swiss1 has begun - 2nd adjustment (NEW 10 week pics p.5)

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ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#16 Post by antsika »

It is great Swiss1 that you are doing well after your extractions! There is no turning back from here :lol:

Have a great shopping weekend and I am awaiting your pics!

Upper and lower Evolution linguals
B-day: 30. 06. 2006
Treatment time app. 2 years

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#17 Post by cowlypso »

So good to hear yet another successful extraction story! I'm still straddling terrified and denial about my probable extractions, so it's good to hear that people do survive. Have a great time shopping!

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#18 Post by Dani »

Swiss1 I wish you a great success, without a lot of pain.
En Gruäss Dani

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#19 Post by swiss1 »

Ok, so I'm officially braced , yey!! :jump: , even if it's just the top arch for now. I've been waiting sooooo long for this, it still hasn;t quite sunk in yet!! I went home for Christmas and New Year, and started the countdown of the last couple of weeks before b-day in earnest. This morning I was really nervous before going in. Last minute thoughts like, 'what am I doing?!', 'I don't really have to go through with it!', were racing through my mind. Silly really given I had 2 premolars extracted from the top arch about 5 weeks ago. Like I was going to stay with 2 gaping holes in my mouth!! :GapToothed:

Once i was in the chair, the nerves were still there and I got so annoyed with myself, thinking if all those kids out there in the waiting room can do it, surely I can?! So I tried my hardest to stop being a wimp. The assistant did her best to put me at ease, and it was quite quick really, especially as I just had the top arch put on. I got ceramics (not sure which ones) on the top social 6, then there's the gap from my premolar extraction on each side, then my 2nd premolars are wired up across the gap to the canines. They didn;t attach the arch wire all the way to the molars with the molar bands as my ortho said it would be too painful right now. The 2 banded molars on each side are wired together, and I guess they'll be connected to the archwire in my first adjustment in 6 weeks. The wire is a bit of a rollercoaster :oops: - as others have said, you don';t realise how wonky your teeth are until the archwire highlights the wonkiness in all its glory! Oh well, I didn't feel too :paperbag: when walking out of the surgery. I was just sooo happy to finally be braced.

I'm getting used to the feeling slowly, although when I smile, my top lip catches on the canine bracket a bit. It doesn't hurt, just looks funny :? So far not too much pain, just a bit of a dull ache really. When I look at my teeth in the mirror, although they're braced I really can;t imagine them moving at all......has anyone else had this feeling :?: Maybe it's because I'm so used to seeing me the way I am, that the thought of seeing anything different just doesn';t seem feasible......hmmm. Well, I hope I'm wrong and there'll be movement soon.........Wish me luck :HugeGrin:


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#20 Post by GracieG. »

Swiss-I am going through the same feelings you did when you went to get braces! I am getting braced tomorrow morning, and while I am excited about it, I'm also thinking what am I doing to myself?? I'm sort of freaking out right now, looking at my teeth in the mirror and thinking this is the last day that I am ever going to see this particular smile again-one I have had for as long as I can remember..I guess maybe it's a love/hate relationship! It will definitely be worth it in the end! Good luck on your journey! We'll definitely have to stay in touch to compare how our treatments are going..being that we're 1 day apart in this whole process! :D

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#21 Post by swiss1 »

Thanks Karen, Linda and GracieG for all your encouragement! :-1

Karen, thanks as usual for your words of wisdom! I know that patience is the key, but is not one of my stronger virtues so I'm working on it! But the positive attitude is definitely there, am really excited now it's all kicked off :D

Linda,I'm not sure when the bottom premolars are being extracted. I think my ortho wants to see how the top arch progresses first. The top arch also needs to make some room before the bottom can be braced, as one of my font teeth needs to be pulled out a bit, otherwise it would hit the bottom bracket too much. I know I keep saying I'll get photos up here, as it will be much clearer for you to see. I'm out of batteries for my camera but will try to sort something out soon.

GracieG, don't lose heart and keep up the courage long enough to see this through. I can totally understand the doubts you may have about the treatment - and reading other posts it's amazing (but rather comforting) at how common this fear/doubt seems to be. I think it's only normal - it is after all a big commitment that will lead to big changes. But for me, I think the pysching myself up has been the biggest hurdle of all. Now the brace is on, I just have to sit back, (try to) relax, and enjoy the journey...........reading back that kinda sounds like an airline commercial! Anyway, I hope all goes well today for you, and look forward to hearing how it went. Good luck :thumbsup:

PS - quick question for anyone out there with clear ligs - which foods do you find stain the most? How about tomatoes (both cooked and raw?)


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#22 Post by sjsarre »

Hi Swiss1

Welcome to the bracket club! Tomato's don't stain. The only thing i've found that does stain is cumin - so most curry dishes :( Especially sag aloo! Oh and if you like singapore rice noodles from the chinese then they do stain aswell.

Other than that i've eaten most things and as long as you use a good toothpaste. I use blanx and use it after a meal where you know it will stain, it will reduce the staining quite alot!

I always make sure I have the "staining" food as a treat just before an adjustment!


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#23 Post by swiss1 »

Here are some pics, finally!, so that you can see the issues, and hopefully my posts will make a bit more sense.

Teeth before: Image Upper arch before: Image Lower arch before: Image

Teeth 4 days into braces: Image Upper arch (you can see the premolar extracion gaps): Image

That's it for now. The pressure pain has subsided since the brace went on, but it's weird as it seems to be hardest to chew in the mornings for some reason.....haven't quite worked that one out yet! :?


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#24 Post by swiss1 »

Here are some pics, finally!, so that you can see the issues, and hopefully my posts will make a bit more sense.

Teeth before: Image Upper arch before: Image Lower arch before: Image

Teeth 4 days into braces: Image Upper arch (you can see the premolar extracion gaps): Image

That's it for now. The pressure pain has subsided since the brace went on, but it's weird as it seems to be hardest to chew in the mornings for some reason.....haven't quite worked that one out yet! :?
Last edited by swiss1 on Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.


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#25 Post by antsika »

Nice pics swiss1! They will be great for comparison later.
I had also both the upper 4th teeth extracted, it will be interesting to see how your extractions sites are closing.
It is interesting about chewing, I haven't noticed that yet, maybe because I hardly ever have breakfast :)

Upper and lower Evolution linguals
B-day: 30. 06. 2006
Treatment time app. 2 years

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#26 Post by SimInsomniac »

Those are nice pictures, swiss1. You'll see lots of changes in no time, I'm sure!

Maybe it's worse in the morning because you might clench your teeth in your sleep. I certainly do and I often wake up with slight soreness in my jaw. It will improve with time and it will be as if they aren't there, apart from the food getting caught. :lol:

Good luck, and here's to progress! :D

Damon 3 braces for 22.5 months.
30th August 2005 - 13th July 2007


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#27 Post by swiss1 »

Thanks so much everyone for your encouragements! :-1 I have no regrets at all 1 week in, and am actually enjoying smiling for once! Comments at work have been really positive (or just absent...), and my pupils especially have been very encouraging. The pressure/pain has gone, but my top lip is really rough and chapped - has anyone else found this happens at the beginning as your top lip gets used to rubbing against the brackets? I guess plenty of lip balm is the solution. Other than that, all is A1! :D

Some good news is that I'm accompanying some of our pupils on a humanitarian trip to India in about 3 weeks. During the trip, we'll be taking loads of photos of the work we do to show the rest of the school when we get back. I'm not that bothered about minor staining to ligs, but I was wondering what the best plan of action is given that curry is probably going to be our staple diet there. I don't really want gross yellow ligs for the duration of the 2 week trip, don't want to scare the locals!! :shock: Has anyone got any suggestions? I have clear ligs at the moment and was thinking about getting grey ligs (do they stain badly?) before I go, then replace them when I get back. Does curry stain the ligs immediately, or if you brush your teeth straight after dcan you stop the stain from 'setting' as it were? I know this might sound like a silly question, but we're away for a decent length of time and it would be nice to enjoy the trip without worrying about a gross grin :oops:


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#28 Post by swiss1 »

It's been a while since I've posted :-1 , and given today was my first adjustment I thought I'd mark the occasion with a couple of comparison pics. The adjustment went fine. I got a new wire, a stronger one that is a single wire. My first one was made of 3 wires twisted together (apparently) which makes it more supple. The new one is rigid and should put more pressure on my teeth. My ortho said I may need to have some of the brackets repositioned later - I think my teeth were so out of line at the start that it was quite hard to get the exact bracket positioning for all the teeth straight off.

Things have been fine over the last 6 weeks since my top brace went on. I've just returned from India with some school pupils, and we had an amazing trip teaching Indian school children. A very humbling experience. Most of these kids have nothing at all, and yet they are beaming from ear to ear. Only joy and laughter - just magical to see. Thanks, karen, for your ligature suggestions! I went with wire ties in the end, and they were great - I ate curry twice a day for 2 weeks, and no stains at all. I will defintely use them again if I intend to indulge in certain 'banned' foods!

I didn;t take any photos until today, as I wanted to give my teeth the maximum time to move. Here are some snaps of Day 1, and of today which is about 6 weeks in. I think there has been some movement - it certainly feels that way anyway, and my teeth are quite sore tonight with the new wire, but hopefully it's doing its thing.

I have another adjustment in 4 weeks' time - maybe for another archwire, not sure. Will keep you posted!



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#29 Post by joney »

Hi swiss1
I think there has been some movement
That is quite an understatement. Your teeth have moved a lot; I am pleased for you.

I'm glad you had a good trip to India, it sounds like a fantastic experience.

I got a new wire yesterday too and my teeth feel a bit tender today and my next appointment is in 4 weeks time also!

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#30 Post by platinum »

They have moved a whole lot!!!
Your teeth have moved a lot! Are your front teeth wobly?

When do you get your lower braces?

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