Michal is Naked with Pictures! 22 Apr 2007

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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#61 Post by Michal »

Today I went in for another adjustment. Kept the same wire on the top and got new ligs. On the bottom, I got 3M Clarity on the corners but still have 4 naked in front. Oh and I got a new lighter wire on the bottom. Maybe next month we'll finally put all the braces on. :?

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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#62 Post by Michal »

No kidding. I'm starting to get impatient. 4 more weeks until hopefully the last four get braced.

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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#63 Post by Michal »

Hey everybody, here I am after adjustment number 2. I didn't get all of my bottoms yet. I only got two more bracket for the bottom canines. I have to wait another month. But, I've had a ton of movement. I'm including the previous adjustment photo and the newest photo from today.

Last Month




3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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Location: Okinawa Japan

#64 Post by Michal »

Thanks KK. The only thing I don't like is going back to the small wire after a bracket is added. I'm so impatient. So how are yours doing?

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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#65 Post by Flora2006 »

Hi, you are having some great progress! Nice pictures :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#66 Post by Michal »

Thanks for all the encouraging words! I hope all y'alls treatments are going well and you are having as much fun as I am with it. I may be weird, but I look at them every morning and I'm so stoked when I see just a little movement. :D

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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Location: Okinawa Japan

#67 Post by Michal »

Okay, it's finally done. My orhto finally put the rest of my braces on! Not too bad, I just have to take it easy on what I bite on, they are a little sore. He was really happy with the movement that I have had, and to top that off, he told me next month I get 4 more molar bands. My molars all the way in the back have nothing on them right now and they are starting to get out of whack, but I wasn't worried about it since they were so far back. Well, he's gonna hook me up on that. I'm so excited. :roll:

Anyway, I added another photo for you all.


Here is last months pic, 29 March:


Here is yesterday 21 April:


3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

Posts: 173
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Location: Okinawa Japan

#68 Post by Michal »

Yep, I'm from Oklahoma. I say y'all, crick(creek) and ruff(roof). :D
And if it's a carbonated beverage, it's a coke.

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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#69 Post by Michal »

Okay here is the lasted update. A little late, but an update at that. I went in on May 18 for the usual adjustment and a cleaning. Things are moving along with no problems.

Here is the pic from April 21


Here is the one from May 18th


I hope everyone else is doing good. I'm still having fun and hardly any pain. Just the occasional tender tooth.

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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Location: Okinawa Japan

#70 Post by Michal »

O wow! Your lower wire is going great guns on your teeth
Yeah, it was amazing how much they moved on the drive home. I had one move a bunch! :D
I got new wires and 2 new fandangle elastic configurations on Sat'day. Yep, I've officially got 2 egyptian pyramids on show for the next 6 wks
I can't imagine elasitics yet. I keep wondering when it will be my turn. Good luck!

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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Location: Okinawa Japan

#71 Post by Michal »

Okay, I've been slacking on my updates. This photo is from 6 Jul. I forgot to take the pic right after my last adjustment. I go in next week for another adjustment. Well, you can at least see how much the clear ligs stain. I usually drink a cup of coffee a day, so you can see just how bad they are. Anyway, I'll put a new photo on next week after the adjustment.

18 May

6 July

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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Location: Okinawa Japan

#72 Post by Michal »

Whatcha think of my upper canines? I think that's groovy!

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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#73 Post by Kell »

You've had some great progress so far!
See my WWW link below.

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#74 Post by Michal »

Hi all! I went in yesterday for an adjustment. All went well. Got a really big wire on top. This was the first time that he had to use pliers to push the wires into the molar bands. But before I got a new wire on the bottom, he told me he wanted to shave my four bottom front teeth. They are so crowded that they stopped moving. It was really no big deal, he had a bit on the drill kind of like a dremmel tool. He then put a new wire on the bottom. Well today, I'm hurting big time. I'll have to take a pic and post it this week. Thanks for listening! :D

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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Location: Okinawa Japan

#75 Post by Michal »

Here are the updated photos from my last adjustment. You really can't see where the bottom 4 were shaved since they moved up so quick. I can't believe how thick that top wire is.

I really didn't feel anything when he did the shaving. It was fairly quick. I'm hoping all of mine will be somewhat even when I get done, if not, I'm asking for some more shaving.

14 July

14 July

18 May

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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