine has just come round bearing a flask of homemade raspberry and peach smoothie - mates are great! :D :D :D

that's about it really - so far the experience has been so positive and it feels great to be finally doing this. And it's truly not even 1/10th as bad as I expected! Best of luck to anyone awaiting extractions and I hope everyone else's treatment is coming along swimmingly.


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